日期:2017-12-02 10:56



Here's what people are talking about. Today, the White House held its annual Turkey pardon, and President Trump pardoned a Turkey named Drumstick,
which was nice till he told the turkey, okay now you pardon me. And he's like no, sorry, he didn't mean that. It's...That's not how it works.
But there were actually two turkeys and before the ceremony, this is real,
the White House tweeted out a poll asking people which turkey should be pardoned.
Leave it to Trump to turn a fun annual tradition into Sophie's Choice. It's like only one can live, and it'll be on your hands.
But Trump wound up pardoning both turkeys, and they were each spotted in the White House briefing room.
Even weirder, they were the only ones who got to ask any questions. And he goes, stop letting them talk!
They're talking turkeys. They're very talented.
Before the ceremony, the White House actually tweeted out profiles for each bird. It's kind of cute. This is real. Here's a profile for Drumstick.
It says stuff like date of birth, height, wingspan. Well, this is kind of weird. After they met Trump,
the turkeys actually released a profile of him. Take a look. First it says date of birth, June 14, 1946.
For height, it says 6'2" and for height of tie, it says, 6'4". What? Next, for wingspan, it says 6 feet.
身高是6英尺2英寸,领带高度是6英尺4英寸,什么? 还有翼幅,翼幅是6英尺4xx3[]BME9_dd0mWqm
And for hand span, it says 3 inches. Well, that's different.
For mating call, it says come on, Melania, I know you're not really asleep. What?! That's the mating call?!
那么他用什么来吸引异性呢? 梅拉尼娅,我知道你没睡,什么?这是吸引异性的方式?
It's what the, It's what the turkeys tweeted out! What am I supposed to, I didn't write this. These turkeys are vicious. I don't know.
Finally, for bird call, it says tweet tweet tweet. That's his, that's his bird call. Interesting.
Turkeys are unbelievable. Wow. He's talking turkey. This made me laugh.
Today, MSNBC had a split screen to show Trump and the turkey, but they caught Drumstick from kind of an awkward angle. Take a look at this.
Gobbler's Rest, beautiful place. It's custom built. It's an enclosure on the campus of Virginia Tech.
“Gobbler's Rest”是个美丽的地方,这是一片私人订制的场所,是弗吉尼亚理工大学的一处围栏&%D6]_6FteAF)8s
Tremendous school. People were like, get a load of this a-hole. And that a-hole.
Big story here, CBS just fired Charlie Rose after allegations of sexual harassment.
Yep. They told him to clear out his desk, put on some pants, and leave. That's what they said, just do it. just get out.
Meanwhile, LaVar Ball is refusing to thank President Trump for getting his son out of China after he was caught shoplifting.




He went on CNN to talk about it. Take a look.
Are you gonna say thank you to me? Are you gonna say thank you to me? At the end of this interview, I will thank you.
你要现在谢谢我吗? 你要现在跟我说谢谢吗?采访结束后我会谢谢你Xl)n9GdEs@DZo|
I guarantee you. No, are you gonna say thank you now? I guarantee you. You know why...Are you gonna thank me now?
我向你保证,你要现在说吗? 我保证,你知道为什么吗? 你要现在说么?
You know why? Are you gonna thank me now? Not yet. You haven't earned it yet. Why you gonna thank me?
你知道为什么吗? 你要现在谢谢我吗? 还没到时候,你还不值得我说这句话,你为什么不说?
Haven't earned it yet. But, no, no, why you not gonna thank me? Haven't earned it yet. When you earn it, I'll thank you. You like the word thank you.
That went on for three more hours. It was like, what is happening right now?
When LaVar couldn't get Cuomo to thank him, he tried to get him to thank someone else. Watch this.
Did you thank the doctor, Did you thank the doctor for bringing you into this world?
你对医生说过谢谢吗? 你来到这个世界都是医生的功劳,你有谢谢他们吗?
You better go back and find him cause you lucky.
If there's anyone who was talking the minute they were born, it was probably LaVar Ball, I would think.
But after a pretty heated interview, the two ended things on a lighter note. Check this out.
Why they call you Mo? Cuomo. Don't be having no alias, man. Cuomo. That's why.
Oh, that's where the Mo came from? Chris Mo? Cuomo, not Chris Mo, Cuomo.
哦,原来“莫”是这么来的? 克里斯·莫? 我叫科莫,克里斯·莫?科莫!
LaVar, get your head straight. Oh, Cuomo! Like Cuomo like Google. Like the Google Chrome.
I get a Chromo. All right, that's it. That's your hip-hop name in the hood, huh?
Chris Cuomo is like, am I having a stroke right now? Like, what the hell is going on?
克里斯·科莫以为自己中风了? 到底发生了什么,见鬼!
There he is, the next President of the United States, everyone, right there, LaVar Ball.
We have a great show tonight! Give it up for The Roots, everybody!
