日期:2018-02-07 18:54



Tonight, there's something very exciting happening on NBC.
今晚 NBC有非常令人激动的内容哦
For the first time ever, you can cry laughing at my show, Ellen's Game Of Games, and then regular cry at This Is Us.
你们会首次在我的节目“艾伦的游戏之王”上笑哭 然后一如既往地看着《我们这一天》流泪
What more can you do on Tuesday night? That's really what we want to do.
It's just a few hours away. But right now, it's time for our final game in our Game of Games tournament.
还有几小时就开播了 不过现在 该开始我们的“游戏之王”锦标赛了
All week long, we've been playing games.
And today, someone is going to go home with $100,000.
今天 将有人赢得10万美元
So here's how it all started with the most epic-- it was the most epic game of Make It Rain.
这就是最传奇的 “钱如雨下”最传奇的一集




In what game do you earn 20,000 pennies for passing go? Monopoly. Yes, that is right. Good luck.
在哪个游戏中“过”可以赢得两万便士?大富翁 答对了 祝你好运
You have literally pulled every one but the one. G-A-M-E.
你真的是拉遍了所有雨伞就是没找到对的那个 G-A-M-E
All right, please welcome Kristen.
好 有请克里斯汀
Next, I tried to get her dizzy, but she literally knocked the competition off her feet. Take a look.
下一位 本来想把她转晕的 但她完全没受影响 看一下
Last night's Game of Games was two hours long.
How long is a foot long sandwich? Whoa.
12 inches. That is right, so you are the winner. All right. Come on out, Joyce.
12英寸 对了 所以你赢了 好 出来吧 乔伊斯
All right, we tried to cover her head and make it rain, but she's still soaking wet.
好 我们本来打算让她钱如雨下 但她还是湿透了
My birthday is three weeks from Friday. What month is my birthday in?
我生日是周五之后再过三周 我的生日在几月?
January. That's right. Whoops. It's cold. Oh, my gosh. All right, welcome back, Nicole.
一月 对了 哇 好冷 哦 天哪 好 欢迎回来 尼科尔
And next, we had someone dive in dizzy dash like no one has ever dove before.
下一位 她在“眩晕冲刺”中冲刺的距离无人可比
What is the full name for the city Philly? Philadelphia That's right.
费城的全称是什么?Philadelphia 对了
True or false, the world record for longest running television show is 102 years?
世界上最长的电视节目记录是120年 对还是错
I don't even know. False? False is right. All right, welcome back, Allie.
不知道 错?答对了 好 欢迎艾丽
And yesterday, she proved she had the hottest hands around and even invented a new game called Banana Scrabble.
昨天 她证明了自己用有最快之手 甚至还发明了新游戏“香蕉拼字”
Monopoly. Scrabble. Yahtzee. Battleship. Banana Scrabble. You are the winner.
大富翁 拼字游戏 快艇骰子 超级战舰 香蕉拼字 你赢了
You're coming back tomorrow. And here's Bethany.
你明天再回来 有请贝瑟尼
I love the camaraderie right now. That's really good. OK, we're going to play it Make It Rain.
现在大家之间很有爱啊 很好 好 我们来玩“钱如雨下”吧
All right, let me tell you how this works.
好 我来说下游戏规则
Hidden somewhere under one of those umbrellas is $100,000 cash.
It's the biggest cash prize we have ever given away. Unfortunately, under all the other ones, a lot of water.
这是我们有史以来给出的最大的现金奖励 但是 其他伞下面 全都是水
Whole lot of water. Today's questions are about game shows.
全是水 今天的问题都与游戏节目有关
One additional rule. Before you pull each umbrella, you must yell, Ellen, make it rain, purely for my own enjoyment.
多加一条规则 你们拉伞之前 必须大声喊出“艾伦 让钱如雨下吧” 只是为了取悦我而已
Hands behind your backs. Jay-Z and Beyonce recently dropped a music video called Family Feud.
