日期:2017-06-25 12:24



Today I'm going to talk about one particular word in terms of reduction.
Reduction is when a sound is dropped or changed in a word, and this happens quite frequently in unaccented syllables.
The word today is the word 'for'.
The word 'for' reduces to fer, fer. Very quick F, and then the schwa R sound. Fer. (loop two times)
It will then link to the word that follows. Fer, for, fer.


Example: I got it for you. (loop two times) fer (loop two times) fer you. I got it for you.
例如,I got it for you. (循环两次) fer (循环两次)fer you. I got it for you.
More examples: Can I have this cake? No, it's for tonight. Fer, (loop two times), it's for tonight.
再例如,Can I have this cake?No,it's for tonight. Fer,(循环两次) it's for tonight.
I bike for transportation, not for fitness. Fer. (loop two times) One more time: I bike for transportation, not for fitness.
Let's eat out, just for fun. For fun (loop two times), let's eat out just for fun.This medicine is for headaches. For headaches. This medicine is for headaches.
我们去外面吃饭吧,只是为了好玩。 为了好玩(循环两次),我们去外面吃饭吧,只是为了好玩。这是治头痛的药。 这是治头痛的药。
These flowers are for the wedding. Notice here the word 'are', before 'for', is also reduced. Rr fer (loop two times), these flowers are for the wedding.
These flowers are for the wedding. 注意这里单词“for”前面的“are”也进行了略读。Rr fer (循环两次),these flowers are for the wedding.
You can use these folders for organizing. For organizing. You can use these folders for organizing.
This is for my parents' anniversary. For my (loop two times). This is for my parents' anniversary.
这是为了我父母的周年纪念日准备的。For my (循环两次). 这是为了我父母的周年纪念日准备的。
That cabinet is for linens. For linens, fer (loop two times), that cabinet is for linens.
那是放亚麻织物的柜子。For linens,fer(循环两次),那是放亚麻织物的柜子.
The software is for accounting. (loop two times) fer accounting.
这是会计软件。(循环两次) fer accounting.
Thanks so much for using Rachel's English. Fer (loop two times), fer using, (loop two times).
非常感谢使用Rachel's English。 Fer (循环两次),fer using,(循环两次)
That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.
这次的学习就到这里,非常感谢使用Rachel's English。

  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • transportationn. 运输,运输系统,运输工具
  • cabinetn. 橱柜,内阁 adj. 私人的
  • fitnessn. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康
  • reductionn. 减少,缩小,(化学)还原反应,(数学)约分