日期:2017-10-16 08:14



Look at this!
In my wildest dreams did I ever think
that I would be sat here with Josh Lyman and the very man who created him in the West Wing.
就是和贾许·赖曼一起坐在这里 旁边坐着创造了《白宫风云》里赖曼这个角色的人
It is a true, true honor for me. Thank you both for being here.
这真的是我的荣幸 感谢二位的到来
It's an honor for me to be here. I won't speak for Brad.
能参加这个节目也是我的荣幸 我就不代表布莱德了
I'll speak for Aaron. I'll speak for Aaron. It is an honor for me to be here.
那我代表亚伦吧 能参加这个节目是我的荣幸
In so many ways you have spoken for him.
Because, I mean...Bradley, how big an influence on your career has Aaron had?
因为……布莱德利 亚伦对你的职业生涯有多大的影响
Influence. I've said to Aaron on many occasions thank you for my career, twice.
影响啊 我在很多场合表达过对亚伦的感谢 他让我
He gave me my biggest shot in the theater.




I got to be in a few good men and then I got to surf in his brain for all of those years.
我肯定是因为演戏很好 所以他那么多年一直记得我
It was the role of a lifetime.
I don't know how to thank him so I don't.
我不知道怎么感谢他才好 干脆就不谢了
You thanked me for seven years by playing the part.
七年来 你一直在扮演我写过的角色 这就算感谢了
Do you have a favorite memory of working with Bradley on the West Wing?
跟布莱德利拍《白宫风云》的时候 有没有什么美好的记忆
I have a million favorite memories but here is one.
这就太多了 我就说一个吧
The West Wing cast were among the first people to get blackberries.
Because the White House staff were among the first people to get blackberries.
Blackberries came along and we watched the guys carry these things on their belts.
黑莓刚一上市 我们就看到他们腰里别着
They were real working black berries. Real modern technology. Yeah.
我们工作的时候就真的用的黑莓 真正的现代科技 对
Brad would have a scene in the oval office with eight other people
and it would be a 10-page scene and his only line would be at the end saying thank you, Mr. President.
那个场景在剧本上有10页纸 但是他只有一句台词 就是在结尾说一句谢谢你 总统先生
I would be sitting by the monitor and my blackberry would buzz because they gave us one too
我坐在监视器旁边 黑莓震动了一下 因为剧组也给了我一部黑莓手机
and it would be from Brad just saying how do I look.
我一看是布莱德利发来消息问 我刚刚演得怎么样
Is that why you're going to write a biopic about the guy who created the blackberry?
I don't think so. I'll let Brad tell this story about D.C. on the street.
我可没准备写 布莱德利还有一个发生在华府街上的故事
Oh, yeah. Aaron Ryes these incredible monologues that you have to not only know but you really get them in your head.
哦对 亚伦写的剧本里有些独白 你演的时候不仅要知道 还要记住
You walk a lot and it takes a while to memorize them.
我需要在街上走一会儿 记住这些台词
We're in D.C. It is a Sunday. Nobody is downtown.
那天是星期天 我们在华府 街上没人
I'm walking and I start doing this monologue that is talking about how dysfunctional congress is
我就开始走 一边开始说独白 内容是国会多么的混乱
and how they got to get their act together and when people—and I memorize in public a lot
but when people come, I just stop, you know pretend I'm walking and then when they pass I start doing it again.
但是有人走过来的时候 我就停下 就假装我只是在散步 等人走过去了我继续背
So I'm doing this monologue going back and forth for like an hour and a half
我来来回回的在街上一边走一边背词 过了大概一个半小时
and all of a sudden these three guys with guns drawn come around the corner and go
突然 一群拿着枪的人从角落冲出来 喊着
what is your name? What is your name? What is your name?
你是谁 你是谁 你是谁
And I'm like my name's Brad! I'm an actor. My life is silly. Don't shoot.
我就举起手喊 我叫布莱德 我是个演员 我是个普通人 别开枪
I had been doing this monologue in front of the F.B.I. building and they had been watching.
原来我一直在联调局大楼前面背这些词 而且他们一直在看着我
Just a crazy man.
Looks exact lick like someone who was psyching himself up to go in and blow up a building.
看起来就像是有个人正在做心理准备 要去炸掉一幢楼
What is that on his belt?
Now Bradley, someone told me and I don't know, you have brought something along with you.
布莱德利 这件事我不清楚哦 是听别人说的 听说你还带了东西来
I did because you're a big West Wing freak.
对 因为你喜欢《白宫风云》嘛
I brought you—No! Yes. Oh, come on now.
我就给你带了——哇 快拿出来
A T-shirt. Shut the front door! No way!
一件短袖 赶紧关门 天
I could have brought stuff? Aaron will sign it. This is huge for me.
我是不是也该带的 亚伦会签名 太棒了
This I think is really important. It is a west wing flashlight. Shut up!
我觉得这个很重要 《白宫风云》版的手电筒 天
After a while we ran out of ideas for wrap gifts.
Since the show is canceled, I'm making money on this stuff.
节目取消了 我就拿这些去卖钱
Hang on. Wait. Hang on. Is this your own stuff or stuff you just had?
等会儿 这是你自己的 还是你刚去买的
It is left over. Have sorkin sign the half.
是剧组剩下的 让索金签了名的
Do I look weird like one of those guys who owns Porsche gear and doesn't own a Porsche?
我看起来奇怪吗 像不像手里有个保时捷的齿轮却根本没有保时捷的人
Do you know what I mean? A little bit. A little bit. A little bit.
你们知道我什么意思吗 有点儿 有点儿
Would you feel weird if I hang out outside your house just dressed like this.
Hey, Aaron, when is the show coming back?
还一边对你喊着 哎 亚伦 节目什么时候播啊
I'll be honest, no, I feel very good. I feel really good.
说实话 没有啊 我觉得挺好的
Look at this. Bradley, you're so kind. You're so kind.
布莱德利 你人太好了 太好了
I'm kind too. I just didn't think—
我也很好啊 就是没觉得
You say that, but you know it is the doing.
你是这么说 却不是这么做的
It is in the doing, isn't it? It is in the doing.
要做了才算啊 是吧
Next time you come back, you can bring some amazing gifts. OK. Great.
下次再来的时候 记得带礼物啊 行吗 好
Now you have written—is it weird? It's all right? No, that's great. It's all right. Yeah. I'm rocking it.
你写了——奇怪吗 我这样穿还可以吗 挺好的 可以 帅炸了
Do you think I could get away with saying I was in it? Who could I say I played?
你觉得我能不能跟别人说我也演了《白宫风云》 我应该跟别人说我演的哪个角色
I'm Rob Lowe. I'm Rob Lowe. Yeah, you are Rob Lowe. Absolutely.
我是罗伯·劳 我就是罗伯·劳 嗯 你是罗伯·劳 对
I'm working on a role, I'm like Matthew Mcconaughey.
我在拍戏呢 感觉自己像马修·麦康纳一样

  • incredibleadj. 难以置信的,惊人的
  • castv. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目
  • monologuen. 独白,长篇大论,独角戏
  • gearn. 齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具 v. 使适应于,以齿轮
  • robv. 抢劫,掠夺
  • dysfunctionaladj.
  • scenen. 场,景,情景
  • pretendv. 假装,装作 adj. 假装的
  • surfn. 海浪拍岸,冲浪 vi. 冲浪,浏览 vt. 浏览
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地