日期:2017-08-16 11:08



It's a pretty common problem. You have some food, you chow down. And you get full.
这是个很普遍的情况 你大快朵颐了一些食物 并且你觉得很饱
So you want to save some for later, when you're hungry.
所以你想为了之后饥饿的时候 先存点食物
Or maybe you know that you won't be able to get more food for a while, so you stockpile.
或者你知道短时间内你无法获得食物 所以你进行储备
You protect your stash from others, and try to keep it from spoiling.
你保护你的食物不受他人伤害 并试图防止它变质
Now, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging here. But humans are pretty good at this.
不是我自夸 人类真的很擅长保存食物
We invented canning, drying, refrigeration and freezing. Pasteurization and all kinds of preservatives.
我们发明了罐装 干燥 冷藏和冰冻 巴氏灭菌以及各种防腐剂
You name it, we've probably done it to make food last longer.
随便说一种方法 我们可能已经用它来保存食物了
But other animals have some tricks up their sleeves too.
So here are 8 wacky techniques our fellow food-lovers have come up with to stay alive.
King penguins store food in a super convenient place--their stomachs.
And they can keep it there undigested for weeks at a time. The birds breed on subantarctic islands.
他们能将食物保存在那里几周都不消化 它们在亚南极地区的岛上生产
Once the female lays the egg both parents will take turns watching the nest while the other goes fishing.
企鹅妈妈产蛋后 父母轮流守窝与觅食
Usually, the male penguin takes the last shift before the egg hatches.
But sometimes, the female is delayed in getting back.
Because the bird's food choice are lanternfish and squid that live 400-500 kilometers south.
So, to make sure the infant bird has something to eat in case mom is late.
A penguin father will come back from his last foraging trip with a full stomach.
And for up to three weeks after he gets back. He'll live off his fat reserves and preserve his stomach contents.
在回来的三周内 他都将靠储存的脂肪生活并保存他胃中的食物
A tasty mash of fish and squid parts ready to be coughed up into a hungry chick's mouth.
It's enough food to nurse the chick for 9-10 days.
What's especially strange about this is that the food doesn't rot. Even though it's just sitting around.
奇怪的是这些食物并不会腐烂 即使它们就放在那里
At first, scientists thought that the penguins might preserve the food
by lowering the temperature inside their stomachs to basically turn themselves into mini fridges.
是通过降低胃部温度 将自己变成一个小型冰箱来保存食物
But their stomachs are actually a toasty 38 degrees Celsius.
It turns out that they keep the food fresh by making their stomachs less acidic.
Which keeps digestive enzymes from processing the food.
And by stopping their stomach muscles from churning it too much.
They also release antimicrobial proteins called spheniscins. To stave off bacteria and fungi.
它们也分泌一种抗菌蛋白质叫做企鹅β-防御素 来阻挡细菌和真菌
Shrikes are smallish birds that you might underestimate.
Until you see them spear their prey on thorns, pointy branches, or even barbed wire. Whatever sharp object they can find.
直到你看见它们将猎物刺穿在荆棘 尖树枝 甚至是倒勾的金属丝上 任何一种它们能找到的尖利物品上
Then they'll spend the next couple of days ripping pieces off these ad-hoc skewers, and eating them.
然后它们会用接下来的几天劈开 这些特别的肉串 并吃掉它们
It's thought that shrikes evolved this special butchering method.
有种观点认为伯劳鸟 进化出这种特别的屠宰方式
Because unlike other birds of prey, they don't have talons to help pull apart meat.
是因为不像别的鸟类 它们没有能撕碎肉类的爪子
Shrikes also don't have crops, the internal pouches many birds use to store food.
So they can't eat their entire kill all at once. Instead, they have to be dainty about it.
所以它们也不能一次将猎物吃完 相反他们需要优雅的进食
If you can call regularly ripping flesh off of a spit dainty.
They'll also impale their food to detoxify it. Which gives them more options for food sources.
