日期:2017-08-05 13:28



The world record holder for making the most blood donation is an Australia man named James Harrison.
世界上最大的献血记录保持者是澳大利亚一个叫James harrison的人
He has made more than 1000 donations in the past 60 years,
and his credit was saving over 2 million lives mainly newborn babies.
他的行为拯救了两百多万生命 其中多数为新生儿
So how could a strange blood save the baby's life.
Sometimes a fetus can have different blood types than it's mother, when that happens it can spell trouble.
有时候胎儿血型可能与母亲不同 这样就麻烦了
In red ball cells have proteins called antigens on their surfaces and they are very depending on your genetics.
在红血球细胞表面含有叫做抗原的蛋白质 它们非常依赖你的基因
You probably have heard of type A and type B blood.
For example, if you have type A that means your red blood cells have the A antigens.
举例来说 若是你是A型血 那就意味着你的红细胞带有一个A抗原
And the antigens that causes trouble in pregnacy is the D antigen also known as the RH factor.
在妊娠期引起麻烦的抗原是D抗原 也就是我们熟知的RH因子
If you have the D antigen, then you are RH-positive, if you don't, you are RH-negtive.
若是你有D抗原 那么你就是RH阳性 没有就是RH阴性
And when a pregnant woman is RH-negtive that's when they risk the broblem. Because their D antigens aren't the same,
RH阴性的孕妇就会有这种问题的风险 因为她们的D抗原并不相同
the mother's immune system treats the fetus's blood cells as foreign invaders and attacks them
which can lead to anemia in the fetus, and sometimes even heart failure.
从而导致胎儿贫血 严重时甚至会引起心脏衰竭
But the first woman becomes pregnant with an RH-positive fetus, this isn't much of an issue,
但是 首先怀上RH阳性胎儿的孕妇 这件事情本身并不是很大的问题
because she hasn't developed a strong immune response to the RH factor,
so her immune system won't attack enough of the fetus' red blood cells to be dangerous.
After that, though, she'll be sensitized to RH-positive red blood cells.
之后 她将对阳性RH红细胞致敏
So if she becomes pregnant again, and the fetus is positive again,
所以如果 她又一次怀孕 胎儿又一次是RH阳性
that can cause a condition called hemolytic disease of the newborn, which can be a big problem.
那么可能会引起一种叫新生儿溶血病的状况 这可能是个大问题




The mother's immune system will mount an attack,
killing many of the fetus' red blood cells, causing anemia or a deficiency in red blood cells.
杀死胎儿的大部分红血细胞并且引发 贫血或是红细胞缺乏
If the fetus doesn't have enough red blood cells, it's heart has to work harder to deliver oxgen to rest of the body,
若是胎儿没有足够的血细胞 胎儿的心脏不得不为了给身体的其他部分输送氧气而更加努力的工作
and in some cases that can lead to heart failure.
Meanwhile, all those destroyed red blood cells are getting broken down by a compon called bilirubin.
同时 所有这些被损坏的红细胞都被胆红素破坏了raKwdQ@k#8Ta5fbJ5boH
Bilirubin is processed by the liver, but often the fetus' liver can't handle the overload,
胆红素是主要由肝脏来处理的 但是胎儿的肝脏经常不能处理如此大量的情况
that causes jaundice which can lead brain damage when it is severe.
这就引起了 黄疸病 当情况发展严重时 会导致脑损伤
But blood like Harrison's can stop all of this from happening,
但是像Harrison先生那样的血液 能够停止所有这些可能发生的后果
becuse it contains high levels of certain antibody called anti-D immunoglobulin.
When anti-D is injected into a pregnant woman, it can stop her immune system from attacking fetus' blood cells.
当D抗体被输入孕妇体内的时候 D抗体能停止孕妇的免疫系统 去进攻胎儿的血红细胞
The antibodies destroy any RH-positive blood cells from the fetus
that end up in the mother's bloodstream before she develops an immune response to them.
But anti-D doesn't pass through to the fetus, so the red blood cells inside the fetus remain safe.
但是D抗体不能通过进入胎儿体内 所以胎儿体内的红细胞是安全的
Anti-D injections come from the blood plasma of people with unusually high levels of the anti-D immunoglobulin antibody in their blood, like James Harrison.
D抗体主要是来源于通常血液中具有高浓度D抗体免疫球蛋白的人的血浆中像James harrison这样的人体
There are a standard treatment for RH-negative pregnant woman at around 28 weeks of gestation,
before too much of the fetus's blood has passes into the mother's bloodstream.
Usually doctors don't know for sure whether the fetus is positive or negative,
so all RH-negative pregnant women get treated just in case.
If they get pregnant again, it may just save the babies's lives.
若是她们再一次受孕 它可能只是拯救了婴儿的生命
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