Here's what people are talking about. Well, the big story is still the GOP tax bill.
人们谈论最多的还是这个话题,共和党的税改法案 。
And I read that it'll save President Trump 15 million dollars a year.
据说该法案可以让小特每年省下1500万美金 。
Trump heard that, he said wow, did I switch to GEICO? I knew that. I knew that would help.
小特听说了这个消息,连忙说哦,难道我用的是“GEICO”保险吗? 我知道这个,我知道这个管用 。
This is nice, though. After yesterday's vote, Trump told reporters that they could stay and take part in a prayer with Ben Carson.
还有个消息,昨天投票结束后,小特对记者说你们可以留下来,和本·卡森一块祈祷 。
First, Carson bowed his head, then three hours later, he went... What? Yeah. Everything good? No one's here, okay, good.
卡森先是低下了高贵的头,三个小时之后就变成了这样,什么? 一切顺利吗? 这里没人,太好了 。
In the meantime, the White House is all decorated for Christmas. And there's a 350-pound gingerbread replica of the White House in the state dining room.
以此同时,白宫为了迎接圣诞也打扮了一番,在白宫饭厅摆放着一个重达350磅的“白宫姜饼” 。
It's pretty realistic. There's even a tiny Omarosa being escorted out by the Secret Service. Oh! It's just really... It's perfect. It's cute. It's cute.
可谓非常逼真,还有一个需要情报部门人员保驾护航的“Omarosa”小姐模型,老天!非常可爱,非常逼真,太完美了 。
There is a gingerbread White House that weighs 350 pounds, but then they left Trump alone with it for a few minutes,
now it weighs 250 pounds. And it's......I got hungry and ate the West Wing.
如今姜饼只有250磅了,我太饿了,把“白宫”给吃了 。
But Christmas is only a few days away, which means it's the perfect time to watch some classic holiday movies.
距离圣诞只剩下几天了,人们现在可以看一些经典的圣诞电影 。
You could tell that Trump loves them. He's actually been spending time practicing lines from his favorite holiday movie. Take a look at what I mean.
小特一定喜欢,他还花了时间练习里面的经典对白,来看看 。
Would you tone it down a bit? Could you tone it down just a little?
你的言辞能不那么犀利吗? 你的言辞能不那么犀利吗?
No, we're all in this together. We're all in this together. As dead as a doornail. The thing's dead as a doornail.
我们在这个问题上始终在一起,我们在这个问题上始终在一起,没希望了,这个事情没希望了 。
Most people hate me. They hate me with a passion. Cry, baby, cry. Let the baby cry.
多数人讨厌我,他们特别讨厌我,哭吧孩子,让孩子哭吧 。
Get him out of here! Get him out of here. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Kevin! Kevin! Ah! Arrr arr arr!
让他出去!让他出去!老天,老天!凯文!凯文!哦哦,哦哦 。
Wasn't that amazing? Amazing. Wow!
棒不棒? 太妙了!喔喔!
Guys, this is pretty crazy. A city in Missouri just made a 177-foot-tall Christmas stocking. Wow.
下面这个才疯狂,密苏里州一城市做了一个高177英尺的圣诞袜 。
Now comes the hard part, finding a 90-foot package of disposable razors and an 80-foot scratch-off ticket to stuff inside of it. Maybe it's...No, I lost
现在问题来了,我们要找一个90英尺高的一次性剃刀包裹和一个80英尺高,装满刮开彩票的包裹,或许,完了我输了 。
Finally, I want to say happy birthday to Samuel L. Jackson who turns 69 years old today.
最后,让我们祝塞缪尔·杰克逊生日快乐,他今年69岁了 。
He didn't, he didn't blow out his candles. He just yelled at them till they put themselves out.
他还没有吹灭蜡烛,其他人一直在碍着他的事,所以他一直在叫嚷 。
We have a great show tonight. Give it up for The Roots, everybody.
今晚的节目非常精彩,掌声送给紫根合唱团 。