What might seem like just a cluster of small temples surrounding Myanmar's Kuthodaw Pagoda is actually the world's largest book.
环绕缅甸固多陶塔四周的那一座座小殿其实是世界上最大的书卷 。
The Kuthodaw Pagoda is a golden temple built in 1857,
but it's what lays around the surrounding shrines that draws people near.
然而,吸引人们前去参观的却是该塔四周的神龛 。
In each of the 730 white stupas, stands a marble tablet.
730座白色舍利塔,每一座里都立着一块大理石碑 。
Combined, these tablets make up the entirety of Buddha's teachings, written in the ancient Pali language.
这些石碑上书巴利文,镌刻着完整的佛教经文 。
Each tablet, or page from the book, stands five feet tall and five inches thick.
这些高五英尺厚五英寸的石碑一座即一页经书 。
The tablets were once covered in precious jewels and gold ink.
石碑曾饰有珍宝金墨 。
However, after the British invasion in the 1880s, the site was looted and the gold ink and gems were stolen.
然而,十九世纪八十年代英国入侵以后,这里被洗劫一空,石碑上的金墨和宝石悉数被盗 。
Today, the book is still accessible.
The dense writing has since been filled with black ink so the scripture can be read for many years to come.
只是,为了经文能够世代流传,石碑上密密麻麻的书写已经改用了黑墨 。