We usually get up about 7:00.
我们通常7点左右起床 。
Yeah, and I usually get up a little later.
是的,我一般起得晚一点儿 。
I make coffee for both of us.
我会煮我们两个人的咖啡 。
I like honey and cream in my coffee.
我喜欢在咖啡里加蜂蜜和奶油 。
And then, I almost always drive to work. Our morning routine is quite mundane.
之后,我基本上会开车去上班 。我们的早晨比较普通 。
Oh, yeah. One thing we're doing today is the fire-breathing dragon, finishing off that.
是的 。我们今天要做的一个东西是一个火龙,做一些收尾工作 。
Yeah, and I've got some stuff to blood, and some skulls, and pumpkins.
是的,我还要给一些东西涂点血,一些头骨和南瓜 。
I'm Marsha, this is my husband Ed, and we run Distortions Unlimited.
我是玛莎,这是我的丈夫Ed,我们开了一家叫“无限扭曲”的店 。
We make monsters: zombies, aliens, dragons, and beasts of all kinds.
我们制作怪物:僵尸、外星人、龙和各种野兽 。
Oh my. Most of what we make is scary, I will say that.
我的天啦 。我会说,我们做的大部分东西都是很吓人的 。
We make monsters for everyone from home haunter, all the way up to amusement parks, and big events all around the world.
我们为各种各样的客户制作怪物,有鬼屋,也有游乐园,以及世界各地的大型活动 。
We've been working together for 35 years.
我们一起工作35年了 。
It's been glorious.(Yeah, wonderful.)
我们合作得非常愉快 。(是的,棒极了 。)
We started out painting together.
一开始我们是在一起画画 。
I fell in love very quickly.
我很快就爱上了她 。
We've been married almost 25 years.
我们结婚快25年了 。
We've found a way to work together.
我们找到了一起工作的方法 。
I'm probably more on the business side, and Ed is probably more into production.
我可能更商务一些,Ed可能更偏向生产 。
I can't tell you how many people have told me I could never work with my spouse, and that's too bad,
because you miss half or more of that whole person's life if you don't.
因为如果你不和他一起工作,你就会错过他生活中一半甚至更多的时光 。
I think people expect us to be a little bit weirder than we are;
and we're actually a little bit boring.
但我们其实有点儿无聊 。
When we get in the car and go home, it's over.
坐上车,回家,就完了 。
We love monsters, we just, we've had enough of it after a long day.
我们是喜欢怪物,只是工作一天下来已经够了 。
There's a separation there. There has to be or you go crazy.
有一个界限 。必须有,不然你就会成为一个疯子 。
If somebody walked into our house, they wouldn't have a clue what we do.
要是有人走近我们的家,他们也看不出来我们是做什么的 。
In fact, we keep it all kind of secret.
实际上,我们一直很保密 。
Yeah, people are surprised about that with us. Well, that's... We like it that way.
是的,人们对此感到很惊讶 。好吧,那……但我们喜欢那样 。
It's really special to do something you love with somebody you love.
能够和自己爱的人一起做自己喜欢的事真的很特别 。
We make monsters, but whatever, our personalities kind of mesh with each other, so it works out.
我们制作怪物,但不管怎么说,我们的性格是比较互补的,所以我们做到了 。
You know, you really can establish a good relationship as you're dripping zombie blood. (Right.)
你知道吗,真的可以一边给僵尸放血,一边发展一段很好的关系的 。(没错 。)
That's the kind of woman I need in my life.
我的生活就需要这种女人 。