日期:2017-06-23 10:53



There's been so much conversation recently about societal bubbles, echo chambers media bubbles, personal algorithm bubbles.
最近有很多人在讨论社交泡沫 回音室效应 媒体泡沫 个人算法泡沫之类的话题
My newsfeed told me that everyone thought the same way I did.
And there's a conflict there.
One of the biggest reasons that those emerged was that companies like Facebook at the end of the day you're the product they're selling.
They're actually selling you as a sale on that network; they're selling you to advertisers


它们实际上正在把你当做它们的廉价商品在售卖 它们正在把你售卖给广告商
and so they need to put a nice polite bow around you
and they need to find look-alik audiences that think like you and look like you.
需要找一些和你相似的用户这些用户想法和你类似 看上去和你属于一类人
And the easiest way to do that is algorithmically to focus on,
and at the same time there was never the dislike button, there was the like button.
同时网站上从来没有吐槽按钮 只有点赞按钮
And so if you have a positive based signaling system like that that is designed
to create a polite community of like minded people so that I could be targeted easier by an advertiser
because my information is what's being sold,
then the result of that is going to be a nice polite bubble echo chamber and we're seeing that right now.
于是我们仿佛置身于一个和谐的充满回音的大气泡中 这就是社交媒体的现状
And people are astonished that I didn't see the other half of this community,
literally half of them that thought differently than me.
I don't see the ideas of that.
At no point in modern history or in any human history has one person had as much control
在现代历史甚至任何其它人类历史上 从来没有一个人能像扎克伯格一样
over what we think, what we see, what we do than Mark Zuckerberg.
在如此大的程度上掌控我们所想 所见及所做
He has more power than anyone in human history right now.
And the scariest thing about it is, because I don't think he's innately a bad person,
最可怕的是 我不认为他生来就是坏人
I don't know him enough to say one way or the other, but the problem is it's not transparent.
我对他知之不多 所以不好评价但问题是我们没有知情权
We have no idea what dials are being pulled or what knobs are being turned that are controlling the information coming to us.
There are two big moments that I've had that made me really think about this.
The first is that I used to represent a bunch of celebrities that were uncomfortable coming into platforms like Facebook
第一次是我曾代表一群名人入驻facebook 他们对入驻这样的平台感到不安
because they didn't know if it was about them as a celebrity or if it was about them as a high school friend.
And so we worked early on with Facebook and with other platforms to kind of set a set of rules,
所以我们很早就和Facebook及其他平台合作 并建立了一套规则
here's how we would engage with a famous person and a Facebook page would mean this.
And so we helped those celebrities create content to talk to their audiences to build a direct connection.
And suddenly there were people like Mark Wahlberg or Charlize Theron or Hugh Jackman or any of these people
于是突然间冒出了很多像马克 沃尔伯格 查理兹 塞隆 休 杰克曼这样的人
that are massive accounts inside of social they suddenly look like massive social networks
他们有数量巨大的粉丝 以自己为中心构建了巨大的社交网络
The idea that one person could push a button and reach 20 million fans was a big threat to a business model
一个人点击一下按钮马上就会推送到两千万粉丝 这严重威胁到了一种商业模式
based on me selling the advertising, not of the celebrity selling the advertising
即平台出售广告 而不是名人出售广告
And that was really one of the births of the algorithmic suppression of content.
And so we started seeing that on code drop Tuesdays in Facebook
于是我们开始看到 每周二Facebook优化代码应用时
suddenly a person that would reach five million people out of the 12 million that they had as fans
people loved their content would engage 100,000 likes, 300,000 likes really great content that people loved
若大家喜欢他们的内容 会有10万个赞 如果是大家特别喜欢的内容 则会有30万的赞
we would just see that being dialed down and we started seeing it at such a mass scale
通过算法对内容进行抑制 我们开始看到了如此大规模的回应
and that's where a lot of the ideas of this book came from
is I was looking at a trillion pieces of data a month across this network that was connected to at times over eight billion connections
我每个月通过信息实时流通的社交网络 观测上10亿的数据信息
in a system that was only 700 million people at the time.
So we had a really good snapshot of what was happening.
And as the business model grew for Facebook it was dial it down, dial it down weekly
随着上述商业模式的发展 对于Facebook来说 是每周一次的流量爆表
And people start screaming but you bait and switched me
You told me to make content.
I went out there and I put money into your system to gain followers, to gain fans.
于是大家来注册 投钱吸粉
It wasn't just celebrities, it was companies like The New York Times or companies like yourselves
不仅对于名人是这样 对于像纽约时报这样的公司
or companies that wanted to reach an audience and build a base
或者是像你这样的普通用户 或者任何想建立一定粉丝基础的公司都是一样
and then suddenly Facebook said well, you know, I understand that this is based on a trusted system between you and your consumer
然后突然 Facebook告诉用户 涨粉是基于你和你的粉丝之间的信任
and that consumer subscribed to you because they really want to hear from
you, but we're the business in between now.
And that's a hard business to be in in a long-term perspective because I subscribed to someone
从长远的视角来看 充当这种媒介是很难的 我们关注某个人
because I trust that source and I need that source.
And so that algorithm, until we have transparency, and then at the same time you read about these
只要有这种算法存在 我们就没有知情权 同时 你应该看看下面说的的这个研究
studies where Facebook arbitrarily without anyone knowing took 300,000 random people
即Facebook自作主张 在无人知情的情况下随机选取30万人
and turned up positive content that week and turned up negative content the next week.
