Anonymous, you've probably heard of them.
“匿名者”,你可能听说过他们 。
They're the group of online activists that carry out cyber ops to advance social and political change.
这是一群活跃的意图通过各种网络行动来推动社会和政治变革的网民 。
And sometimes, they need a lawyer, a really good lawyer.
有时候,他们就需要律师,而且是一流的律师帮他们打官司 。
At first glance, Jay Leiderman seems like a regular guy.
乍一看, 杰伊·莱德曼看起来也就是个普通人 。
He lives in the suburbs, drives a fast car, and is a self-professed Deadhead.
住郊区,飙车,还自称“死头” 。
Oh, and he loves whisky.
对了,他还喜欢威士忌 。
But there's more to Jay's story than immediately meets the eye.
然而,杰伊的故事远不止大家眼前看到的这些 。
When Jay sits down at the computer, he's anything but average.
只要杰伊坐在电脑跟前,他就不再是普通人了 。
I represent accused cyber criminals, many of whom are either affiliated with Anonymous or closely related groups.
我替被指控的网络罪犯辩护,他们很多人要么直属于匿名者,要么来自于与该组织有密切联系的其他组织 。
And it all started with a tweet.
然而,这一切还要从一条推特说起 。
I sent out a couple tweets giving attention to the fact that I would take a pro bono case.
我发了几条推文,提示大家我愿意接一个无偿援助案件 。
The next morning, there was an email in my inbox from Commander X.
第二天早上,我就收到了X司令的邮件 。
Commander X, a prominent member of the hacktivist group Anonymous.
他是黑客组织Anonymous里响当当的人物 。
Commander X was the first hacktivist I represented.
X司令是我辩护的第一个黑客 。
Once he felt that I was his lawyer, he determined unilaterally that I was the lawyer for Anonymous.
他一认可我是他的律师,就单方面决定我当Anonymous整个组织的律师了 。
There are a number of encrypted chat-type programs that I would prefer to use.
他们有很多我都很喜欢的加密聊天软件 。
I like to keep the NSA guessing with which method of communication I'm going to use
with the idea that perhaps they can't monitor them all at once.
想着他们应该不能一次性全部监控到吧 。
When someone contacts me, and I do not know who they are,
it's the most beautiful, purest form of conversation, because there is absolutely no judgement on anything.
这是最美丽,最纯粹的谈话形式,因为这样就不存在任何偏见了 。
Over the computer, everyone is equal.
在网上,每个人都是平等的 。
One of the hardest things about representing Anonymous is working around digital laws that were written decades ago.
做匿名者的律师最大的挑战是要围绕数十年前撰写的数字法律开展工作 。
His main gripe is with the CFAA, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
他主要担心的是CFAA,即《计算机欺诈和滥用法案》 。
The penalties are outrageous. It's a bad law. It's a broken law.
这个法案规定的处罚太过激了,这部法律很糟糕,是一部破碎的法律 。
It's not something that fits with today's technology.
也不符合现如今的技术要求 。
Sharing your Netflix password with your friends, that could be a federal crime.
和朋友分享你自己的Netflix密码都可能被判定为触犯了联邦法律 。
I hope that by helping hacktivists, by pursuing these cases in the courts,
by continuing to keep the issues alive in the media, that we can enact some degree of change.
通过让媒体跟踪报道这些问题,我们可以带动一定程度的变化 。
I hope it's not just a few of us crazies running through the wilderness.
但愿我们不要变成几个独自穿越荒野的疯子 。