日期:2018-01-08 17:55



I define intelligence simply as how good something is at accomplishing complex goals.
Human intelligence today is very different from machine intelligence today in multiple ways.
今天 人类智能和机器智能在很多方面大相径庭
First of all, machine intelligence in the past used to be just an always inferior to human intelligence.
首先 过去的机器智能总是比不上人类智能
Gradually machine intelligence got better than human intelligence in certain very, very narrow areas,
渐渐地 机器智能变得优于人类智能 但仅仅是在非常有限的某些领域




like multiplying numbers fast like pocket calculators or remembering large amounts of data really fast.
比如能像袖珍计算机一样快速计算乘法 或者快速记住大量数据
What we’re seeing now is that machine intelligence is spreading out a little bit from those narrow peaks and getting a bit broader.
我们现在看到机器智能在逐渐扩散 比以往的狭窄巅峰更加宽阔一点
We still have nothing that is as broad as human intelligence, where a human child can learn to get pretty good at almost any goal,
当然还不足以像人类智能那样宽阔 人类小孩几乎可以快速学会任何事情
but you have systems now, for example,
但现在机器智能有了更多系统 比如
that can learn to play a whole swath of different kinds of computer games or to learn to drive a car in pretty varied environments.
它可以学会玩各种不同的电脑游戏 或者学会在相当复杂的环境中开车
And uh... Where things are obviously going in AI is increased breadth,
而且 人工智能中很明显的一点是它的范围在变广
and the Holy Grail of AI research is to build a machine that is as broad as human intelligence, it can get good at anything.
人工智能研究的圣杯就是建造一个和人类智能同样宽广的机器 可以学会任何事情
And once that’s happened it’s very likely it’s not only going to be as broad as humans
一旦这一点成为事实 那么它很可能不单单会跟人类智能同样宽广
but also better than humans at all the tasks, as opposed to just some right now.
而是会在任何方面都超过人类 与现在的情况截然相反
I have to confess that I’m quite the computer nerd myself.
I wrote some computer games back in high school and college, and more recently I’ve been doing a lot of deep learning research with my lab at MIT.
我上高中和大学的时候就写过一些电脑游戏 最近我在麻省理工的实验室里做了更深一步的学习研究
So something that really blew me away like “whoa” was when I first saw this Google DeepMind system that learned to play computer games from scratch.
真正让我大为吃惊的是我第一次看到谷歌深度思维(Google DeepMind)系统从零开始学习玩电脑游戏的时候
You had this artificial simulated neural network, it didn’t know what a computer game was,
它就是一个人工模拟的神经网络 它不知道电脑游戏是什么
it didn’t know what a computer was, it didn’t know what a screen was,
you just fed in numbers that represented the different colors on the screen
and told it that it could output different numbers corresponding to different key strokes,
which also it didn’t know anything about, and then just kept feeding it the score,
当然 它也不知道按键是什么 然后持续给它输入得分
and all the software knew was to try to do randomly do stuff that would maximize that score.
I remember watching this on the screen once when Demis Hassabis, the CEO of Google DeepMind showed it,
and seeing first how this thing really played total BS strategy and lost all the time.
我看到这个机器完全使用了BS策略 一直在输
It gradually got better and better, and then it got better than I was,
但它慢慢地越来越好 后来还超过我了
and then after a while it figured out this crazy strategy in Breakout (where you’re supposed to bounce a ball off of a brick wall)
又过了一会儿后 这个机器掌握了Breakout游戏(游戏中要把一个球从砖墙上弹下来)的疯狂策略
where it would keep aiming for the upper left corner until it punched a hole through there
它会一直瞄准左上角 直到把那里打出一个洞来
and got the ball bouncing around in the back and just racked up crazy many points.
然后让球弹到背面去 赢得超高的分数
And I was like, “Whoa, that’s intelligent!”
我当时就说“哇哦 太聪明了!”
And the guys who programmed this didn’t even know about that strategy because they hadn’t played that game very much.
而做编程的人本身并没有想到这种方法 因为他们玩的比较少
This is a simple example of how machine intelligence can surpass the intelligence of its creator,
much in the same way as a human child can end up becoming more intelligent than its parents if educated well.
就像如果孩子得到良好的教育 那么一定会青出于蓝胜于蓝
This is just tiny little computers, the sort of hardware you can have on your desktop.
这还只是小小的计算机而已 是你可以放在桌上的小型硬件
If you now imagine scaling up to the biggest computer facilities we have in the world
现在想象一下 按比例放大至这世界上最大的计算机设备
and you give us a couple of more decades of algorithm development,
I think is very plausible that we can make machines that cannot just learn to play computer games better than us,
but can view life as a game and to do everything better than us.
还能游戏人生 各方面都优于人类的机器是极有可能的
