日期:2017-09-07 16:26



May I hold it? OK. Yeah, I'll hold. I'll hold. I'll hold.
我能抱吗 嗯 我来抱 我来抱
I want to hold. Julianne can hold. Oh, hey.
我也想抱 可以给朱丽安抱 噢 嘿
How are you? Nice to see you.
你好 很高兴见到你
How are you, Jack?
杰克 你好
I cannot tell you how incredible it is for us to have Jack here with us, guys?
杰克来到了现场 我无法表达这有多不可思议
When people think about wildlife on TV, they think about you.
每次人们想起电视上的野生动物时 他们就会想起你
Thank you for being here. It's a real treat for us.
感谢你的到来 我们有眼福了
Now, who do we have here? How are you?
那么 这个动物是 你好
The kangaroo is a unique animal. You can see right now obviously the pouch, they're marsupial.
这种动物很特殊 很明显 你会看到它有个口袋 它们是有袋类动物




You know what marsupial means? Yeah, totally.
你知道有袋类动物是什么意思吗 当然知道
No, they're raised in their mommy's pouch. Yeah, that's what I mean.
不是 它们是在母亲的口袋里长大的 我说的就是这意思
Anyway...do you have a hold? Oh, yeah. You pass to Julianne.
你能抱一会儿吗 好 给朱丽安
I can see Julianne? Here you go. She has babies.
她好像……给你抱抱 她有小孩了
I met Julianne at her apartment. That's right. Yeah.
我在朱丽安的公寓见过她 对
The kangaroo is one of marsupial. It means the baby's raised in the pallet.
袋鼠属于有袋类动物的一种 也就是说动物是在口袋里长大的
Australia has over 200 marsupials. We have one. What is it?
澳大利亚有200多种有袋动物 美国有一种 是什么
We have... yes, that's what I don't know. Yeah.
嗯 我不知道
The possum. The possum. That's what I was going to say. Yeah.
负鼠 我正要说负鼠呢
Anyway, this is the young baby kangaroo.
They were born the size of a jelly bean, everybody.
他们只有软心糖那么大 会跳进跳出
A jelly bean? A jelly bean. No.
软心糖那么大 天呐
I mean after birth they climb outside into the pouch and stay there for six months. They hop in and out.
它们出生后 会从口袋里跳出跑到外面 然后跳进去 又跳出来
On that note, we have another animal.
这样的话 我们还有一只动物
Oh, yeah, this is a bigger kangaroo coming here. Look. What you gonna see? What you gonna see in a sec?
嗯 还有一只大点儿的袋鼠 大家看到了吧
I want show you something. I've only done this once ever on TV.
大家来看看 这件事我只在电视上做过一次
I'm going to let you see what a baby kangaroo—look close, everyone.
I want you to see everyone—I want you to see inside the pouch.
This is very...I've only done this twice on TV.
You're going to see a baby kangaroo undeveloped in the pouch right now.
Look. Look at the screen.
Can you see inside it? Can you see? Oh my goodness.
能看到里面吗 天呐
That's what you see, everybody. Very seldom do I ever get to do this.
大家看到了吗 我很少这么做
I want to do to the show tonight.
That is amazing. Can you see it now? There it is. There it is.
太不可思议了 现在能看到吗 就在这
So how old is that? How old is that? Two months.
它多大 两个月
That baby is two months.
The big baby is hopping out six to eight months. The little jelly bean is being born the same day.
等到六到八个月的时候它就会自己跳出来 软心糖就出生了
Oh, where is it? It's eyeing up Reggie. Oh, yeah. Look. Oh, my goodness.
啊 他这是去哪 他在冲雷吉抛媚眼耶 快看 天呐
Is this OK just roaming wild like this, Jack? We're not remotely worried?
让它这样到处跑没事吗 杰克 不用担心吗
No, we're not remotely worried. No. OK.
杰克 不用担心
Don't let it kick you. That's all.
'Cause they can really hurt if it kicks, right.
One guy did lose his life in Australia.
That's it. Let's get the next animal out. Let's do that.
那就这样吧 我们把这个动物弄出去吧 弄出去
This next animal is a prehistoric animal, everybody.
Oh, my goodness. Look at Stamos. Look at Stamos.
天 看斯塔莫斯 看斯塔莫斯
Do you want to hold it? Do I want to hold it? No, I don't.
你想抱吗 我抱它吗 不想
This is an alligator obviously. Now Stamos you're not agreeing with this. You're not loving this?
这是短吻鳄 斯塔莫斯你不喜欢这个吗
It's a little scary. Oh my god.
This is the alligator. The crocodile can get bigger.
这是短吻鳄 大鳄鱼更大一点儿
Don't touch him here. You can touch his back. Don't do this at home.
你不要摸这里 可以摸它的背部 在家里不要这么干
Watch out. I'm joking. I'm joking.
小心 我开玩笑的
I'm sorry. You know what, Julianne?
抱歉 你呢 朱丽安
I want to do it. They're nice. Oh, wow.
我想摸 它们脾气很好的
James, let me touch your back.
詹姆斯 让我摸下你的背
Where can I touch? That's awesome.
