In 1927 Time Magazine took a survey of all the major department stores across the country.
They wanted to know which colors they associated with girls in their clothing lines.
看看商场在服装上是把哪些颜色和女孩联系在一起的 。
The answers came back pretty mixed.
最后他们收到的反馈是众说纷纭 。
There's also a catalogue in 1918 that suggests that little girls should all wear blue
because it's a delicate and dainty color.
因为蓝色不仅柔和,而且雅致 。
That’s Jennifer Wright, she’s an author and often writes about history and fashion for Racked.
解说的是Jennifer Wright,她是一名作家,经常给《波纹》杂志的历史和时尚栏目供稿 。
It was only after the war that pink got the symbolic association that we have today.
二战结束后,人们才开始将粉色与女性气质等同起来 。
In 1953, Dwight Eisenhower, the general who won World War II, becomes president
1953年,在二战中打了胜战的德怀特·艾森豪威尔将军当上了美国总统 。
and this actually turns out to be a pretty important moment in the history of pink.
事实上,这一事件也成了粉红色历史上的一个重大时间点 。
It was Ike's inauguration and Mamie Eisenhower came out in this enormous rhinestone-studded pink ballgown,
the likes of which you never would've seen during the war when women were wearing much simpler styles.
她对粉色的这种喜爱与战时妇女们穿的那种款式简单的工装形成了鲜明的对比 。
Mamie Eisenhower loved the color pink, and she was known for it.
我们都知道,粉色是玛米·艾森豪威尔最爱的颜色 。
She thought that the pink really brought our her complexion.
她觉得粉色能提亮她的肤色 。
She had really pretty blue eyes, it was a nice contrast.
她有一双迷人的蓝眼睛,和粉色的衣服相映成辉 。
In fact, a quick search of newspaper headlines mentioning Mamie Eisenhower
also reference the color pink pretty frequently.
这些头条也频繁提到了粉色 。
And it wasn’t just called pink, it was called “Mamie pink”.
而且,他们用的词还仅仅是粉色,还是“玛米粉” 。
And she went around giving quotes like "Ike runs the country, I turn the pork chops."
第一夫人还多次说过,“艾克负责治理国家,我负责炸猪排 。”
But yeah, it was a very arbitrary decision that she just loved pink
and everybody else decided, OK this is the color that lady-like women wear.
There's a great song in Funny Face called "Think Pink."
Where the lady editor of the magazine who is very much based off of Diana Vreeland
sings about how women in America today have gotta think pink.
就在歌中唱到,全美国的女性都应该拥有粉色思维 。
And there's a great line in it where she says "banish the black, burn the blue,"
which are two colors the women would've seen a lot of during the war years.
而这两种颜色正是战争年间女性最常穿的颜色 。
Around this time, pink became a popular color, not only in just women's clothing, but also in the home.
就是那段时间,粉色变成了一种流行色,不仅仅是女性服饰,连家装也流行粉色 。
This was something a lot of women liked, by the way, it wasn't seen as a terribly oppressive thing.
很多女性都喜欢粉色,因为这种颜色能让自己显得不那么具有威胁性 。
But, there were definitely women like Diana Vreeland who didn't really want to revert to those traditional roles.
不过,戴安娜·弗里兰那种并不是真正想颠覆传统(不是真心喜欢粉色)的女性也大有人在 。
It was at this point where you start to see the color pink representing women real and fictional who were anything but traditional.
就是在这个时候,大家开始用粉色来代指那些在现实生活和虚构作品中颠覆传统的女性 。
The champion racecar driver Donna Mae Mims is a really good example of this.
第一个获得美国赛车俱乐部大赛冠军的女车手Donna Mae Mim就是一个很好的例子 。
She had a pink uniform and a pink helmet and a pink racecar.
她的衣服、头盔乃至座驾都是粉色 。
There's the pink ladies in Grease and the Plastics in Mean Girls.
The girls who are incredibly canny and kind of terrifying, brightly explain "On Wednesday, we wear pink".
就是那群看着人畜无害实际上颇为厉害的女孩儿,她们也曾欢快地宣称“周三我们要穿粉色 。”
There's a great cover of Hillary Clinton on the cover of People magazine wearing a bright pink jacket
希拉里也曾穿着红色外套登上过《人物》杂志的封面 。
and the caption next to it is how we need to break the highest, hardest glass ceiling as women.
So she's pretty much doing the opposite of what Mamie Eisenhower wanted to do.
与多年前玛米倡导的理念可谓截然相反 。
This isn't just about the color pink,
it's about how it's used to define a person's personality and what we think they're capable of.
还有颜色是如何被人们用来定义一个人的性格和能力的问题 。
She still wants to show people that "really, I'm just a girl, just like you."
现在,希拉里还是想告诉大家,“我只是一个女孩儿,跟大家并没有什么两样” 。