日期:2017-08-11 10:26



Here at SciShow HQ we have a little food area for the employees -
此时此地 在科学秀总部 我们为员工们准备了一小片食物区
Sometimes there are donuts. Sometimes there are nuts. Sometimes dried mango.
有时有甜甜圈 有时有坚果 有时有芒果干
But the one thing that never sticks around and is gone as fast as we can buy it is the wonderful, beautiful, noble banana.
但有一件东西 它从不停留 而且 能买的时候就消失了 它就是那美妙的、漂亮的 高贵的香蕉
Unfortunately for us, they may not be around forever.
对我们而言 不幸的是 它们不能永远出现在身边
First, the good: bananas are healthy, packed with nutrition and energy,
首先 香蕉的优点在于其有益健康还富含营养和能量
they fit in your hand and give nice little cues when they're perfectly ripe, and are easy to peel and eat;
它们拿在手上刚刚好 并且当它完全熟了时它会给你小的暗示 它们剥皮容易 吃起来省事
shocking statistic, the banana is Wal-mart's number one selling item.
统计数据表明 令人惊奇的是 香蕉是沃尔玛里销量第一的物品
Not the potato chip, not Coca-Cola, not Fifty Shades of Grey, bananas.
They appear to be so perfect for human consumption that Kirk Cameron attempted to use them to prove the existence of God.
对于人类而言 香蕉是如此完美的食物 以至于Kirk Cameron曾试图用它们来证明上帝存在论+pSNsrVjl5l]Wh0]nT5h
Of course this banana was not created by God, or really even nature.
当然啦 香蕉不是上帝创造的 甚至都不是大自然的产物
Bananas, at least the ones that you see at the store, were created by people.
至少在商店里你所见到的那些香蕉 是人工生产的
Don't get me wrong, there are wild banana plants - lots of them - they're native to South and Southeast Asia,
不要误解 确实有野生香蕉植物---而且有很多---他们生长于南亚和东南亚
and there are dozens of species and thousands of varieties.
They're just not the ones we eat. Some of those species, as you might suspect,
只是 这些并非供人类品尝 你可能有所疑问 有些品种
have seeds, 'cause that's what fruits are, they're fleshy bodies containing seeds.
有种子 因为那是水果的本质 新鲜的果肉应该包含着种子
So you might wonder, why have you never eaten a banana seed? Well, you have... kinda.
那么 你可能会好奇 为什么你从来没吃到过香蕉籽呢?嗯 其实你多少会吃到……
In cultivated bananas the seeds have pretty much stopped existing.
If you look closely you can see tiny black specks.
如果你仔细观察 可以看见 细小的黑点
Those are all that's left, and they're not fertile seeds. If you plant them, nothing grows.
那些就是被遗留下来的 不育种子 如果你把它们种在地里 什么也不会长出来
Today's bananas are sterile mutants. I'm not trying to be mean, that's just the truth.
今天的香蕉是不育突变体 我不是毒舌 但事实就是那样
Unless you were alive in the 1960s (hats off to all those older SciShow viewers out there)
除非你在20世纪60年代生活过 (向年长的科学秀观众致敬)
every banana you have ever eaten was pretty much genetically identical.
那时你吃过的每一根香蕉 它们基因完全相同
This is a Cavendish, the virtually seedless variety that we all eat today but it wasn't always our banana of choice.
这是一根卡文迪什香蕉 它实际上是是我们今天都在吃的无籽的那种 但我们也不总是吃这种香蕉
Until the 1960s,everyone was eating the same banana,
直到20世纪60年代 每个人都吃着同种香蕉




it was just a different banana - the Gros Michel, a bigger, sweeter fruit with thicker skin.
这是一种不同香蕉--- 名字叫大麦克香蕉 它是一种更大 、更甜、皮更厚的香蕉
You might notice that banana flavored things don't really taste like bananas.
你可能会注意到 香蕉味儿的东西和真的香蕉比口感上还是差了一点
Well they do - they taste like the Gros Michel. The genetic monotony of the Gros Michel crop was its undoing.
没错 确实如此 它们尝起来像大麦克香蕉 大麦克香蕉作物遗传的单一性 失去了香蕉的口感
A fungicide resistant pathogen called the Panama disease began infecting Gros Michel crop.
By the time growers understood how vulnerable their crops were. The GrosMichel variety was all but extinct.
当种植者们知道了他们的作物是多么脆弱时 其几乎绝迹了
The entire banana industry had to be retooled for the Cavendish.
Since they'reseedless, the only way to reproduce them is to transplant part of the plant stem,
因为它们是无籽的 培植它们的唯一方式就是移植其一部分的茎
and for the last 50 years we've been good with the Cavendish, cause it's more resistant to the Panama disease.
50年来卡文迪什香蕉都长的很好 因为它更能抵抗巴拿马病
However somewhat terrifyingly a strain of Panama disease that affects the Cavendish strain that we all eat has been identified.
然而令人恐惧的是 已经证明巴拿马病会影响我们吃的卡文迪什香蕉
A global monoculture of genetically identical individuals is a beautiful sight to a pathogen.
The fungus only has to figure out how to infect and destroy a single individual,
and suddenly there is no diversity to stop it,or even slow it down.
然后突然间 并没有其余品种来阻止或者减缓其发生
That's led to a lot of scientists worrying about or even predicting the outright demise of the Cavendish.
这让许多科学家担心 甚至预言卡文迪许香蕉会彻底绝种
This wonderful most popular of fruits might completely cease existence.
The good news is we now have a much better understanding of genetics epidemics, fungi, and pathology.
Scientists and growers have already taken steps to protect the Cavendish.
Some growers are creating genetically different bananas that might replace the Cavendish crop if it fails
一些种植者正在创造不同基因的香蕉 如果卡文迪什香蕉绝种 这个可能会取代它
while scientists are attempting to genetically engineer Cavendish plants with immunity to Panama disease.
而科学家也正在试图对卡文迪许香蕉进行基因工程改造 让它对巴拿马病免疫
Plus we learned a lot from the Gros Michel debacle.
Infected fields are quickly being destroyed and new crops are grown from pathogen-free lab-grown plant stock.
受感染的区域正在迅速被销毁 并且新的作物培育在无菌的实验室
So thanks to the people who work tirelessly to grow and harvest bananas and bring them to us.
所以多亏了那些不知疲倦的种植和收割香蕉的人们 并且将其带到我们身边
so that we can offer them inexpensively to our employees
and thanks to the growers and scientists working tirelessly to make sure that they don't go the way of the Gros Michel.
还要多亏了那些种植者和科学家们不知疲倦的工作 以免不会再重蹈大麦克香蕉的覆辙
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