商务英语 职场常用缩写
日期:2017-07-02 10:22



Hi my name is Valen and this lesson is on common English abbreviations that you would find in the workplace.
So the abbreviation in English is a shortened form of a word or a phrase and we do this to save time and when we're writing
and sometimes we use abbreviations when we're speaking, too.
So we're going to do seven abbreviations and they're all used commonly in business settings. So our first one is asap or ASAP.
So what ASAP means is as soon as possible. So in when we're speaking, somebody might say to you,
I need that report asap. They might also say I need that report ASAP. It means the same thing, it means I need that report as soon as possible. ASAP very very common.
I need that report asap.也可能说I need that report ASAP. 两句意思相同,都是指尽快给我报告vm=v-zXFX0。ASAP,非常非常常见*CQ944y5W-
The next abbreviation is RSVP and this stands for a French phrase, which is
repondez sil vous plait, which means in English, you don't really need to know the French, please respond. So RSVP means please respond.
repondez sil vous plait, 你们没有必要记这句法语,它的英文意思是,请回复-@Tf9t.jE3FwBvUYM。RSVP,请回复.^8)@^0j-,+R*H=hWdT(
People would generally not say to you um... RSVP, they would more than likely write it so at the end of an email, at the end of an invitation usually to
a social event, people will ask you to RSVP by phone, by email, by regular mail.
However, they want you to respond and they'll say RSVP and they're asking you to respond and tell them whether or not you are attending the event. So RSVP.
And in spoken conversation, sometimes someone might say to you, "Oh are you going to so-and-so's wedding, have you RSVP, have you let them know that you're attending or not.
The next one is not used in spoken English, but you will see this a lot especially on faxes in the workplace and what this stands for is attention.
And what it means is if this fax is sent to, for example, what you would see is something like this "ATTN: Joe Smith".
这是指,例如,这是一份给Joe Smith的传真,你会在传真中见到这样的表达“注意:Joe Smith”QfMx*CGfUn%1
What that means is that the fax is addressed to Joe Smith, it's for his attention and you should forward the facts to him. so ATTN, attention and you're always saving capital letters.
这是指这封传真是给Joe Smith的,望他注意,而你应将这封传真转给他&Tyx5|EpGGlzek。ATTN,注意c0(Ned6d-ZCG9B。应保留大写字母FO3vEebYzDImdul1
The next one is an important one, it's CEO and what CEO means is chief executive officer. So CEO.




So the CEO, the chief executive officer is the boss of the company and the chairperson of a company, usually the bossDSpH#A[Yjb
You say my company's CEO and you can say like that not co, CEO.
The next thing you might see in the workplace is, um... is this. And it doesn't mean no, as in the opposite of yes.
It means number, so you might see something like this, No.1, same meaning like tihs, or same meaning just like 1.
When it's expressed this way, like I said, it means number and not no. That's in the office.
All right, N/A. So it's expressed in written English N/A, but we just say NA, and what it means is not applicable.
So in general conversation, you wouldn't say, if someone asks you a question and it wasn't applicable question,
you wouldn't just say NA. It's more something that we use in written English. So for example, if you were filling out a questionnaire
and it said marital status like single or married and you click single and then it said name of spouse,
well, if you're not married, you would write N/A, not applicable.
All right, our last abbreviation is PR and what PR stands for is public relations.
So the public relations department is responsible for the flow of information between a company and the general public.
And sometimes you will say, "Oh the public relations department", but it's more common to hear people say, the PR department or
the people that work in PR, the people that work in public relations. And it's expressed in writing like this, capital P, capital R
or by saying PR, not by saying pr. So PR, so public relations.
So the abbreviations we learn today are asap or ASAP, RSVP, ATTN, CEO and No, number, N/A and PR.
You can take the quiz and test your knowledge of business abbreviations at www.engvid.com.
