Hi Guys! We just got back from Trick or Treating!
I went as a scientist and Squeaks is a lion!
我扮演的是科学家,吱吱扮演了狮子 。
Give us your best roar, Squeaks!
We got a ton of candy this year!
Squeaks likes gummy worms, but I like chocolate!
Where does chocolate come from?
Great question, Squeaks!
Believe it or not, chocolate grows on trees!
The main ingredient in a chocolate bar starts out looking just like this.
巧克力棒的主要成分开始看起来是这样的 。
I know! They look nothing like a chocolate bar, or even the cacao powder we put in hot chocolate.
我知道,它们一点儿都不像巧克力棒,甚至也不像我们加在热巧克力里的可可粉 。
Those are actually beans. And not just any beans!
The beans that give us chocolate grow on the cacao tree,
and it takes a lot of hard work to turn them into the type of chocolate that we can eat.
而要把它们变成我们能吃的巧克力,需要付出很大的努力 。
You might think that any tree that helps us to make chocolate is pretty special, and you'd be right!
Cacao trees are picky about where they grow, because they need lots of heat and water.
可可树对生长地很挑剔,因为它们需要大量的热量和水分 。
So most cacao trees grow in the part of the world that's right in the middle,
where there are a lot of warm, wet rainforests.
那里有许多湿热的雨林 。
Now, even though the cacao tree needs lots of heat, it doesn't do well in bright sun.
即使可可树需要大量的热量,但它在艳阳下长不好 。
So the tree doesn't get too tall.
所以它不是太高 。
Instead, it grows closer to the ground, where it can stay mostly in the shade that's made by taller trees.
相反,它靠近地面,这样大多数时间就能待在高树的树荫下了 。
Like a lot of trees, the cacao tree makes flowers.
和许多树一样,可可树也开花 。
Its flowers are white, and they grow right along the main part of the tree, straight out of the bark!
Part of these flowers eventually grow into big pods.
一部分花最终长成大的可可荚 。
It can take six whole months for the pods to be ready. That's half of a year!
可可荚要六个月才能成熟 。要半年的时间!
Once a cacao pod is ripe and ready, a person cuts it from the tree using a sharp knife.
一旦可可荚熟了,人们就用一把锋利的刀把它从树上砍下来 。
And when they open up the pod, it looks like this!
Can you see the beans?
Inside of each pod are about 50 cacao beans, along with a bunch of white stuff called pulp.
每个豆荚里面大约有50颗可可豆,和一堆叫做果肉的白色物质 。
People scoop out the beans and pulp from inside the pods,
then put what they scooped out into big wooden boxes and leave everything alone for about a week.
然后把他们挖出来的东西放进大木箱里留一个星期 。
During that week, the white pulp turns into liquid, leaving behind the cacao beans,
which are then put out into the sun to get nice and dry.
然后再把它们放到阳光下晒干 。
Now, these beans may look brown like the chocolate you see in stores,
but they don't taste like that chocolate!
A cacao bean tastes pretty bitter,
and it takes some work in a chocolate factory to turn these beans into the delicious treats that we get to eat.
它们需要巧克力工厂的加工,才能变成我们能吃的美味食物 。
At the factory, the first thing they do is to roast the beans in big ovens.
在工厂的第一步就是在大烤炉里烘烤 。
After a cacao bean is roasted, it turns dark, and looks like this.
可可豆被烤熟后变成暗黑色,就像这样 。
Next, they take off the hard outside of the cacao beans, leaving the soft insides.
下一步是去掉可可豆外面的坚硬物质,留下里面的柔软物质 。
Then, they smash and grind the insides until it's a thin paste.
然后,把里面的东西磨碎,把它磨成薄薄的糊状物 。
And we can do lots of different things with this paste!
To make a chocolate bar, the chocolate factory mixes the paste with things like sugar and milk.
做巧克力的话,巧克力工厂会混入糖和牛奶之类的东西 。
Then they stir the mixture for a long time and pour it into a mold,
which is kind of like a bowl that's specially shaped to look like a chocolate bar.
模具类似于碗,形状特别像巧克力棒 。
They leave the chocolate to cool for a while and become solid instead of all liquidy.
他们把巧克力冷却一段时间,直到液体变成了固体 。
Then, they take it out of the mold, wrap it, and send it to stores for us to buy!
Whew! From a cacao tree to your store, there's a lot of work that goes into one piece of chocolate.
But I think it's worth it!
And now, it's finally time to enjoy our Halloween treats!
Do you want to share your Halloween costume?
Or maybe tell us about your favorite kind of candy!
We'd love to hear from you!
Grab a grown up and leave a comment down below or send us an email to kids@scishow.com.
找个大人帮忙在下方留言或发邮件至kids@scishow.com 。
Have a happy and safe Halloween!