In the day's other news: President Trump welcomed a gesture by North Korea to ease tensions.
其它方面,总统特朗普赞扬朝鲜方面缓和紧张局势 。
He tweeted that Kim Jong-un's decision not to fire missiles toward Guam was "very wise and well-reasoned."
他在“推特”上表示,金正恩决定不对关岛发起导弹袭击,此举非常明智 。
Separately, the U.S. territory's homeland security adviser joined appeals for calm.
此外,美国国土安全顾问呼吁双方克制 。
We are hopeful that diplomacy will win the day.
希望双方能够通过外交途径解决纷争 。
I am hearing that Secretary Tillerson, Rex Tillerson, is opening up dialogue with North Korea.
我听说国务卿蒂勒森将与朝鲜展开对话 。
We are hopeful that that goes through.
我们希望对话能够如期进行 。
And we are also moving about with the business of government, praying that things go well.
我们还与政府进行了磋商,希望事情一切顺利 。
Also today, China urged both sides to "hit the brakes" on verbal threats.
与此同时,中国今天呼吁双方停止口水战 。
There's word an American soldier has died fighting Islamic State forces in Eastern Afghanistan.
有消息称在阿富汗东部,一名美军士兵在打击“伊斯兰国”时遇难 。
The U.S. military says several other soldiers were wounded.
美军称另有多名士兵受伤 。
It's unclear exactly where or when the fight occurred.
目前时间地点尚不清楚 。