他们也通过刺穿食物来解毒 这使它们有更多的食物来源
Loggerhead shrikes in Florida, for instance, Are known to spear poisonous species.
例如佛罗里达州的大头伯劳鸟 以刺穿有毒生物而闻名
Including the notorious lubber grasshopper. Which is so toxic that it doesn't have many predators.
包括臭名昭著的钝蝗 由于有剧毒 所以几乎没有捕食者
The grasshoppers are dangerous to the birds when they're fresh.
But after one to two days decomposing on a stick, the chemicals degrade and lose their potency.
但经过几天挂在枝上分解 毒性降低并失效了
If you're thinking that it must be risky to leave your food out in the open on a stick.
You're right. These stashes are often raided by other animals.
你是对的 这些存货时常会被其他动物洗劫
But for shrikes, that risk is actually important, because if a male has lots of food stored up,
但对于雄鸟 这份风险很重要 因为如果雄鸟有大量食物储存
that's a signal to females that he's good provider.
During mating season, males will even add inedible items like rags or pieces of eggshell
在交配季节 雄鸟甚至会在树枝上加上不能食用的物品 像是麻布袋或是蛋壳
to make their spiky pantries look bigger and draw attention to them.
使他们的储藏室看起来更大 并且吸引雌性的注意力
And in many cases, they won't eat all the food -- it's just for show.
在很多情况下 他们不会食用所有的食物 仅用于展示
Once it's time to incubate eggs or feed babies, though. The larders become much more important for sustenance.
当他们开始孵蛋或者喂食宝宝的时候 用储藏室来储藏食物 变得更加重要
The birds will eat more of the food and keep the stores closer to their nests and better hidden.
它们会吃更多的食物 并使储藏室靠近巢并隐藏它
Their chicks are born with an instinct to impale. Young birds will start by playing with inedible objects.
雏鸟出生就有刺穿食物的本能 幼鸟会先用嘴玩不能吃的物品
with their bills in what's officially called "dabbing." Yep, baby birds have better dance moves than you.
官方的说法是“涂抹” 是的 幼鸟比你更会跳Dab舞
OK, so we all know about squirrels and their precious acorns. But red squirrels primarily eat pine cones.
第三,我们都知道松鼠和他的宝贝橡子 但红松鼠主要吃松子
And also collect and store a more unusual treat--mushrooms. They preserve the mushrooms by hanging them in trees to dry.
并且收集和储藏 一种更不常见的点心――蘑菇 它们通过把蘑菇挂在树上风干来储存蘑菇
Then move them to safe hideaways to snack on later. The 'mushroom jerky' comes in at least 89 varieties.
然后将蘑菇转移到安全的储藏地 随后再吃 蘑菇干至少有89个品种
including some pretty highbrow stuff.
Like false truffles, which are mushrooms that look a lot like the truffles you'll find in fancy food.
像是腹菌 这是一种长得像你能在高档食材店看到的松露的蘑菇
And for some squirrels, mushrooms aren't just a side dish.
For red squirrels in New Brunswick, Canada. Anywhere between 35-95% of their diet is fungi.
对于在加拿大新不伦瑞克的红松鼠来说 他们的食谱中有35%至95%都是蘑菇
Depending on mushroom availability and whether they can find other kinds of food.
这取决于蘑菇是否足够 并且他们是否能找到其他食物
They'll typically capture lots of mushrooms in the summer. Then preserve and save them to eat during the winter.
他们会特意在夏天采集很多蘑菇 保存贮存它们等到冬天再吃




Some squirrels seem to prefer bare branches -- and therefore dead trees -- as dehydration spots.
They'll then store the mushrooms in tree hollows. Or in the tangles in trees known as witches' brooms.
之后将蘑菇保存在树洞里 或者被称作女巫的扫帚的树结里
But squirrels will also use whatever dehydration and storage spots they can get.
In 1911, for example, a fur warden found an abandoned cabin in Alaska full of preserved fungi.
