Do you ever lie on your back outside on a sunny day? There's so much to see!
你曾在晴天里躺在外面看天吗?我们可以看到很多东西 。
There are birds, and airplanes, and maybe even clouds, all way up in a pretty blue sky.
有小鸟、飞机、云彩,所有这些都在蓝天下 。
But why is the sky blue? Why not green, or red, or any other color?
It all starts with light from our big, bright sun.
这要从我们明亮的大太阳发出的光线说起 。
Now, it may not look like it, but the light from the sun is made of all of the colors of the rainbow.
现在,这可能看起来不像它,但是太阳光是由所有的彩虹色组成的 。
And you might already know that it takes many colors to make up a rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet!
你可能已经知道彩虹由很多颜色——红橙黄绿蓝紫构成 。
All of the colors of the rainbow are in sunlight, all of the time.
所有的彩虹色一直都包含在太阳光中 。
It's just that they're all mixed together, so we don't see them!
因为它们混在了一起,所以我们看不到 。
It's kind of like when you're painting and you mix together all the colors.
这和你画画时,把所有的颜色都混在一起有点儿像 。
With paint, mixing all the colors makes brown, but when you mix together all the colors of light, you get white light.
画画时,所有颜色混合在一起呈棕色,但所有的光混在一起是白光 。
You can actually see the different colors in light sometimes!
你有时也可能会看到光线中的不同颜色 。
One way to do it is by using a tool called a prism,
which is usually just a specially-shaped piece of glass or plastic.
它只是一种特殊形状的玻璃片或塑料片 。
But you can even make a prism out of a glass of water!
你甚至可以用一杯水做一个棱镜 。
Prisms bend light in a special way, so that we can see all of the colors that make up light.
棱镜用一种特殊的方法使光发生折射,所以我们能看到组成光线的所有颜色 。
So that I shine a bright flashlight into a prism.
The rays of light move in a straight line away from the flashlight.
手电筒发出的光沿直线传播 。
When the light hits the prism, it separates into lots of different colors, and we have a rainbow.
但当光照到棱镜上时,它散射成很多不同的颜色,变成了彩虹 。
So, the light is white when it moves in a straight line until it hits the prism.
所以,光在照到棱镜前直线传播时是白色的 。
Then, it bends, and we can see all of colors.
然后,它发生了折射,我们就看到了所有的颜色 。
That's a little like what happens to the light from the sun.
这有点儿像阳光的 。
Rays of light leave the sun in a straight line, too, as they move through space.
太阳光也是在空间直线传播 。
They stay in a straight line until they reach the layer of air that surrounds the Earth.
在它照到地球周围的空气层前一直是直线传播 。
Now, the air around the Earth is made of tiny little particles, or pieces, that we can't see. But they're there!
地球周围的空气是由微小粒子构成的,肉眼看不见,但确实存在 。
If you try moving your hand back and forth really quickly through the air, you'll feel the air moving past your hand.
如果你在空中来回得挥动手,你会感受到空气的经过 。
What you're really feeling is all those little particles!
你感受到的就是微小粒子 。
When the rays of light hit these tiny particles of air, they don't just bend, like they did when they hit the prism.
当光线照到这些微小粒子时,它们不会像照到棱镜时发生折射 。
The light rays scatter, meaning that they go off in lots of directions, and bounce around.
而是发生散射,这意味着它们会散射到不同的方向,来回反射 。
And here's the cool thing, some of the colors scatter more than others.
然后神奇的事发生了,一些颜色比其他颜色散射得多 。
What color do you think scatters more?
Right you are, Squeaks! Blue! Blue is one of the colors of light that scatters the most!
你说对了,吱吱!是蓝色 。蓝色是散射得最多的光线之一 。
So, as light from the sun moves into the air that's way high up, the blue-colored light bounces all over the place in the sky.
所以,当太阳光进入高空时,蓝光就会在天空中到处反射 。
So the next time you're outside, don't forget to look up.
所以下次你外出时,别忘了抬头看看天空 。
And remember all that has to happen to make the sky blue.
想想天为什么是蓝的 。
Thanks for joining us for the SciShow Kids!
感谢你收看儿童科学秀哦 。
If you have questions about light, the colour and anything at all, you can leave a comment below.
如果你对光线或颜色等有疑问,可以在下方留言 。
Or send us an email to kids@scishow.com!
也可以发邮件到kids@scishow.com 。
Thanks, and we'll see you next time! Here at the Fort!
感谢您的收看,我们下周见 。沃斯堡等你哦