The village of Kamikatsu is special.
Not for its tea fields or idyllic mountains or peaceful historic homes.
不在于连绵起伏的茶园,不在于牧歌般的群山,也不在于宁静而悠久的房舍 。
It's known for something it doesn't have.
此地藉以闻名的是它没有的东西 。
Kamikatsu, as a town, produces almost no trash.
作为一个城镇,上胜町几乎没有任何垃圾 。
Kamikatsu has a population of roughly 1,500 people and in the 1990s was doing nearly no recycling.
上胜町人口约1500人,九十年代还没开始垃圾回收 。
Burning all that garbage created carbon dioxide omissions that became dangerous,
and the nature around them was suffering, so a decision was made.
如此一来小镇的周边环境就会受到破坏,为此,上胜町做了一个决定 。
Kamikatsu had to change.
上胜町必须改变 。
This was the start of their path toward zero waste and a new way of living.
从此,上胜町的村民走上了零废弃的道路,也开始了新的生活 。
Effectively, what zero waste here means is that there's no such thing as throwing something in the trash.
事实上,所谓的零废弃,就是不存在把东西丢进垃圾桶之类的情况 。
Everything has to get recycled.
每个东西都要回收 。
And in the beginning, it was difficult for everyone.
一开始大家还不习惯 。
Like Mr. Takuya Takeichi. He's shop owner in Kamikatsu.
就拿竹一拓也来说,他是上胜町的一个店主 。
And Mrs. Hachie Katayama. She's a housewife.
还有片山八绘夫人,她是一名家庭主妇 。
That classification system she's talking about is the key to Kamikatsu's success, and it is aggressive.
她提到的这种分类系统是上胜町零废弃方案成功的关键,然而,这种系统异常苛刻 。
There are 45 categories of recyclables.
这里的垃圾分类多达45种 。
The list, it goes on; there's 35 more.
她还没有说完,还有35种 。
Slowly, what was originally this huge burden became a way of life in Kamikatsu.
最初这种沉重的负担慢慢变成了上胜町人的生活方式 。
People began looking at trash differently.
人们对垃圾的看法也变了 。
It's important to recognize that Kamikatsu is a small town.
要知道,上胜町只是一个小镇 。
It is not like New York or London.
不像纽约或是伦敦那种大城市 。
The rules are not the same, but there is a constant, and that's people; they can change.
不同地方规则不一定相同,但有一个常量,那就是人,人则是可变的 。