例如1911年 一位看守在阿拉斯加发现了一个堆满蘑菇的废弃小屋
A red squirrel had broken in, dried mushrooms on all the shelves, And stowed the pieces in empty cans.
一只红松鼠闯入小屋 在所有架子上挂满了干蘑菇 并把所有的空罐子填满食物碎片
One way to avoid the headache of preservation is to just keep your prey alive, but trapped.
And that's exactly what moles do. They'll hunt earthworms and insect larvae in dirt.
第四,鼹鼠正是这样做的 它们在土里捕捉蚯蚓和昆虫幼虫
Then bite off their heads to immobilize them.
They'll stash the food in the walls of their tunnels, or in special chambers near nests to eat later.
它们会将食物储存在地道的墙壁里 或关在巢附近特别的小洞里等稍后再吃
And it's a good strategy.
Because some moles pack those chambers with more than 1,200 worms. Moles are such effective earthworm hunters
因为有些鼹鼠在洞里藏了1200多条蠕虫 鼹鼠是十分高效的蚯蚓猎手
that scientists think worms have actually evolved an instinctive response to avoid them.
When they sense mole-like vibrations in the ground, worms will escape to the surface.
当它们感到地面有鼹鼠的振动 它们会立刻逃离地表
Unlike squirrels and lots of other food-caching animals, moles don't store up for a specific season.
不像松鼠和其他动物 鼹鼠不需要为特定的季节储存食物
They're active year-round, searching for and nabbing worms for their collections.
他们全年活动 寻找并捉住虫子填充收藏
But frozen ground does make it easier to grab prey, so they'll collect more worms in the winter.
但是冻住的土地使它的捕猎更容易了 所以它们能在冬天收集更多的虫子
Winter also helps with another problem -- the worms eventually regrow their heads. Which means they can move again.
冬天也帮助解决了另一个问题 虫子的头最终会长回来 这意味着他们又能动了
But when the ground is frozen, they can't squirm away.
但当地面冻住的时候 它们就不能蠕动走了
Shrews, like moles, are master tunnelers with a taste for earthworms.
第五,地鼠 类似鼹鼠 也是打地道的高手并以蚯蚓为食
Though they also like snails, insects, and the occasional small mammal.
但是它们也喜欢蜗牛 昆虫 偶尔有小型哺乳动物
But some shrews add an extra element to their hunting strategy -- venom.
The American short-tailed shrew has what's called blarina toxin in its saliva. Which subdues victims after a bite.
美国短尾地鼠的唾液中有一种叫鼩精的毒液 能在咬伤猎物之后控制住猎物
Since the meal is alive, it won't spoil. And since it's paralyzed, it also can't run away.
因为猎物是活的 所以不会变质 也因为猎物被麻痹了 它也不能逃走
Shrews really need to keep extra meals around, especially if they're going to survive the winter.
地鼠真的很需要到处储存食物 尤其是为了活过冬天
See, shrews have ridiculously high metabolisms -- they need to eat their weight in food every day
地鼠有高到离谱的新成代谢 它们每天要吃等于体重的食物
And during the colder months, food can be harder to come by.
而且在寒冷的月份 更难获得食物
The venom might also let certain shrews take on larger animals like frogs.
And when you have a shrew's metabolism, anything that gives you more food options is an advantage.
当你有地鼠那么高的新成代谢时 任何能给你增加食物来源的都是优势
But not all burrowing mammals with a penchant for hoarding are meat-eaters.
The pika doesn't have a lightning bolt-shaped tail. And you can't catch it with a PokeBall.
第六,鼠兔没有皮卡丘的闪电状尾巴 你也不能用精灵球抓住它们
Instead, it's a small creature that looks like a cross between a mouse and rabbit, and it is perfectly happy eating plants.
这是一种长相介于老鼠和兔子之间的生物 完全喜欢吃植物
Problem is, American pikas live in the mountains of western North America,
问题是 美国鼠兔生活在美国西北部的山里
where it can be pretty hard to find plants it can eat in the winter.
