日期:2017-08-07 10:16



There are more than one and a half billion people out there using the internet every day,
and just like you, they're looking for answers.
像你一样 他们在网络上寻求答案
We here at SciShow are looking for answers too,
answers to questions about science and nature and the human body, Earth and the universe!
关于科学 自然 关于人体 地球以及宇宙的答案
So we're working with Google and YouTube to answer ten of the most popular questions searched for on the internet.
所以我们与Google和YouTube合作 回答网络上最常被搜索的 十个问题
This is the World's Most Asked Questions!
Today's question is: How can I get rid of hiccups?
今天的问题是 我们如何停止打嗝
People have all kinds of hiccup remedies that they swear by, none of which seem to have much to do with each other --
人们有各种他们坚信的止嗝方法 但各种方法之间 似乎没有共同点
like, swallowing a teaspoon of sugar, or guzzling a glass of water, or just holding your breath.
比如 咽下一匙糖或者灌下一杯 水 又或者屏住呼吸
But to figure out how to get rid of hiccups -- and why we get them in the first place--
但是为了了解如何止嗝 并且了解为什么我们会打嗝
you gotta start with getting to know your diaphragm.
The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle under your lungs that is one of the most important muscles you have,
横隔膜是位于肺部下方的一层肌肉 是人体最重要的肌肉之一
if you enjoy things like breathing.
And a hiccup is just an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm that causes it to contract suddenly.
所以打嗝是由于横隔膜无意识的痉挛 引起其 突然收缩
When that happens, you take in a gulp of air really quickly,
当这个现象发生 你会很快的吸入一口空气
until your vocal folds -- the membranes at the top of your throat -- clamp shut.
直到你的声带 喉咙上部的粘膜 紧闭
That's what causes the "hic" sound.
这就造成了打嗝时的 呃 声
Most of the time, the spasm stops as quickly as it started, and you can just say "excuse me" and get on with your life.
大多数时候 痉挛会很快恢复 你只需要说声 不好意思 就可以继续你的生活
But sometimes, those spasms won't stop ... which means it's time to get your diaphragm to relax.
但有时 你的横隔膜会持续的痉挛 这就意味着你需要让它 休息一下了
To do this, you basically gotta hit the reset button on your nervous system --
为了达成这个目的 你需要轻点神经系统的重启按钮
or at least the part that controls your diaphragm.
或者 至少 重启控制横隔膜的部分




You can do that in a couple of different ways.
One is to stimulate your vagus nerve -- that's a nerve that runs down your neck from the base of your brain,
第一种 刺激你的迷走神经 也就是从脑底顺着脖子向下的 一条神经
and it regulates some of your body's most important functions, including your heartbeat and your breathing.
它控制着你身体的一些重要功能 包括你的心跳和呼吸
Basically, you need to stimulate this nerve -- distract it, if you will --
基本上 你所需要刺激这条神经的方法是 使自己分心
so it'll stop constantly zapping your diaphragm.
那么这条神经 就会停止收缩你的横隔膜
So, some people have luck getting rid of hiccups by swallowing a teaspoon of sugar.
所以 有些人可以靠咽下一茶匙的糖 来止嗝
Sounds delicious, but it's harder than it sounds.
听起来很可口 但实际上比听起来难的多了
The act of gulping down those dry granules can provide just enough confusing stimulus for your vagus nerve
咽下这些干燥的小颗粒的动作 正可以对你的迷走神经 造成足够的迷惑刺激
to start focusing on your throat, and leave your diaphragm alone.
使其开始贯注于控制你的喉咙 减少对你的横隔膜的干涉
Another more common approach to kicking the hiccups is to increase the level of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream.
另一个止嗝通用方法是提高你 血液中的二氧化碳含量
That might seem a little weird, but your natural breathing rhythms are regulated by your CO2 levels,
听起来或许尤其奇怪 但是实际上你自然呼吸的频率是由你的二氧化碳浓度 等级控制的
and if they get too high, your nervous system will signal your diaphragm and lungs to make sure they're doing their job.
并且如果其浓度过高 你的神经系统会向你的横隔膜和肺发出信号 以确保其处于工作状态
And this is what's behind most of the hiccup-busting techniques you've probably heard of --
like holding your breath, or breathing into a paper bag, or drinking a tall glass of water.
例如屏住呼吸 或者通过纸袋呼吸 又或者喝下一大杯水
All of that stuff stops your intake of oxygen and ramps up your internal CO2 concentration,
所有的这些方法都是在阻止你吸入足量的氧气 并且提高你体内的二氧化碳浓度
which signals your diaphragm to get its head in the game and fix things.
从而使你的横隔膜进入正常的工作状态 开始修复失控的事情
If the human body weren't so weird, it wouldn't be so fascinating.
如果人类的身体不是那么的古怪 它也不至于如此的吸引人了
And speaking of hiccup cures, of those of you who filled out our SciShow Survey,
至于说到止嗝的方法 在科普秀进行的调查表格中
54% said that holding your breath was your preferred method for relieving hiccups,
54%的人 填写的最佳止嗝方法是屏住呼吸
while at a close second was drinking water, at 37%.
紧随其后的是 喝水 占37%
We're loving answering these questions, but of all the questions in the world, what questions do YOU most want answered?
我们节目热爱回答这些问题 但是对于世界上的所有疑问 你最想知道哪个问题的答案呢
Let us know on Facebook or Twitter or in the comments down below,
and we will answer the best questions in a new video at the end of the month.
Don't forget to use the hashtag #WMAQ, for World's Most Asked Questions,
别忘了在评论中使用标签#WMAQ 世界上被问到最多的问题
and stay tuned for more answers here on SciShow.
并且关注科普秀 获得更多问题的答案
