日期:2017-07-11 09:13



Go to a party with fifty people in it, there’s a psychopath, a full-blown psychopath there.
一个五十人的派对里面会有一个心理变态 而且是一个完完全全的心理变态
There’s probably five borderline psychopaths there.
They’re not going to kill you, rape you, or maybe even take your money, but they’re
他们并没有要杀害你 强奸你 或者抢你的钱
going to manipulate the situation, make you look bad, or use you in some way.
但是他们会操控事情的局面 让你很不堪 或用某些方法来利用你
Something bad is going to happen.
总之 不好的事情将要发生
And if you sense that… people have a sense that something is wrong with somebody, you
walk away,you don’t fight these guys, because they’re masters at manipulation.
你会走开 不会跟他们斗 因为他们是操控大师
The psychopath, in its simplest form, is an intraspecies predator, is a predator on other humans.
心理变态本质上来说就是种族内的狩猎者 捕猎其他人类的狩猎者
It is hard to look at the actual behavior of a psychopath and say that thing is psychopathic
我们很难从表面去判断 心理变态的某种实际行为是不是心理变态的行为
or not, because psychopaths will come to the rescue of people.
“Can I help you up, ma’am?”
“女士 我能帮上忙吗?"
They, they can see the outward behaviors, and they just can mimic it to get along.
他们能预见某些行为带来的结果 并且能通过模仿他人行为来与别人和睦相处
But fundamentally, they don’t feel it.
You know, some psychopathic traits and what goes along with it can be very advantageous.
某些心理变态特质和他们身上的其他东西 有可能为他们带来很多优势
First of all you’re fearless.
首先 他们不恐惧任何事情
You walk into a room, you own everybody, and you look like you own everybody, and they
他们进入一个地方 表现得像是那里的主人一样
let you own them because you have that aura around you, that charisma, that light.
并且那里的人也让他们充当主人 因为他们拥有个人魅力 就像自带光环会发光一样
That’s why elect people president, because they have that light around them.
这就是为什么会选举出总统的原因 因为这些人拥有个人魅力的光环

Another thing is you’re not very susceptible to pain.
Pain doesn’t bother me, and also when you’re caught doing something, you have no tells.
他们不为疼痛所困扰 并且如果他们在做什么不好的事情被当场发现时 他们不表露出任何破绽
You could be caught red handed, you know, having an affair with somebody, and you could
比如出轨的时候 他们可能会被当场抓住
say, ‘no that’s not me’, it’s like, are you going to believe me or your lying eyes.
他们会说"不,不是我" 就像是说 你要相信我 还是相信你那不可靠的眼睛?
And so it’s this ability to lie, without any tells, because in fact it doesn’t cause any anxiety.
这就是说谎也不表露出破绽 因为事实上他们并不因此而焦虑
Two main areas of the brain of a psychopath that are not regulated correctly: orbital cortex and the amygdala.
心理变态者脑部有两个主要的区域是无法正常管控的 那就是额眶部皮质以及杏仁核
Orbital cortex is involved in inhibiting your behavior.
Now, the amygdala, on the other hand, really causes behavior.
And normally they’re in balance. They inhibit each other.
正常情况下它们处于平衡 两者相互制衡
Now, in a psychopath, they’re both turned off, so they don’t inhibit each other, and they don’t regulate it.
而对于心理变态者来说 这两个功能都被关闭了 无法相互制衡 它们无法正常管控行为
So the normal balance of animal drives and your social interactions, your morality, are not right.
人的动物本能与社交和道德之间本应正常的平衡状态 在心理变态身上是失衡的
It’s never right. I mean, there’s a time for aggression.
一直都是失衡的 攻击性行为可以在特定情况下合理发生
There’s a time for killing, even. There’s a time for sex.
甚至杀戮在某些情况下也是可以合理发生的 性也是
And part of it is how the rest of the brain is able to tell your orbital cortex the social
context is correct now. Psychopaths don’t have that.
你的行为合理发生在正确的社会场合 而心理变态者丧失这些能力
They’re doing things completely out of context, out of social context, and that’s the problem.
