You often hear the famous phrase, 'you learn something new every day', right?
Well, what if I told you that your mind warps new ideas to fit with your older beliefs?
Now, don't get me wrong, you are learning new things every day that help shape you as a person.
不要会错意,大家每天都在学习新的知识来帮助塑造你的人格 。
Sometimes you feel confident in these new things you've learned;
however, we can't avoid sometimes falling under the Dunning-Kruger effect, a cognitive bias.
但有时候我们无法避免落入邓宁-克鲁格效应,一种认知偏差 。
Not sure what this is? Well, the Dunning-Kruger effect is when people with very little knowledge on a topic tend to significantly overestimate themselves;
while more intelligent people underestimate their knowledge.
而有能力的人总会低估自己 。
As an example, have you ever walked into a classroom the day of an exam with an unprecedented sense of confidence,
despite not having studied a lot the night before? Or perhaps you were just the opposite. You studied all night long,
虽然头天晚上根本没有复习?或是正好相反 。你整晚学习,
but upon sitting down to take the test, suddenly you feel as if there were things you might have forgotten to review.
但一坐进考场,你突然就觉得自己还没复习好 。
Late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel's Lie Witness News segments further exemplify this...
昨晚谈话节目主持人吉米·坎摩尔的《Lie Witness News 》片段进一步距离证明了这一点...
The segment consists of a crew asking random pedestrians questions that have false premises placed in.
片段中,工作人员对路人进行随机提问,这些问题中设有一些假前提 。
For example, asking people their opinion on a band that doesn't exist.
例如,询问大家对一个并不存在的乐队的看法 。
The lengths to which some people go describing how much they love that band, that doesn't really exist, is breathtaking.
人们描述自己对这个不存在乐队喜爱程度的篇幅令人惊叹 。
That's just one example of the dunning-kruger effect set in motion.
这就是调动邓宁-克鲁格效应的例子之一 。
It makes sense if you think about it. No one wants to appear clueless about something they claim to enjoy in front of a camera.
如果你仔细想想,这也说得通 。在镜头前,没人希望对一些自己宣称喜欢的事物显得愚蠢 。
And the confidence we pull out to make us seem knowledgeable on something we know very little about can be very convincing, even to ourselves.
在面对我们知之甚少的事情时,我们总装作自己很懂,这一份带入的自信非常有说服力,甚至也说服了自己 。
It's easy for our brains to say I understand this based on the clutter of meaningless information stored in our head.
由于大脑中所储存无意义信息的混杂,我们的大脑总是轻易地说,我知道 。
The connections made in our mind sometimes even managed to fool ourselves into not recognizing our own ignorance.
有时我们大脑中的连接甚至会设法糊弄我们自己,让我们无法辨识自己的无知 。
This meaningless information can often consist of misconceptions that we've gained over time.
这种无意义的信息通常由一些我们之前的错误想法所构成 。
These misconceptions never really leave us -- even if we know they're wrong.
这些错误信息从未离去—即使我们知道它们是错误的 。
In fact, we can often bend, or outright forget new information to make it fit with previous information.
事实上,我们常会扭曲或完全忘记那些与前信息相符合的新信息 。
So how do we recognize, and more importantly, avoid falling into the dunning-kruger effect?
Well, we should all strive to educate ourselves as much as possible.
我们应该尽可能努力学习 。
After all it isn't a bad thing to learn theories and ideas.
毕竟学习知识和理论并不是坏事 。
Theory will only take you so far though, and testing things in a controlled environment isn't always possible.
虽然理论只仅限于此,而在受控环境中进行测试并不总是可行 。
This means you won't always be 100% prepared for situations you might think you learned how to deal with.
这意味着你无法确保自己的知识能够100%应对面临的任何情况 。
And that's ok, you aren't expected to know everything...after just learning the basics.
这也没关系,仅在了解其基础时,你无须万事尽知 。
In fact, you're encouraged to keep learning, to keep questioning, and to consider how your own thinking can be flawed, or misguided.
事实上,鼓励大家要不断学习、不断提问、不断思考自己知识的缺陷和误导 。
Coming to terms with the things we don't understand is the first step towards clearing up misunderstandings, and learning new things.
接受自己不了解的事是清除误区,学习新事物的第一步 。
As Socrates said, "True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us."
苏格拉底曾说过:“只有当我们了解生活、了解自己以及世界的时候,才能获得真正的智慧 。”
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