日期:2017-08-14 14:10



I dropped my gun. Wait. It is down there.
等下 我枪掉了 掉在这儿了
Anything down there?
Yeah. Wait. It is two bullets.
等会儿 还有两颗子弹
Right? I got them.
什么 摸到了
Did you get my snacks?
I did. I did. I got you a hot dog from Harlem. Great.
带了 带了 有哈林区的热狗 好
A bagel from Brooklyn. Great.
布鲁克林的百吉饼 不错
A quiche from queens.
And a Manhattan from the Bronx.
Don't mention the kieber to anybody. Kquiche to anybody.
不要跟别人说我吃了 乳蛋饼的事儿




I won't say the word. I won't say the word.
放心 放心
So the word is something big is going on. It is really big.
今天要发生一件大事儿 真正的大事儿
Oh, it's gigantic. Humongous. Gargantuan. Colossal.
不可思议 其大无比 惊世骇俗 骇人听闻
How about enormous? Yeah, enormous. Monumental. Yeah, like you said, really big, really big.
无法无天 对 没错 值得纪念 行了 “很大”就够了
Sure. This is what it was all about.
好吧 就是这样
Sure, sure, my mother was my father's brother.
对 我妈其实是我爸的弟弟
We're setting a trap and we're watching them fall into it.
我们设了一个陷阱 等着他们入套
We need patience. All we need...Patience is the name of the game.
现在只要耐心等待就行了 这个游戏叫耐心
Yeah. You remember our last stakeout? Of course, it was a stakeout at a cookout.
你还记得我们上次蹲点吗 当然记得 当时他们在野餐
We were staking out, they were cooking out.
我们在蹲点 他们在做饭
And that couple was making out. Pulling a fake-out.
夫妻在做饭 为了伪装好
So we ordered take-out.
Turns out the steaks were hot.
That's what makes you the best, Mel. You're a full rack of lamb.
你简直太好了 梅尔 就像烤羊排一样好
I am. I'm a hardboiled.
是的 我是个硬汉
You're a plate of liver, and you know why? 'Cus I got onions.
你还像一盘动物肝脏 你知道为什么吗 因为有洋葱啊
'Cus you got onions. So what are we looking for around here anyway?
对 所以我们到底在找什么
Well, what are we looking for? What are we looking for?
我们在找什么 在找什么
Let me read...Let me read the prompter.
Well, the skinny from the stool pigeon, Joe Mondecino,
有探子说 乔·门多西诺
is turning over three banks tonight.
I'd love to get my hands on Mondecino.
Sure, sure, but it's not my hands he's going to need to worry about, it's my fists.
当然 但他要小心的可不是我的手 而是我的拳头
What are you talking about? Your fists are your hands.
你说啥呢 你的拳头不就是你的手吗
No. These are my hands and these are my fists.
不一样的 这个是手 这是拳头
That is my point. You don't know your hands from your fist. Yeah, but...
我就是这意思啊 你的拳头就是手啊
Maybe you're right. This is my hand. It is OK, right? This is my fist.
你说的也许有道理 这是手打的 不算很痛 对吗 这是拳头
There is a big difference.
Yeah. Yeah. All right. Calm down!
好 好 好了 冷静
I didn't hit him that hard really.
我没用那么大力气 真的
No, no you calm down! No, you calm down! No, you calm down!
不 是你要冷静 你 你
OK. I'm calm. I'm calm. You know what, you're a smooth operator.
好吧 我很冷静 我很冷静 你太能说了
I'm the best in the business.
在这方面我称第二 没人敢称第一
You're an everything bagel with everything on it, and you know why?
你还像百吉饼 你知道为什么吗
'Cus I got onions. 'Cus you got the onions.
因为有洋葱啊 对
Honestly James, nothing in this sketch makes sense. Nothing.
说真的 我不知道我来这儿是干嘛的 我啥也不知道
I don't know what you're talking about. A bagel with everything on it. You know why?
你说什么呢 你就像块百吉饼一样 知道为什么吗
Because I got the onions. 'Cus you got the onions. That's right.
因为有洋葱啊 洋葱 对
I don't know Mondecino is. Do you know where he is?
不知道门多西诺在哪 你知道吗
When I get home I'm going to make him sing.
I always make him sing. That's why they call me the singer.
我经常这么干 他们称我为歌手
Sure, sure. Sure, sure. Your mother is your father's brother. You're a beautiful singer.
好吧 你妈是你爸的弟弟 你唱歌很好听
That's why they call you the singer. Stop it. You're making me blush.
所以人们才说你是个歌手 别说了 我要脸红了
You're the one with the beautiful singing voice. Oh, Put it away.
你才是唱得最好的那个 别这么说
You're one of the greast greatest singers in a police uniform.
Now that's the craziest thing I ever heard. Mel, should we sing together? Let's try.
这是我听过最疯狂的话了 梅尔 我们一起唱一段怎么样 开始
My one Irish rose the sweetest flower that grows
我野生的爱尔兰玫瑰 最甜美的花儿
you can search everywhere no one can compare with my wild Irish rose
无论哪里 你的美丽无与伦比
Hey, keep the noise down. We're on a stakeout!
别吵 我们蹲点儿呢
