日期:2018-02-06 18:20



There's a brand-new episode of my new show, Ellen's Game of Games.
It's tonight on NBC. We play a lot of fun games.
今晚在NBC播出 我们玩了很有趣的游戏
We give away a lot of money. We meet incredible people.
还送了很多钱 见了很棒的人
Unfortunately, not everyone gets to move on to Know or Go.
不幸的是 并不是每个人都能来参加“回答或淘汰”
But then I realized, well, I have my own show.
但我随后又想到 我还有自己的节目呢
So I invited three people to come back for a second chance.
所以我让三个人回来 再给她们一次机会
Let's play Know or Go. Let's bring them out.
我们来玩“回答或淘汰”吧 有请
All right! Hi, ladies. Oh, boy. It's so good to see y'all again.
好 嗨 女士们 天哪 很高兴又见面了
Look, you get another chance, and it's not even-- yes. Yes. --not even as high up.
你们有了复活机会 而且这台子一点都不高




All right, Let's take a look at how you ended up here. I'm a 61-year-old fan.
好 我们来看看你们之前的表现 我61岁 是名老粉儿
I am from Vacaville California. I'm a real estate agent. I love to gamble and party.
来自加州瓦卡维尔 是名房地产经纪人 我喜欢赌博和聚会
This is the final stool. You were so close so many times, Lynn.
最后一个凳子了 林恩 你有好多次都超接近
Patriots. Ball? OK, Super Bowl. Champions?
爱国者 球?好 超级碗 冠军?
Game. Play? Sunday. I don't believe this. Thanks.
游戏 玩?周日 难以置信 谢谢
Football. I was going to say that. But you didn't say it. Oh.
足球 我就想说它呢 但你没说 哦
All right. Well, and here you are.
好 你们又来了
Here's how it goes, and we're going to go round-robin. I will ask you a question.
是这样 我们来轮流回答问题 我会问你们一个问题
I will start with you, Monica. And if you know, you stay.
从你开始 莫妮卡 如果你知道答案就能留下来
And if you don't, you go. That's how it goes. This game is all about redemption.
不知道的话就淘汰 就是这样玩的 这个游戏全是关于“赎罪”的
The last word, "redemption," has 10 letters in it. List all of the vowels in the words "Ellen DeGeneres."
随后一个单词“redemption”有10个字母 说出Ellen DeGeneres里面的所有元音
All the vowels. All the vowels. E. E. E. E. E. That's right.
所有元音 对 E E E E E 答对了
Kerri, Ellen's Game of Games is on NBC Tuesdays at 8:00.
凯里 艾伦的游戏之王每周二晚八点在NBC播出
Name something you should do on Tuesday nights at 8:00. Watch Game of Games. That is right.
说出你周二晚上八点应该做的事情 看游戏之王 答对了
Linda. Yes. You told me, and you told everyone, that you love gambling.
琳达 嗯 你告诉过我 也告诉过大家 你喜欢赌博
And that you have a gambling problem. Yes. In blackjack, are aces high or low?
你有点赌瘾 嗯 在二十一点中 A是大还是小?
They are high, and they are 11 points. I was a dealer in Tahoe. I know this.
是大 而且是十一分 我是Tahoe的经销商 我知道这个
Or they could be low, too. You can be one, or you can have-- it's your choice.
它们也可能是小 你可以有一个 或者 你自己选择
All right, finally, you said that. Yes, it is high or low. Yes.
好 你终于说出来了 没错 可能大也可能小 对
It's high or low. High or low. Good. Yes. All right.
大或小 大或小 好 好
Monica, I love game shows. I also love art.
莫妮卡 我喜欢游戏节目 我也喜欢艺术
What legendary artist produced the beautiful masterpiece "Too Legit to Quit?"
哪位传奇艺人制作了杰作“Too Legit to Quit”?
I know it, I know it, I know it. I do know it. "Too Legit to Quit."
我知道 这个我知道 我知道 “Too Legit to Quit”
"Too legit--" MC Hammer! That's right.
“Too Legit” MC Hammer 答对了
Kerri, if you know, you stay. If you don't, you go. Finish this book title.
凯里 如果你能答对就留下 答错就淘汰 补充这个书名
If You Give a Moose a-- If You Give a Moose a Cookie? Ah, Kerri. Do they like--
If You Give a Moose a — If You Give a Moose a Cookie?啊 凯里 它们喜欢
I am afraid of heights, and I don't want to go down there!
我恐高 我不想下去