So pikas collect hay in the summer, dry it, and save stashes between rocks to eat when it's cold.
所以鼠兔夏天在石头缝里储存干草 等到天冷再吃
But there's more to this than just saving food for later.
Wildlife biologists have noticed that the plants pikas eat in the summer aren't the same plants they save for winter.
野生生物学家发现鼠兔夏天吃的食物 和为了冬天储备的植物并不是同一种植物
The hay they store contains much higher levels of tannins, the bitter organic molecules you'll also find in wine.
它们储存的食物含有很高的单宁酸 一种你能在红酒里发现的苦味有机分子
For many animals, probably including pikas, tannins are toxic.
对很多动物包括鼠兔来说 单宁酸是有毒的
But with time and dehydration, tannins degrade. And in the meantime, they help preserve the hay.
但是随着时间脱水 单宁酸分解了 同时它们也帮助储存干草
So, the pika can eat plenty of the good, non-toxic stuff while it's foraging,
and collect and save the bad hay until it's aged into a tastier, safer food.
The tayra, a weasel relative found in Central and South America, also uses time to its advantage.
第七,白头鼬 一种鼬鼠生活在美国中部 和美国南部 也擅长利用时间
Tayras are known to pick plantains when they're green, hide them away,
白头鼬会在大蕉青的时候就摘下 藏起来
and come back a few days later to eat them when they’re ripe.
The animals will do something similar with sapotes,
a type of native fruit, which will only ripen off the plant once it's already mature.
这是一种当地的水果 在成熟的时候才会掉下来
Now, tayras will eat pretty much anything, and these fruits are just one part of their diet.
白头鼬几乎什么都吃 这些水果只是他食谱的一部分
But the idea that an animal seems to have the foresight to grab a food before it's ripe.
And to pick it at just the right time -- has some scientists wondering
if tayras and other animals with similar habits are capable of what's called prospective thinking.
Is the tayra taking the fruits because it knows that if it picks them now.
It can eat them later? Or does it just work out that way?
之后可以吃呢? 或者这就是他们的活动方式?
This type of future planning was thought to be limited to just apes and some birds.
But now that they've discovered these unusual food storage techniques. Biologists are starting to rethink that.
但现在他们发现了这种独特的食物储存技术 生物学家已经开始重新思考这个观点
Even if the tayra is cognitively advanced, it's hard to beat the tiny marine ragworm at the food storage game.
第八,即使鼬鼠有认知上的优势 也很难在食物储存比赛中打败 小海沙虫
Because these guys dabble in farming. Ragworms live in beaches and estuaries, burrowing in sand and mud.
因为它们已经涉及到种植 海沙虫生活在海滨和河口的穴居 在沙和泥中挖洞
Most of their food isn't that nutritious — the'll slurp up pretty much any organic material and scavenge for meals.
它们的大部分食物都不怎么有营养 它们几乎吃所有有机物体 并且一直在搜寻食物
But they'll also pull cordgrass seeds into their tunnels.
At first, biologists thought the ragworms were just eating the seeds.
But it turns out that they actually can't eat them right away -- they can't get through the seeds' thick husks.
但后来发现它们不能立刻吃草籽 因为它们无法穿破草籽的硬壳
So instead, a ragworm will stick the seed in the sand, and a few weeks or months later,
所以沙虫会将种子埋入沙中 几周或一个月后
it sprouts into a little plant that the ragworm can eat.
它会发芽成一株小植物 这时沙虫就可以享用了
It's like the worm version of a protein shake — a convenient, nutritious meal.
这像是虫子版的蛋白质奶昔 一顿方便而营养的食物
So whether they're impaling their meals, spreading them out to dry, or biting heads off,
所以不论是刺穿食物 摊开干燥或是咬掉头部
animals have lots of ways to save their food for later.
Even if they don't have access to refrigerators or fancy preservatives.
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