I see my work as woven into the fabric of cities.
在我看来,我的作品已经融入城市的脉络 。
These soft fibers move and adapt to wind and light and rain, and they are a way of being;
they are about interconnectedness.
它们在表达一种关联性 。
I'm Janet Echelman, I'm an artist.
我是Janet Echelman,我是一名艺术家 。
I bring sculpture and form and light into the public realm,
so that we can literally change the spaces that we live in, in cities.
以便我们可以真正改造我们所在的城市空间 。
My sculpture has traveled to five continents.
我的编织作品遍布五个大洲 。
It takes an incredible team to create one of these sculptures.
创作这些织物中的任何一件作品都需要一支强大的团队 。
I am working with computer scientists and artisans, and aeronautical and structural engineers all over the world.
我的同事包括自世界各地的计算机科学家、工匠、航空工程师以及结构工程师 。
This part is hanging the way we want it to hang, down there.
这里的垂吊效果就是我们想要的效果,就是那种垂吊的感觉 。
My studio is where we incubate ideas.
我们的创意都是在我的工作室里孵化出来的 。
Some of my newest work, I'm using data sets from science, whether it's human action or an earthquake and tsunami to reveal our relationship with the world;
and then I just start sketching, whether it's with a pen or paintbrush.
之后我才开始画素描,有时用钢笔,有时也会用画笔画 。
Then we start to model it in three dimensions in the computer,
and we also make physical models.
我们也会制作物理模型 。
They begin as raw fiber that is braided into twine and rope,
put on to bobbins, and loomed using machines, and the ropes are spliced by hand.
然后绕到绕线筒上,用机器进行编织,最后手工给它们加固 。
To take the work and install it in the city is a whole 'nother set of artistry.
把这些织物运到某个城市并悬挂起来又是一门完整的艺术 。
The piecce comes together as a single sewn garment for the city.
整体来看,一件织物就是一件精心缝制的城市外衣 。
My work is about the dynamic nature of life, and it's always unfolding.
我工作的宗旨是生命在乎动且始终都在动的本质 。
During the day the colors of the sculpture change slightly as sunlight changes.
白天,织物的颜色会随着阳光的变化而略有变化 。
At night I'm projecting colored light that is very slowly, gradually changing.
到了晚上,投射到织物上的灯光徐徐变色 。
It's never the same piece,
and you and the person you come to see it with might have completely different experiences.
即便是你和同伴同时看,你们获得的也可能是迥然不同的两种体验 。
The work invites people to engage with it.
我的作品欢迎大家主动发挥想象,主动去体验 。