It's a beautiful day, so Squeaks and I were just about to go to the park and do one of our favorite summer activities: fly kites!
Kites come in all shapes, sizes, and colors!
You could buy them at a store, but Squeaks and I really want to build our own!
你可以在商店买风筝,但我和吱吱想自己做一个 。
Most basic kites are big and flat, with a long tail.
大多数普通风筝都大而平,有一条长长的尾巴 。
They're connected to a long piece of string, which you hang on to so you can control how they fly.
它们用一条长长的绳子连着,所以你可以抓着绳子,控制它们的飞行 。
How do kites fly? That's a good question, Squeaks!
There's more to how a kite stays up in the air than you might think!
风筝在空中的停留方式比你想象的要多 。
It all has to do with that big, flat part of the kite, which is called the sail.
这一切都与风筝那大而平坦的部分,也就是所谓的“帆”有关 。
As the kite flies through the air, the sail is tilted, so the back of the kite is a little bit lower than the front of the kite.
当风筝在空中飞行时,帆是倾斜的,所以风筝的背面比前面稍微低了一点儿 。
That tilt is really important for keeping the kite in the air, because it changes the way the air flows over the sail.
这个倾斜对于风筝在空中保持飞行很重要,因为它改变了空气流经帆的方式 。
As the air flows past, it pushes on the sail.
当空气流过时,它就会推帆 。
But because the kite is tilted, the air rushing past the bottom of the kite pushes up on the kite harder than the air flowing past it on the top.
但是因为风筝是倾斜的,所以从风筝底部流过的空气把它往上推要比空气从顶部流下更加困难 。
With the air pushing up on the bottom of the sail, the kite can stay in the air without falling down.
有空气托着帆的底部,风筝就可以在空中停留而掉不下来 。
But there's something else that helps kites stay up in the air, besides the big flat sail.
除了大而平的帆,还有其他东西能帮助风筝停留在空中 。
Can you guess what it is, Squeaks?
That's right! That big, long tail!
The tail weighs down one side of the sail, which keeps the kite tilted so the air rushes past it in just the right way to push up on the kite and keep it flying.
尾巴压在帆的一侧,使风筝保持倾斜,所以空气就会以正确的方式经过,把风筝推高,让它飞起来 。
Squeaks, now that we know how kites fly, are you ready to build our own?
Alright, let's do it! You can build your own kite at home, too!
Just make sure to ask a grownup for help with this.
但要有大人帮忙哦 。
You'll need a heavy plastic sheet that you can cut, like a very strong trash bag.
你需要一个很重的塑料片,如一个很结实的垃圾袋 。
We're going to use a plastic table cloth!
You'll also need two dowels, which are basically long, straight wooden sticks.
还需要两个销子,就是很长的直木棍 。
You'll also need a very long piece of thin string or yarn for a line.
还要一根很长的细绳或纱线作风筝线 。
At least 100 meters, or 300 feet, would be good. The more the better!
Plus, you'll want a piece of wood or cardboard to wind the string around and hold on to.
另外,你还需要一块木头或纸板来缠绕绳子,你要拿着的 。
And, of course, we'll need some strong tape, like duct tape or packaging tape, to hold it all together!
当然,我们还需要一些强力胶带如牛皮胶布或包装胶带,把所有东西粘在一起 。
You'll need a ruler, scissors, and a marker, too.
你也需要一把尺子,剪刀和一个标记物 。
If you're using black plastic for the sail, make sure the marker is a color that you'll be able to see, like silver.
如果你用黑色塑料做帆,要保证标记物有可辨的颜色,如银色 。
Ok, now that we have all the supplies we need, we're ready to make our kite!
Lay the dowels across the plastic in a cross shape, with one of the dowels a little higher so one half is longer than the other.
把销子交叉放在塑料上,一个销子稍稍高点儿,使得一边比另一边长些 。
Use your ruler to draw a diamond around your dowels, like this.
像这样,用尺子在你的销子周围画个菱形 。
It's good to make sure the diamond is a little bit bigger than your dowels to make sure it fits.
菱形最好比销子稍微大些,这样可以保证大小合适 。
Next, have a grownup help you cut the diamond out of the plastic.
接下来,叫个大人帮忙从塑料上剪下菱形 。
You can trim the edges of the plastic if it's a little too big.
如果菱形太大的话,你可以修剪一下它的边儿 。
Now you can tape the dowels to the plastic. Make sure they're stuck on really well!
现在把销子粘在塑料上 。要保证它们粘得牢牢的 。
We'll need them to help the sail keep its shape in the wind.
因为我们需要它保持帆在风中的形状 。
And now tape the dowels together in the middle.
现在,把销子从中间粘在一起 。
Poke two holes in the plastic along the dowel that goes across the kite lengthwise.
在风筝的纵向沿着销子在塑料上戳两个洞 。
They should be close to the corners, but not all the way at the end of the dowels.
它们应该靠近一角,却不是在销子的末端 。
Cut a smaller piece of string, about two times as long as one of the dowels.
剪一个短一点儿的绳子,大约是销子的两倍长 。
Next, flip the kite over and thread one end of the string through one of the holes and tie it to the dowel,
and do the same thing with the other end of the string and the other hole.
另一端也如此 。
Tape the ends of the string in place to make sure they stay put!
用绳子把两端固定好,以确保它们不动 。
Now, take one end of the rest of your string and tie it to the shorter string, right in the middle.
现在,拿起剩余绳子的一端,把它系在较短的绳子上,正好是在中间 。
You should tape that together too.
你应该也把它们粘在一起 。
Finally, wind the rest of the string around your wood or cardboard handle. And our kite is done!
最后,把绳子的剩余部分缠绕在木头或纸板上 。我们的风筝就完成了!
Oh, that's right! We need a tail!
Cut out a long, thin piece of the plastic and tape to the dowel at the bottom of the kite.
剪一条长长的细塑料,把它粘在风筝底部的销子上 。
OK, now our kite is really done!
To fly it, all we need to do is go to a big, open area outside on a day that's a little windy, but not too windy.
It's easiest if you have a friend or grownup to help!
Hold on to the handle with the string wrapped around it, and have your friend hold on to the kite.
你抓住缠着绳子的纸板,你的朋友举着风筝 。
Unwind about 20 meters, or 60 feet of the string and stand far enough apart from your friend
so that the string is straight and not hanging down too much.
这样你的绳子是直的,不会下垂太多 。
Your friend should stand with their back to the wind, holding the kite by where the strings are tied together.
你的朋友应该背对风站着,在绳子粘连的地方举着风筝 。
Next, they should let go of the kite, so the wind can push it up, while you pull on the string to get it going!
接下来,他们放飞风筝,风把它吹起来时,你用绳子控制它 。
It might take you a few tries, but in the end, you'll get your kite flying!
Alright, Squeaks! Let's go fly our kite!
And if you guys make a kite, we'd love to see it and hear how your adventure went!
Grab a grownup to help you leave a comment below, or send us an email at kids@scishow.com.
找个大人帮忙在下方留言,或发邮件至kids@scishow.com 。
We'll see you next time, here at the Fort!