这周给他们推送正面的内容 下周推送负面的内容
And they just wanted to do an experiment on people.
You can't to do experiments on people without them agreeing.
Oh, it's in our click through terms of service 27 pages deep we're going to do random experiments on you socially.
噢 原来当我们点击那些服务条款时在第二十七页的一个角落里提到了我们要对你开展随机的社会实验
Those are things that are really troubling to me and those are things that in my mind
这些事情严重困扰了我 它们萦绕我的脑海里
are a rallying cry around transparency of these algorithms, around transparency of why am I getting this information?
汇成一股渴望 即我们应该拥有对算法的知情权拥有对信息推送机制的知情权
What is the reason behind this?
And not six different emotions that I can express of wow or sadness or anger, like fuck you I'm not that stupid.right?
仅仅六种表情 像是惊讶 悲伤 生气并不能表达我们的所有情绪有时候我们也想说 "去你的我才没那么蠢"
Give me transparency.
If 70 percent of millennials are now receiving news information from Facebook,
please show me some transparency in the sources, in the trust factor, what is the edge rank.
请让我们对这些消息的来源和可信度源拥有知情权以及edge rank的算法原理
Facebook perfected edge rank as a concept that now puts it in people's vocabulary of the trusted credit score between myself as a content provider and my audience.
facebook将edge rank算法完善 并使人们相信它是内容提供者和受众粉丝之间的一个值得信赖的信用评分体系
We don't know anymore. There is no transparency.
其它的我们就不知道了 我们没有知情权
It's really arbitrary and that scares me. That terrifies me. And it's not just in the newsfeed.
这种自作主张的行为 令我感到害怕 非常害怕 不仅是在新闻推送这一块
I had an experience where I sent an image from a medical textbook of a guy that
还有一次 我想把一张医学书上的图片发送给一个人
I was in a fight with and I was like you're acting like you have a micropenis.
当时我在和这个人打嘴仗 我想讥讽他小弟弟小
And I went in Google and I went on search and I typed micropenis
于是我打开谷歌搜索 输入小弟弟这个关键词
and of the first image I got was from a medical textbook of a 47-year-old person and I dragged that into my Facebook chat window and sent it.
And instantly, I was riding passenger in a car, the stereo went off
当时我正在车里 突然我的立体声音乐停止了 因为我的Spotify是联网的
because my Spotify was connected, my Facebook account was blocked, of course Instagram I couldn't get into that,
而我的Facebook账号被封禁了当然 Instagram也登不进去了
I couldn't get into SoundCloud because I used my Facebook for there.
And then I was like what? So I tried to log back into Facebook.
当时我就愣了 然后我试着重新登录Facebook
It said you're under investigation for international child pornography. I was like what?
它说你因为涉嫌传递国际儿童色情信息正在接受调查 我还能说啥?
So I went back to Google and I was like okay that's a medical textbook.
于是我回到谷歌搜索页面 确信那只是一本医学书籍
It's a 47-year-old I have the proof that this is not child pornography.
And then I was enraged and I was like who do I call?
我感到很愤怒 这时候我该找谁?
So I went in the helpline and they said there's nothing you can do. You're under review.
于是我拨打了服务热线 对方无能为力 因为你正在接受调查
We'll get back to you within three days maybe. That was the response.
我们会在三天内将你的账户解禁 可能的话 这就是他们的回复
I was like wait these people have my identity, all these things that I'm relying upon are connected to this system.
The guy never received the image on the other side because I called him and I said did you get an image for me?
与我打嘴仗的家伙最终没有收到那张图 因为我打电话问了他看他是否收到了图片
He said no it just shut off. That's terrifying to me.
他说没有 然后挂掉了 这让我感到很害怕
Someone can just be erased from a system without any recourse, without anything?
一个社交系统可以抹除一个人 不理会任何追索任何补救
That's too much power for one person.
And so I've been pushing a lot and what I've been saying lately is somebody should invent
identity within the block chain so that we have an identity system that is mine.
In Iceland we have this thing called a Kennitala.
It's a unique identifier that is literally your unique ID, your genetic records,
your health records, your financial records all in one
你的遗传信息 病史 经济状况都包含在里面而且我们有完全的知情权
and it allows me to have total transparency across a system and anyone that I'm encountering.
and it allows me to have total transparency across a system and anyone that I'm encountering.
So you don't need a payday lender or a check cashing place
所以你不需要发薪日贷款机构 支票兑现处 信用评分
or a credit score or any of these third-party parasites that exist in our system because you have real identity.
And so those are kind of fundamental things that I think out of this new awareness
正是这些基本的事实 使我有了新的看法
we're going to start realizing that we need incorruptible identity,
we need to have our digital identity as part of us of who we are as human beings as part of this system.
Because relying upon a commercial interest like Facebook to have our identity,
to capture everything it means in our digital life and they can just flip a switch, ask anybody that's been blocked by Facebook.
取得我们数字化生活中的一切重要信息使得它能轻易的抹杀我们 问问那些被Facebook封禁过的人吧
There is no recourse.
You're up to somebody in a farm deciding whether or not you're a good person or a bad person or whether or not you deserve an account.
That is way too much power for any institution to have over us.
对任何机构来说 这种加诸于我们的权力都太大了
