Voice 2: Lesley tells Gasto that she forgives him. It is a difficult part of the film to watch. It was even more difficult for Lesley to do. Anatolie was a young woman - a good friend. But Lesley feels that continued anger and hate can only lead to more anger and hate. Lesley said,
声音2:莱斯莉对加斯图说,她原谅他 。这是观看这部影片时最艰难的部分 。而莱斯莉选择原谅是更加困难的事 。安娜托丽娅在死亡时还是名年轻女性,而且又是她的好朋友 。但是莱斯莉认为,持续不断的愤怒和仇恨只会引发更多的愤怒和仇恨 。莱斯莉说,
Voice 3: "Part of me felt sick at what he was telling me. But another part of me also felt, I suppose, pity for him. I felt sad for him. He has to live with what he has done for the rest of his life."
声音3:“我一方面对他告诉我的事感到难过 。另一方面又感觉,我应该怜悯他 。我为他感到悲哀 。他余生都要带着他曾犯下的罪行活下去 。”
Voice 1: In the film Gasto thanks Lesley for visiting him. Lesley is not sure if Gasto is really happy to receive her forgiveness. Lesley believes that forgiveness and peacemaking is the only way forward for the people of Rwanda.
声音1:在影片中,加斯图感谢莱斯莉来看他 。莱斯莉不确定加斯图是否为得到她的原谅感到开心 。莱斯莉认为,宽恕以及和平是卢旺达人民唯一的前进方向 。