In the day's other news: The United States charged North Korea was behind a cyber-attack that paralyzed hundreds of thousands of computers last May.
其它方面,美国指责朝鲜于今年5月发动网络攻击,数十万台电脑因此瘫痪 。
The so-called WannaCry ransomware disabled crucial networks worldwide, including those of Britain's national health system.
名叫“WannaCry”的勒索病毒软件致全球多个重要系统瘫痪,包括英国国家医疗服务系统 。
The White House homeland security adviser Tom Bossert said Britain, Australia and Canada, plus Microsoft and others, all traced the attack to North Korea.
白宫国家安全顾问托马斯·博塞特表示称,包括英国、加拿大、澳大利亚以及微软等都将矛头对准了朝鲜 。
This was a careless and reckless attack. It affected individuals, industry, governments, and the consequences were beyond economic.
这是一次随意且大胆妄为的袭击,它影响了个人、产业以及政府,所造成的影响不仅仅是经济损失那么简单 。
The computers affected badly in the U.K. in their health care system put lives at risk, not just money.
英国电脑系统遭受重创,尤其是医疗服务体系,人们的生命因此而遭受威胁,所以不仅仅是金钱那么简单 。
Bossert said the Trump administration is working with tech firms to strengthen cyber-security.
博塞特表示称特朗普政府正在与技术公司合作,旨在加强网络安全 。
But he acknowledged North Korea is already under so many sanctions, there is not much else the U.S. can do to pressure the regime.
但他承认到朝鲜如今遭受多方面制裁,如今没有更多办法向朝鲜施压 。
Crews in Washington state worked today to clear Amtrak cars from a major interstate highway.
今天在华盛顿州,工作人员清理主要州际高速路的火车 。
The confirmed death toll from Monday's derailment stood at three, with scores more injured.
周一这一地区发生火车出轨,三人死亡,多人受伤 。
Under an overcast sky, cranes and flatbed trucks hauled mangled cars away.
今天乌云密布,工作人员利用吊车和平板卡车将变形的火车厢拖走 。
The train was doing 50 miles an hour above the speed limit when it jumped the tracks.
火车出轨时,它以超出限速50英里 。
The Associated Press is reporting that investigators are asking whether a trainee in the cab might have distracted the engineer.
美联社报道称,调查人员正在询问是否是驾驶室中的实习生让司机分了神 。
The winds stoking that huge fire in Southern California stayed mild for a second day.
南加州因大风引发大火,如今大火形势连续第二天平稳 。
Crews used the break to do controlled burns along the fire's leading edge, before stronger winds fan the flames tomorrow.
在明天狂风大作到来之前,工作人员利用这个空档在大火前沿采取防火措施 。
So far, the fire has spread across more than 420 square miles north of Los Angeles, making it the third largest in state history.
到目前为止,洛杉矶北部的过火面积超420平方英里,这也是该州史上面积第三大火灾 。
It is still only 50 percent contained.
过火面积依然保持在50% 。