When you put on a hat, it gives you height, and it gives you power.
帽子不仅能增高,还能给你力量 。
For us, church hats are not just hats. They are crowns.
在我们看来,教堂帽不仅仅是帽子,也是王冠 。
and when a woman puts one on, she becomes a queen.
戴上教堂帽,女人就成了女王 。
My name is Evetta Petty. I'm Kathy Anderson. And I am Wanda Chambers.
我是Evetta Petty,我是Kathy Anderson 。我是Wanda Chambers
We've been making hats for more than 20 years.
我们做帽子已经做了20多年了 。
A church hat is a very special hat. Especially in the African American community.
教堂帽不是一顶普通的帽子,尤其是在非裔美国人圈子里 。
As a child growing up in the south, in the 60s, we always wore hats.
作为上个世纪60年代在南方长大的孩子,我们平时都会戴帽子 。
Sunday is the one day, historically, that we had a chance, and we step out in our Sunday best.
从历史来看,礼拜天是我们有机会穿着最好的礼拜服出去的时候 。
I don't believe that church hats are a thing of the past.
我不觉得教堂外已经过时 。
I have noticed that the younger generation is taking on the tradition of wearing hats.
我注意到,年轻人开始走复古路线,开始戴帽子了 。
It makes me happy to see a younger woman with a hat on her head
because I know that she's still carrying on the tradition.
因为我知道她还在传承着传统文化 。
I come from a long line of church hat wearing women. Everyone wore a hat.
我们是一个戴帽子的女性群体,我们每个人都戴 。
It was a parade, it was colors, it was magic.
这是一种炫耀,是色彩的绽放,也是魔法 。
When you go to church and you step in, and you see all of your sisters wear hats on,
we all be eyeing each other and under our breaths saying, boy, that's a really gorgeous hat.
我们会互相打量,心想,哇,她的帽子真漂亮啊 。
So it's wonderful to be in a room filled with women with hats on.
And each one of us look absolutely amazing in our own right.
那种感觉特别好 。