Voice 1: But Lesley's happy life soon changed. Charles seemed increasingly worried. His happy nature had disappeared. Now he was tense, quiet and serious. Lesley asked him what was wrong. Charles told her that for many years there had been conflict between the Hutu tribe and the Tutsi tribe. Tutsis and Hutus are the two main ethnic groups in Rwanda. Charles was Tutsi. He was worried about possible violence.
声音1:但是莱斯莉的幸福生活很快就发生了变化 。查尔斯似乎越来越担心 。他那生性快乐的态度消失了 。他变得越来越紧张、安静和严肃 。莱斯莉问他发生了什么事 。查尔斯告诉她,多年来胡图族和图西族之间冲突不断 。图西族和胡图族是卢旺达的两大主要族群 。查尔斯是图西族 。他担心可能会发生暴力事件 。
Voice 2: Lesley says that she did not really understand the problems between the tribes. Some of them were very complex. But she knew that each tribe had its reasons to hate the other. In 1994 Lesley travelled to visit her family in Scotland. She did not know at the time that she would not see her husband again.
声音2:莱斯莉说,她当时并没有真正理解两大部族之间的问题 。有一些问题极为复杂 。但是她知道每个部族仇恨其他部族都是有原因的 。1994年,莱斯莉回苏格兰探望家人 。她当时不知道她再也见不到她的丈夫了 。