When you get to space, because you're in a zero G environment, some really funky things happen to your body.
进入太空以后,因为大家身处在一个失重的环境里,你的身体就会发生一些有趣的变化 。
I grew an inch.
我的身高增加了一英尺 。
Right now, I'm 5'11” but in space I was six-feet tall.
我现在身高是一米八,在太空里我的身高是一米八三 。
On the ground, gravity compresses your spine, it pulls you down, the force factor going down.
站在地球上,重力会压迫你的脊椎让你变矮,因为重力的方向是向下的 。
In space, without gravity pulling your spine down,
every vertebrae has a chance to move up, which gives you your extra inch of height.
每个椎骨都有机会上移,从而使得你的身高增加一英尺 。
After my spine elongated, when I went to bed on the first night, I felt some back pain, some lower back pain,
脊椎增长之后的第一天夜里,我就感觉到我的背,我的腰有点儿痛 。
and so I actually curled up to kind of alleviate that pain, to kind of stretch it out even more.
我不得不蜷缩起来,让脊椎舒展一些来缓解疼痛 。
A few other ways the body can change in space are the heart gets smaller and changes shape
because it's not having to pump as hard to pull the blood up from your feet,
'cause now things are just floating and working inside your body so it's pumping easier,
therefore the muscle walls actually changes the shape and they get smaller.
心脏的心肌就会变形,心脏才会缩小 。
Without gravity, your bones, they change shape and they lose calcium, and they become more brittle.
没有了重力,你的骨头也会变形,还会因为钙质的流失而变脆 。
So, we run on a treadmill that you strap yourself down to
and you run on the treadmill to actually give loads into your bones to keep them from atrophying and losing bone density or calcium.
你跑啊跑,让你的骨头承受一定的压力,从而预防它们萎缩,预防骨密度变小或者钙质的流失 。
For some people in space, your intracranial pressure changes with pushes on your eyeball and that changes its shape,
therefore requiring you to wear glasses in space, so it effects your vision.
所以就需要戴眼镜,也就是说,太空的环境对视力也有影响 。
So, we keep different prescriptions of glasses on board just in case someone's vision changes.
所以我们会准备好各个度数的眼镜以防某些人视力发生变化 。
Any changes in our bodies and anything that happens in space, it's worth it for the spirit of exploration.
即便到了太空我们的身体会发生变化,我们会遇到各种各样的情况,但为了探索精神,太空仍然是值得我们冒险的 。