I don't want to go down there! This is so much lower than the one on the-- on the game show.
So you're actually really lucky, because this is a-- stand up straight.
你其实很幸运的 因为这可以站着掉下去
You don't want to go down like that. Oh my God! Yeah.
不要那样 天啊 嗯
OK. Right now? One word. I'll tell you the name of it. It's If You Give a Moose a Muffin.
好 现在吗?一个单词 我告诉你它的名字 是If You Give a Moose a Muffin
I know that! I knew that! I knew that! You say that after-- every time, you say afterwards.
我知道!我知道 我知道 完了你才说 每次你都是马后炮
You did that on the show, too. "I was going to say that." You got to say it when I ask you the question.
在游戏之王里你也这样 “我就想说它呢” 你得在我问你的时候说
If You Give a Moose a Muffin! Nope. Oh my gosh. OK, OK. I'll see you later. OK, OK.
If You Give a Moose a Muffin!不行!天哪 好 好 一会儿见 好
We're in the middle of one of the craziest games of Know or Go I've seen all day long.
Let's get right to it. The square root of 9 is 3. In fairy tales, three is often a magical number.
来吧 9的平方根是3 在童话故事中 3是个很神奇的数字
Name three of the dwarfs from Snow White. Oh, um, um. Oh. Smokey. Um.
说出《白雪公主》里面3个小矮人的名字 哦 嗯 斯墨基
Grumpy. Grumpy! Grumpy. Um, Pudgy.
爱生气 爱生气 爱生气 嗯 矮墩墩
Oh my God. There was Smokey, there was Boozy, there was, uh-- there was, of course, the famous Pudgy.
天啊 有斯墨基 嗜酒佬 还有 嗯 很出名的矮墩墩
Yes! No, no, no. But you know what?
耶!不对 不对 但是
I appreciate you, Linda, and I'm going to see you soon. You're coming on down.
我很欣赏你 琳达 我会去看你的 你要下去了
All right. But they were Dopey, Sneezy Bashful, Grumpy, Sleepy, Doc, and Happy.
好 七个小矮人是糊涂蛋 鼻涕精 害羞鬼 爱生气 瞌睡虫 万事通和开心果
All right. All right, Linda.
好 好 琳达
You know that means you win. Woo-hoo! But--
那就说明你赢了 但是
I still need to drop you. We don't have a ladder. There's only one way to come down.
我还是得把你放下去 我们没有梯子 只有一种方法可以下去
I can walk. No. There's-- there's no way. I can walk. I can climb down. Nope.
我可以走路 没有路 我可以走路 我可以爬下去 不行
I can climb down. I don't want to fall. Nope. I don't want to fall.
我可以爬 我不想掉下去 不 不想掉下去
Please, please, please. It's going to be so fun. You're going to see your friends.
拜托 拜托 求你了 很有趣的 你可以见到朋友们
Oh my gosh. I don't want to do it. No. I don't want to do it. Don't make me do it!
天啊 我不想 不 我不想 别逼我
Your friends are down there. Ellen, Ellen, Ellen! Please, please! I'll answer a question.
你朋友在下面呢 艾伦 艾伦 求你了 我可以回答问题
Let me answer a question. All right. OK.
让我回答个问题 好 好
Oprah could go from the Queen of Daytime to the Queen of the White House.
In checkers, what do you say if you get a piece on the other side of the board? Checkmate? Nope.
在跳棋中 如果你吃到了棋盘的另一边 这叫什么?将军?不对
Linda! It's "king me." It was checkers. Oh!
琳达!叫做“封王” 是跳棋 哦
All right, for playing, all of you are getting a 65-inch TCL Roku TV.
好 为了感谢你们参与 每人将获得65英寸的TCL罗库电视
There you go. And if you want to see a super-sized version of Know or Go, tune in to my Game of Games tonight at 8:00 on NBC.
好 如果大家想看超级版的“回答或淘汰” 晚上八点去NBC收看我的游戏之王哦

  • bowln. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场 v. 打保龄球,
  • laddern. 梯子,阶梯,梯状物 n. (袜子)抽丝 v.
  • magicaladj. 魔术的,有魔力的,神奇的
  • appreciatevt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi.
  • dealern. 商人,经销商,发牌者,毒品贩子
  • tunen. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整 vt. 调整,为 .
  • hammern. 锤,榔头 vi. 锤击,反复敲打 vt. 锤打,严
  • masterpiecen. 杰作
  • gamblev. 赌博,投机,孤注一掷 n. 赌博,冒险
  • incredibleadj. 难以置信的,惊人的