Voice 2: Augusto wants people to communicate. He wants them to get along. Spotlight agrees with Augusto. We pray that someday there will be peace in all areas of the world. And we encourage Augusto to keep working for peace and communication in his community. Anyone can help reduce hate in his or her community. Here are some easy ways to fight hate in your own community. These come from the "Look Long Range" program.
声音2:奥古斯托希望人们能进行交流 。他希望人们能和睦相处 。重点报道节目同意奥古斯托的观点 。我们祈祷世界所有地区有朝一日都能实现和平 。我们鼓励奥古斯托继续为他所在社区的和平和交流努力 。任何人都可以帮助减少自己所在社区的仇恨 。这里有一些在你所在社区对抗仇恨的简单方法 。这些方法来自《从长远看》节目 。
Voice 1: Communities can celebrate their differences. People can eat together and talk about what makes them unique, what makes them different. You can start a circle group. These groups talk about community issues and problems. It is important to respect what everyone has to say. What ways are you fighting hate and bringing peace to your community?
声音1:社区可以包容差异 。人们可以一起吃饭,谈论使他们独特和不同的原因 。你可以建立圈子 。这些组织可以讨论社区议题和问题 。尊重每个人的观点非常重要 。你有什么对抗仇恨并使社区实现和平的方法?