February 17th 1992, In Milwaukee, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer receives his series of life sentences for his grisly string of murders.
1992年2月17日在密尔沃基,系列杀人犯杰夫瑞·达莫因一系列谋杀案被判终身监禁 。
Dahmer had admitted to killing 17 young men and boys, some of whom he had mutilated and cannibalized.
他承认杀害17名青少年男子,许多受害者遭到肢解和食用 。
Just a few years later, Danhmer has beaten to death by a fellow inmate behind bars.
几年后,达莫被狱友打死 。
1801 In Washington, the House of Representatives breaks in an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.
1801年在华盛顿,众议院产生最终结果,此次选举将在托马斯·杰弗逊和阿伦·伯尔之间产生 。
The House chooses Jefferson to be America's third president, Burr became his vice president.
众议院选择杰弗逊为美国第三届总统,伯尔为副总统 。
1996, world chess champion Garry Kasparov beats Deep Blue, the IBM Super Computer in the 6-game-match in Philadelphia.
1996年在费城,国际象棋冠军加里·卡斯帕罗夫在六盘大战中战胜了IBM超级计算机“蓝色巨人” 。
I knew that I could learn much better, because my opponent would need more time to learn, and to come back with a really sophisticated counterstrategy.
我学习的技能要更好一些,我的对手需要更长的时间学习,之后才能运用复杂战术 。
The following year, Kasparov loses to Deep Blue in a rematch.
第二年,卡斯帕罗夫输给了“蓝色巨人” 。
1963, I'm not afraid to take on a challenge. I'm not afraid to take a step. And if I fall, I fall. I pick myself up and move on.
1963年,我不害怕面对挑战,我不害怕采取行动,如果我失败了,我会站起来继续 。
Michael Jordan, one of pro-basketball's greatest all-time players is born in Brooklyn, New York.
史上最著名的职业篮球运动员出生在纽约布鲁克林 。
And 1976, Take it easy, take it easy.
1976年,放轻松,放轻松 。
The Eagles released Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 album, still the best-selling album in the US ever.
老鹰乐队推出《1971-1975最火爆歌曲》专辑,它依然是美国史上最畅销的专辑 。
Today in History. February 17th, Bryant Thomas, the Associated Press.
以上是2月17日《历史上的今天》,美联社布莱特·托马斯为您播报 。