There are a lot of ways to take a picture of yourself.
自拍的方式各种各样 。
But if you look carefully, something's not quite right about your close-ups.
但仔细观察,大家就会发现你们的特写有点不对劲 。
Selfies can make our faces look weird and it's changing the way we see ourselves,
and the decisions we make about our facial features.
以及我们对自己面部特征的态度 。
A lot of people think their nose looks big in selfies and it's driving them to get nosejobs.
很多人都觉得自拍的时候自己的鼻子显得很大,有人甚至为此去做整形手术 。
A 2017 poll found that 55% of facial plastic surgeons saw patients who wanted surgeries to make them look better in selfies.
2017年一项调查发现,整容群体中有55%的人都是为了让自己在自拍时更好看而整容的 。
That was an increase of 13% from 2016.
这一比例相比2016年上升了13% 。
But those complaints are often due to a distortion created by the distance between a camera and a subject.
然而,这些不满通常都是因为相机和拍照人之间的距离被手机扭曲了 。
This is what a portrait looks like from five feet away.
And this is what it looks like from one foot away, about the distance that most people are taking selfies.
距离0.3米就变成了这样,而这一距离是大多数人自拍时相机和人之间的距离 。
That's a huge difference in facial structures, especially the nose.
两张照片的面部特征出现了巨大的差异,尤其是鼻子 。
A team of researchers found that taking a photo from one foot away,
makes the base of the nose look about 30% larger and the tip look 7% larger, than they would from a further distance.
会比从更远距离之外拍照时鼻基底变大30%,鼻头变大7% 。
From five feet away, your features are flattened. From a foot, your nose is exaggerated.
从一米五远的地方拍照,你的面部特征会被扁平化,而从0.3米的地方拍照,你的鼻子会被夸大 。
So the parts of your face that are close to the camera, look bigger than they actually are.
总而言之,距离镜头越近的地方看上去就会越大 。
It's as if the nose is in the foreground and the ears are in the background, instead of being on the same plane.
就好像鼻子成了前景,耳朵成了背景,而不是位于同一平面上 。
For now, long arms and selfie sticks are your best bet.
所以从现在开始,较长的手臂或者自拍杆才是大家自拍时最好的选择 。
But phone camera software might one day be able to alter images with a treatment that simulates the effect of a distant camera.
但手机拍照软件或许有一天能够加入远距离拍照的效果来帮我们修图 。
Researchers at Princeton created a tool that can manipulate the position and distance between a camera and the subject, after the photo was taken.
普林斯顿的研究员研发了一种工具,能够在拍照之后修改相机和拍照人的位置和距离 。
So a close-up selfie like this, can be made to look like it's taken at a more flattering, natural distance.
所以像这样的近距离自拍也能被修成像是在更自然更合适的距离拍出来的照片 。
It's not perfect, but a version of this technology could help design the right tool for a forward-facing camera,
one that will make our selfies feel more like us.
让我们的自拍看上去更逼真 。