手放在背后 杰斯和碧昂斯最近发布了一首MV叫Family Feud
What show coined the phrase, survey says? Price is right. No. No. Shoot.
哪个节目创造了“survey says”这个短语?《价格猜猜看》?不对 不对 哦
Family Feud. That's right. All right. Pick an umbrella. All right, hold on.
《家庭问答》 对 选一把伞 好 等一下
We're going to take a break. And we're going to come back, and we're going to ..
我们要休息一下 稍后回来
So that's the one you picked, right? Yes.
You're the first one up. Let's see if you're lucky enough to get it on the first one. Make it rain.
你是第一个上去选的 看看你是否能一次好运直接找到有钱的那个 钱如雨下
OK, Joyce. I did. I made it rain. Thank you for saying that.
好 乔伊斯 下雨了 我确实让它下雨了 谢谢你说了出来
All right, hands behind your backs.
好 手放在背后
OK, in the old days, if you wanted to fall in love, you had to go on the Dating Game.
好 很久以前 如果你想坠入爱河 你就得玩相亲游戏
Now, what app tells you to get a date just by swiping right? Twinder? What?
现在 哪个软件只需右滑就能约会?Twinder?什么?
Twin-- twin. Tinder. Tinder. Yes, yes, Tinder. All right. Oh, god. Come on.
Twin Twin Tinder Tinder 对 Tinder 好 天啊 加油
Twinder is different. Oh, Ellen, please. All right, Joyce, say it. Make it rain.
Twinder是另一款软件 哦 艾伦 拜托 好 乔伊斯 喊出来 钱如雨下
All right. You can't be demure. You just let her have that. I know. Fight for it.
好 别那么严肃 是你白让给她的 我知道 要努力去争取
OK, Make It Rain is one of my many games we play on Ellen's Game of Games.
好 钱如雨下是我们在艾伦的游戏之王里玩的一个游戏
Name one other game we play. Hot heads-- I mean, hot hands. Yes, hot hands. Yes, hot hands.
再说出另一个我们玩的游戏 热头脑 我是说 最快之手 对 最快之手
Bethany, say the phrase. Ellen, make it rain. OK. All right.
贝瑟尼 喊出来那句话 艾伦 钱如雨下吧 好 好
Hands behind your backs. I used to be the center square on Hollywood Squares. How many sides does a square have?
手放在背后 以前好莱坞广场的正中央有我的广告牌 正方形有几条边?
Four. Yes, four is right. All right, Allie. Say the phrase. Ellen, make it rain.
四条 对 四个是对的 好 艾丽 喊出来 艾伦 钱如雨下吧
All right. Oh, my gosh. Hands behind your backs. Jane Lynch hosts Hollywood Game Night.
好 哦天啊 手放在背后 珍·林奇主持好莱坞游戏夜
What state is Los Angeles in? California. Sure. All right. I'm ready for it, Ellen.
洛杉矶在哪个州?加州 肯定的 好 我准备好了 艾伦
Say it. Ellen, make it rain.
说出来 艾伦 钱如雨下吧
You won $100,000.
Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much. You got $100,000.
哦 天哪 太感谢你了 你赢得了10万美元
And you didn't even have to get wet. I know. That's amazing. All right.
还连一次都没有被浇湿 就是啊 就是啊 太棒了 好
That's fantastic. What are you going to do with this? I have two kids at home.
很好 你打算怎么用这笔钱?我家里有两个孩子
And this is just going to do so much good for them.
They're really little. And it's hard to live out here in California. It's going to put them in a good home.
他们还很小 在加州生活很困难 这钱能让他们有一个不错的家
And I just want to go on a vacation. I haven't taken a vacation in-- for three years. That's fantastic.
我还想去度假 我有 三年没度过假了 很好
All right. Well, congratulations. You're not going home empty-handed. Each of you is getting $1,000.
好 恭喜你 你们也不会空手的 每人会获得1000美元
All right? Watch a brand new episode of Ellen's Game of Games tonight at 8:00 on NBC.