我该摸哪里 太震撼了
An alligator is an animal that come back very well in our country.
在我国 短吻鳄很容易繁殖
They have little sensor glands. They can feel the vibration two miles under water.
它们有小的传感器腺 他们能感应到两英里以内的震动
This animal can live over 100 years old. They lay egg.
这种动物能活到100年 他们会产卵
And the male and female is according to the heat of the nest—
what do you think a male or the female when the nest is hot?
I don't know. It becomes a male.
我不知道 是雄性
Right. Oh, when the sand's hot, it becomes a male. Yes, it is.
沙子很烫的话 是雄性 对了
Is it true that they're very fast? Yes. Good point.
它们真的跑得很快吗 那肯定 你说中了
They can outrun you or anybody. Wow. That's not that impressive.
它比在场的任何人速度都快 哇 这个没那么让人惊讶
With all due respect—I mean, my son is 4, he outruns me now.
Outrunning me is the barometer we should not put on whether he's fast or not.
Let's say goodbye to this guy.
Oh, look at these dudes. That's a lemur. Yes, this is a lemur.
哦 看看这些小家伙们 一只狐猴 没错
Just sit still. Just sit still. Right.
坐着别动 坐着别动 好吧
You don't mind him licking your ear? It's a bit late now, Jack.
你不介意它舔下你的耳朵吧 杰克 你问晚了
These are our lemurs, everybody.
观众们 这些就是狐猴
And they like grapes, right. Oh, yes.
Corden, Corden. Yeah. Look at. He is freaked out.
柯登 柯登 嗯 快看 他被吓懵了
Here, here, here. Where's the head?
这里 这里 这里 头去哪了
Where is this one going? Here you go.
Oh, you're just going to get into the whole bowl.
Look, he's got it in his hand! Where's the head?
看 它在用手抱着碗 他会用手
Hey, buddy! Every one of the lemurs are a prosimion.
你好啊 狐猴是原蚋亚科的
It means lemurs are here before dinosaurs. They are only from Madagascar, not from Africa.
它们开始存在的时间比恐龙还早 来自马达加斯加,而不是非洲
Aren't they something? Feel the hair.
So soft. It's like silk, isn't it?
很软 感觉像丝绸一样 对吗
These are my favorite. These are my favorite. I like these guys.
我最喜欢这个 我最喜欢这个 好喜欢
And we've got some—you've got some more animals. Yes, we do.
我们还有——还有别的动物 是的
We have our lemurs because this wouldn't work with a lemur.
要把狐猴带走了 因为接下来的动物跟狐猴不能呆在一起
No. What's coming out now?
Oh, look. He's not letting go of that.
看 它不肯松手
Wow. I like you. I like them.
哇 我喜欢你 我超喜欢他们
Jack, I've seen you on so many shows. I'm so happy to see you.
我在很多节目里见过你 很高兴见到你
Has anyone ever gotten hurt like actors sitting with the animals? I'm serious.
有没有演员和动物在一起然后受了伤的 我说真的
No. A beaver. You know what?
海狸 你们知道吧
It is funny now because Paul Schaefer our friend of 30 years, I think he hit a big loud note.
有个很搞笑的事 我有个朋友叫保罗·舍费尔 认识30年了 他受过伤
My beaver wasn't scared. He went down like this.
海狸没被吓到 他就这样
You could see the bones and everything. But you don't want to see the bone.
伤口能看到骨头 什么都看得到 你肯定不想看到骨头
Don't worry. I'm not going to bother you. Because he could lay an egg in your nest. It's beautiful.
我不会麻烦你的 它会在你的头发里下个蛋 你发型很好看
OK. So what we've got coming now? You can stand up. I want you to stand up. Go like this. Get me out of here.
好了 接下来上场的是什么动物呢 你们站起来 你们站起来 这样 我要出来
What do you mean 'get me out here'? If you are going, what...I'm serious.
你说这话什么意思 要是你走了 那我们在这干嘛 我很严肃
OK. Watch this way. Watch this way. Don't move. No.
好的 看这边 看这边 别动
Just watch it. I had to close my eyes. He's beautiful.
看着 我得闭上眼睛 好漂亮
Ladies and gentlemen, what an honor to have him here, Jack Hanna and his animals!
女士们 先生们 很荣幸邀请到杰克·汉纳以及他的动物
A huge thanks to Julianne Moore and John Stamos!
Thank you for being here. Stick around. We'll be right back!
感谢你的到来 不要走开 精彩马上回来

  • botherv. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心 n. 烦扰,麻烦,焦急
  • incredibleadj. 难以置信的,惊人的
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的
  • impressiveadj. 给人深刻印象的
  • screenn. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风 v. 放映,选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • bowln. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场 v. 打保龄球,
  • prehistoricadj. 史前的 =prehistorical
  • vibrationn. 震动,颤动