Have you ever pretended to be something else? An astronaut? Or a superhero? Or even your favorite animal?
Well, some animals pretend to be other things, too, but they don't need to wear special clothes to do it!
一些动物也会伪装,但它们不需要穿特殊衣服 。
They're already dressed for the part.
它们本身就能够扮演好这个角色 。
When an animal looks a lot like another animal, even though they're not the same kind of creature at all, it's called mimicry.
一种动物与另一种动物尽管不同种却看起来很相似时,被称作拟态伪装 。
And some animals use mimicry in order to keep safe, while others use it to sneak a snack!
Have a look at this butterfly: It's small, delicate, and doesn't move very fast.
For a bird, it would be the perfect meal.
对鸟儿来说,它将会是丰盛的一餐 。
The butterfly can't fight off a bird, but maybe it can pretend to be something else!
蝴蝶打不过鸟,但或许可以通过伪装来逃过一劫 。
Look at the markings on its wings. Do you see what looks like a pair of big eyes?
To some birds, these special markings don't just look like any old eyes, they look a lot like owl eyes!
And you know what owls eat? Often times, they eat other birds!
So when a bird comes close to this butterfly, it gets a real fright.
By mimicking another animal, the butterfly avoids ending up on the menu, and earns it the name "Owl Butterfly."
通过模仿其他动物,这种蝴蝶免于成为食物的命运,并且获得了 "猫头鹰蝶(蛱蝶)"这个名字 。
Now, some animals mimic creatures that aren't bigger or badder, they are just dangerous to eat.
有些动物不会选择伪装成更大或更恐怖的生物,它们只要让捕食者觉得危险就好了 。
I think we all agree that a bee would be a bad thing to eat, right?
Well, other animals don't like eating bees, either.
其他动物也不喜欢吃蜜蜂 。
It takes just one sting for them to know to stay away from little insects with black and yellow stripes.
被蜇过一下之后,它们就知道要远离这些带黑黄条纹的昆虫了 。
Those colors signal danger.
But other insects that aren't bees and don't even have stingers can have those same colors, and animals will leave them alone.
Some flies, like this drone fly, or beetles, like this painted locust borer, or even some moths,
have black and yellow stripes, even though they can't sting.
But, other animals don't know that, so they keep their distance—just in case!
Still, for some animals, a bee sting might not be too much of a threat.
尽管如此,蜜蜂的毒刺对部分动物可能构不成威胁 。
But how about...a snake bite?
The coral snake and the false coral snake are both dangerous, their bites can carry a potentially deadly dose of venom.
珊瑚蛇和假珊瑚蛇都很危险,被它们咬一口,其毒液的剂量可能致死 。
And, they both have patterns of red, black, and yellow or white rings on their scales.
它们鳞上都有由红、黑和黄白色的鳞片构成的环形图案 。
Which is great for snakes that aren't venomous but also happen to have these same colors!
这对那些没有毒性却有着相同颜色的蛇来说可是件大好事 。
Like the scarlet kingsnake, it's totally harmless, but other animals still give it plenty of room.
如猩红色的王蛇,它完全没毒,但是其他动物对它仍然避之不及 。
Because...well, take a look at them together! Would you want to try to tell these snakes apart?
Finally, some animals don't want to be left alone, they want other animals to come close!
So they use mimicry to attract animals, especially ones that they want to take a bite out of!
This fish is called a cleaner fish. They pick parasites and crusty skin off of other fish.
这种鱼叫做清洁鱼,它们会清理掉其他鱼身上的寄生虫和硬皮 。
When a fish needs a good cleaning,
it might keep an eye out for the little fish with black and white stripes and a funny way of swimming.
它就会留心寻找一种黑白相间,游得很滑稽的小鱼 。
When it spots one, it'll swim in close and get a good grooming.
当它找到时,就会游向这条小鱼,享受清洁服务 。
But there's another little fish with black and white stripes that lives in the same reef.
This fish, called a sabretooth blenny, likes to hang out where the cleaner fish work.
这种鱼叫做剑齿鳚,经常出没在清洁鱼工作的地方 。
But when another fish swims up to it for a nice, relaxing clean, it gets a nasty surprise.
当另一条鱼游过来想得到愉快放松的清洁时,它得到的是一个糟糕的惊喜 。
The blenny takes a bite out of the fish's fin!
So the blenny uses mimicry to trick other fish into thinking it's helpful, when really it just wants to eat!
So now you know! Mimicry is all over the animal kingdom.
现在你知道了,拟态伪装在动物王国内很普遍 。
Sometimes harmless animals pretend to be harmful, in order to stay safe,
有时无害的动物为了自卫,伪装成有害的样子 。
and sometimes predators pretend to be helpful animals in order to get closer to their prey.
有时候捕食者伪装成能给予帮助的动物来接近猎物 。
Thanks for learning about mimicry with us!
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