For most people, when they drink alcohol, it can make them feel more confident and comfortable.
对于大多数人来说,喝酒能让他们感觉更自信,更舒服 。
But for me, drinking makes me feel less confident and UNcomfortable.
但对我来说,喝酒反而会让我感觉不自信,不舒服 。
That’s because, thanks to my DNA, alcohol makes my skin turn red.
这是因为由于我DNA的特殊性,酒精会使我的皮肤变红 。
It’s called Asian flush, and it affects about 36% percent of Northeast Asians, with higher rates among Asian Americans.
这种现象叫作“亚洲红脸症”,约有36%的东北亚人会有这种症状,亚裔美国人中的比例则更高 。
I guess We should probably show you what it looks like.
我想,或许我们应该让你们见识一下什么是“亚洲红脸症”了 。
For Science. For Science.Are we slamming this? What's happening?
为了科学 。为了科学 。 我们是要一口闷吗?到底什么情况?
Umm. If I knew I'm gonna to take pictures,then I would drink less until these pictures are over and then I will go back to normal pace.
呃,如果我知道要拍照的话,拍照之前我就会少喝点,拍完再放开喝 。
People tend to assume that a red face means that we’re drunk but that’s a myth.
人们往往认为脸红就意味着我们喝醉了,但这只是一个传说 。
These are completely separate processes.
脸红和喝醉完全是两码事 。
Facial flushing, whether from embarrassment, exercise, or alcohol, happens when blood vessels under the surface of the skin dilate.
无论是因为尴尬、锻炼还是酒精,皮肤下的血管扩张就会导致脸红 。
In the case of Asian flush, this is part of an immune response.
亚洲红脸症其实也是一种免疫反应 。
The body is detecting a threat.
身体检测到了威胁 。
The threat isn’t the alcohol itself, but a substance that our livers produce while breaking down alcohol.
但威胁并非酒精本身,而是我们的肝脏在分解酒精时产生的物质 。
For me at least, the warmth starts in my chest and then moves its way up. My cheeks are warm, my ears are warm.
就我个人而言,首先是我的胸口开始发热,接下来这种感觉会往上走 。 我的脸会很热,耳朵也是 。
It’s weird, it’s almost like my eyes are almost puffy. Well, I do feel like they get puffy.
奇怪的是我的眼睛会有浮肿的感觉 。是的,我也会有眼睛浮肿的感觉 。
When people drink ethanol - that’s the chemical name for booze - the liver gets rid of it using two main enzymes.
人体摄入乙醇- 酒的化学名称 -时,肝脏会用两种主要的酶来分解它 。
The first reacts with the ethanol molecule to produce a substance called acetaldehyde.
第一种与乙醇分子反应,产生所谓的“乙醛” 。
And the second quickly turns acetaldehyde into acetate, which is similar to vinegar, and easy for the body to eliminate.
第二种酶则迅速将乙醛转化为乙酸,乙酸跟醋差不多,而且更容易从人体中释放出去 。
It’s that second enzyme that really screws things up for people with Asian flush.
就是这第二种酶让“亚洲红脸症”人群倒霉的 。
If you look inside our DNA, you’ll find that the gene providing the instructions for that enzyme was tweaked at some point in our history.
仔细研究我们的DNA,我们会发现转化该酶的基因在我们生命中的某个时刻被调整了 。
And that gene mutation produces an inactive enzyme.
这一基因突变产生的酶活性差 。
So when we drink our bodies accumulate acetaldehyde at a level about 6 times higher than normal.
所以,喝酒的时候,我们的身体会积聚比正常水平高出6倍的乙醛 。
If acetaldehyde sounds familiar, that may be because it’s similar to formaldehyde. It’s toxic.
如果大家觉得乙醛听起来很熟悉,那可能是因为它与甲醛相似,它也是有毒的 。
that's why it triggers the immune response.
所以才会触发免疫反应 。
And the red face is really the least of it.
事实上,脸红还是最次要的 。
After having that one beer, I didn’t feel tipsy at all, but my heart rate doubled.
喝了那杯啤酒,我根本没有醉意,但我的心率翻了一番 。
My eyes were bloodshot, and within a half hour, I had a headache.
我的眼睛也充血了,不到半小时,我又开始头痛了 。
Even worse, acetaldehyde can cause cancer.
更糟糕的是,乙醛还会致癌 。
It’s a problem because people actually can develop a tolerance to Asian flush, and that allows them to drink pretty heavily.
问题是,人们可以锻炼对“亚洲红脸症”的耐受性,这样一来,有些人就会越喝越多 。
Studies have shown that heavy drinking raises the risk of esophageal cancer for everyone, but especially for people with Asian flush.
研究表明,大量饮酒会增加大家,尤其是患有亚洲红脸症的人,患食管癌的风险 。
So it’s potentially problematic that alcohol consumption in Asia has been increasing, especially in China.
所以,亚洲,特别是中国的酒类消费一直在增加可能是个问题 。
So if you have Asian flush, be careful - your body is freaking out for a reason.
所以,如果你也有亚洲红脸症,那你可要当心了 - 你的身体是不会无缘无故地反常的 。
And if you don’t flush, well, just don’t expect us to keep up with you.
如果没有这种症状,那你就别指望和我们拼酒量 。
And also you don't have to bring it up every time, like, you know, I know that I would turn red, thank you.
而且,你也不用每次都说,就好像,你懂的,我知道我脸会变红,谢谢 。
I know this, thanks, awesome.
我知道了,谢谢,高明 。