We use this every day as a stand-in for love and the human heart.
我们每天都会用这个图形来代表爱或者心脏 。
But it doesn't look like the real thing.
但真正的心脏其实并不是这个形状 。
Zackary Crokett at Priceonomics has looked into the history of this.
Priceonomics的Zackary Crokett研究过这一形状演变的历史 。
He says that there are relics resembling the heart shape from 3000 BC.
他说,公元前3000年的许多文物都是心形 。
But these shapes stood for ivy or fig leaves, not the heart.
然而,这些形状代表的并非心脏,而是常春藤或无花果树的叶子 。
It wasn’t until several centuries later that the heart became a symbol representing “love.”
几个世纪后,心脏才真正成为“爱”的象征 。
But the problem was, they didn’t really know what the heart looked like...
partially because the Catholic church prohibited autopsies.
一定程度上是因为天主教禁止尸体解剖 。
So when artists tried to draw the heart as a symbol of love, like in this French manuscript from 1250...it looked like this.
所以,当画家试图用心脏来代表爱时,就比如1250年的这份法国手稿中......他们就把心脏画成了这个样子 。
By the time detailed anatomical drawings appeared, like those of Leonardo Da Vinci in the early 16th century, the simplified symbol had already taken root.
到十六世纪初莱昂纳多·达芬奇的画等比较详细的解剖图出现的时候,之前那种简化的心形已经深入人心了 。
It became a popular image in Catholic symbolism as well as secular things like decks of cards.
心形成了天主教象征以及纸牌之类的俗世物品的一个常用图形 。
Eventually New York City’s 1977 campaign turned the heart symbol into a verb, "I love New York!" replacing the word "love".
纽约市1977年的广告运动还将心形变成了一个动词,用来替代“我爱纽约!”里的“爱”这个单词 。
Now it's used in everything romantic: Valentine's Day cards, emojis, chocolate.
如今,浪漫已经离不开心形了:情人节贺卡,表情,巧克力 。
But you can also find it in video games, on twitter, and in ads for heart healthy food.
连视频游戏、推特以及心脏健康食品广告中也能看到这个形状 。
It might be a poor likeness for the human heart, but that’s what makes it such an enduring and versatile symbol.
虽然心形和心脏的相似度并不是很高,但也正是因为如此,它才成了一个如此恒久而万能的标志 。