他们做的事情完全不考虑社会场合 这就是问题
Usually the question is, what percent do you think is due to genetics, and what percent
大家经常会问的问题是 心理变态有多大比例是由基因决定的
is due to environment?
And it turns out not to be the great question to ask.
Because it looks like the answer is, if you are born with the biological markers for psychopathy,
因为看起来答案会是 如果你生来就带有心理变态的生物标记
for example, that is the genetics and the altered brain pattern, early on.
比如说 在婴幼儿早期就存在的基因和变异的脑部结构
If you are a susceptible kid, then environment means everything.
如果你是一个容易受外界影响的孩子 那环境对你意义非凡
It means a lot. Maybe eighty percent.
环境将起到很大的作用 可能占百分之八十之多
Because those kids can be really thrown off track, and they can be helped by a good environment too.
因为这些孩子可能会完全偏离轨道发展 也有可能被好的环境引导回到正轨
Back in the early 90s, some of my colleagues were studying these killers, real bad guys,
九十年代初 我有些同事当时正在研究杀人犯 一些十恶不赦的坏人
some serial killers, nasty guys.
某些是连环杀人犯 非常可恶
And they asked me to come in to look at the brains.
So I put myself and some other people in as normal.
And I got to the last scan, and I looked at it, and it was like completely pathological.
当我拿到最后一张大脑扫描时 它看起来完全就像一个心理变态的大脑
And I told the technician, I said, “You got these mixed up.
There’s obviously, you know, a psychopath or one of the killers.
We just mixed the pile up. Go check it.”
我们刚刚把那叠扫描图混在一起 去检查一下吧"
And he went and checked the machine and everything.
He came back, he goes, “No, it’s one of these controls.”
他回来后 说:"不,这张扫描是属于控制组(正常组)的"
And so when I pulled back the name, the tag covering the name, of course was my name on
当我把盖着名字的标签掀开 我看到了我的名字
it, and we had a good laugh about it.
We were so busy, I kind of blew it off. Which seems incredible.
当时很忙 我几乎都忘记这件事了 虽然这件事似乎难以置信
You know, most people go, we gotta be kidding!
你知道 大多数人认为我们在说笑
But I said, I know who I am. I’m not a psychopath.
但我说 我知道自己是谁 我不是心理变态
There’s something wrong with the data, or, you know, something’s wrong.
I mean, within a year and a half, all the other genetics came back, and I had all the
一年半之后 我收到其他基因数据
genetic markers for violence and, you know, this poor empathy and everything associated with psychopathy.
我带有所有暴力倾向的基因标记 缺乏同情心 以及其他与心理变态相关的基因
So I had the two main biological markers. I still laughed at it.
我带有两个主要的生理基因标记 当时我依然一笑置之
Well, it wasn’t till about 2010, I was invited to give a talk in Oslo, Norway.
直到2010年 我被邀请到挪威奥斯陆进行演讲
And they talked to me for a few hours.
They had my data, and they said, “Oh, by the way, you’re probably a borderline psychopath.”
他们拿到我的数据 跟我说"噢,顺便告诉你,你很有可能是一个临界的心理变态"
I went, “What?!”
And that’s the first time I took it seriously, because these people didn’t know me.
这是第一次我认真看待这件事 因为这些人并不认识我
They were just going from the scientific data from interviewing me.
And when I flew back, that’s when everything changed.
当我坐飞机回到家 就是从那时开始 一切都变了
And so, I asked my wife. I said, “Don’t tell me anything, now. I’m not gonna be mad.”
我问我妻子 我说"现在告诉我所有事情吧 我不会发疯的"
And I did that to my close friends and family. They all said the same thing.
我跟我的亲朋好友也问了同样的问题 他们给出一样的答案
They said extreme narcissist, you have the extreme, you know, you’re very aggressive, and on and on.
他们说你极度自恋 非常有攻击性 还有其他等等等等
You’re cold. I’m very fortunate, you know.
你冷漠无情 你知道吗 我真的很幸运
I was, grew up in a wonderful family.
And, and those genes were never really triggered in a bad direction.
Even though I’m, I have those traits, they didn’t go far south, because I should be a really bad guy.
尽管我身上有那些特质 但并没有做出什么可怕的事情 而其实我很有可能会成为一个极恶之人
