日期:2017-06-26 13:41



Many people think that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs stopped with self-actualization.
And that’s not actually true.
He had another piece that was on top of self-actualization and that was self-transcendence.
He just didn’t publish it widely before he passed away.
It was something he started working on towards the end and so he published the hierarchy of needs before he finished his work on self-transcendence.
自我超越是他临近逝世才开始着手研究的 他在完成对自我超越的研究之前就使需求层次理论公之于众
He was one of the first people really to track flow and to track some of the more interesting and advanced altered states that human beingscan get to.
Things that you would find the terminology really similar to things that you’ve heard advanced meditators describe.
And so he was working on self-transcendence. And he just didn’t publish it.
所以他确实在研究自我超越 他只是没有公布而已
So there’s actually another level on top of that hierarchy of needs.


And so when I think of human psychology I really think of human psychology as a spectrum and it’s not a series of islands or unique locations.
当提到人类心理学时 我会把它想象成一个光谱 它不是一群岛屿 或者一系列独立的地方
It’s really sort of a spectrum.
And on one end you have what I call areas that require human support.
So this is when people are facing severe stress, severe anxiety and depression.
And then in the middle is what I call the human condition.
And so that is loneliness, happiness, connection, empathy.
也就是孤独 幸福 联结 共情
The human condition is where we learn how to deal with our first heartbreak and the first time that we fall in love.
The human condition is where we deal with sadness and betrayal and loss.
人类状态是我们处理悲伤 背叛和失去的状态
Basically all the things that happen to you as you grow up through life.
The full spectrum of human emotion. That is the human condition.
人类情感的整个光谱 这就是人类状态
And there’s an infinite number of songs on the radio and poems and art that’s about the human condition. So that’s there.
无数的电台歌曲 诗歌和艺术所描述的都和人类状态有关 就是这样
And then on this other side which I think really maps to self-transcendence
and Maslow’s later work is the part of the people in the world who are really pushing on human psychology and what are the limits?
Where are our boundaries? What is the frontier of human psychology?
我们的界线是什么 人类心理学的边界又是什么?
And I think a lot of direction that we get is from the contemplative communities around the world
who really have been exploring and pushing on human psychology for as long as humans have been organized.
And pushing on what it is, what does it mean to be human.
他们探索人类是什么 成为人意味着什么
The other day I talked to a guy who now has three Guinness Book records on endurance sports.
And he meditates the entire time.
And he just swam the English Channel in a Speedo and he meditated the whole time.
他就穿着一件泳衣就游过了英吉利海峡 他一直在冥想
So, you know, people are using mind training, meditation and other things to push into abilities that right now, today, one could say are limited to the few.
所以人们正在运用思维训练 冥想或者其他类似的训练来促使自己向至今在这个世界上只有少数人才能达到的水平努力
But with the advent of things like transformative technology
there’s the ability, the possibility, the potentiality of these extraordinary states, abilities and conditions to be available to a much wider group of people.
有很大的潜力和可能 使更多的人群能够达到这样超凡的状态和能力
And the reason why I think it’s relevant is what would make it significant, relevant and actionable
我之所以认为它是相关的 有意义的和可行的
is that when I think about the world today and the challenges facing mankind I don’t think the problems are technical.
I think they’re human. So last summer I went to Singularity University.
而是人类自身的问题 所以去年夏天我去了奇点大学
I took time out of everything that I’m doing to go into their graduate studies program and it was a fantastic program.
我花时间尝试了他们研究生项目的每样东西 那是个精彩的项目
I love Singularity University.
And the way that the program is set up is that it’s this ten-week program
and you’re in class from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every night
早上九点到晚上十点上课 有一次参观了
and there’s just a parade really of some of the most extraordinary people on the planet working either in exponential technologies.
So AI, robotics, 3D printing, bioinformatics, everything you could imagine.
如人工智能 机器人 3D打印 生物信息学 你能想象到的任何的东西
And people who are on the frontlines of the challenges facing mankind.
Like the people who are working on the water problems.
The people who are teaching in the refugee camps.
The people who are trying and working legitimately, sleeves rolled up on the ground.
那些光明正大地尝试和努力的人 正捋起袖子苦干
The thinking around SU is it’s the place where exponential technologies are applied to the grand global challenges that are facing mankind and that being the purpose and the use for them.
So for me when I was there my questions always centered on what is your biggest challenge to what you’re trying to accomplish.
当我在那儿的时候 我所问的一直围绕着:你最大的挑战是什么以及你想要试图实现什么
And the answers were not technical. The answers were human.
答案都和技术无关 而是和人类自身有关
It was about fear, one’s own or the people around you.
这是关于恐惧 你自己的或是身边人的
They were all human problems and it was interesting to spend the entire summer there
它们都是人的问题 这值得你花费整个暑假去学习
because you definitely walk away with the feeling that the problems aren’t technical.
因为当你离开时 不会再觉得是技术上的问题
We always figure it out.
We got a man on the moon and we have alternative energy and there’s so many other things that are happening so fast.
我们把人送上了月球 我们拥有可替代能源和好多其它东西它们发生得很快
Changes coming hard and fast just from year to year if you see the difference in the quality of the robots at the robotic competitions.
改变一年比一年来得更有力和迅速 如果你见识过机器人竞赛的质量的话
It’s dramatic year after year after year.
一年一年又一年 变化实在太快了
And so really the challenge facing mankind is human.
所以真的 人类面临的挑战只是自己
It’s can we get past the fear, aggression, anxiety, stress.
我们能否克服恐惧 挑衅 焦虑和压力
Can we get past that inner dialogue that takes us off track,
either makes us miss out on game day, not perform,
它使我们飘飘然 它使我们错过比赛机会 无法发挥
makes us unable to create collaborations and cooperate with other people.
Because we do have very real challenges as a species and the only way that we’re going to solve them is together.
We have some very serious conversations that we have to have about everything from genetic engineering to what do we do with a lot of the technologies
that are coming online whether it's algorithmic accountability or a variety of things.
网络上的技术 包括算法问责制和各种话题
And so the way that I see my work and the way that I see transformative technology
is that if we could use the technology to understand ourselves better,
我们能否应用技术去更好地理解自己 如果我们应用技术
if we can use the technology to start to deliver and help people mimic the experiences of meditation
去开始传播和帮助人们模仿冥想体验 这样的话
so that people can be calmer, happier, understand themselves better
人们可以更沉静 更快乐 更了解自己
silence the critical voices inside themselves that stir up a lot of trouble.
And if they can also connect to other people better then we can get busy doing the work
如果他们还能跟其他人更好地联结 我们有信心投入这项工作
that needs to be done to create the future that we’d like to have for ourselves
and for our children and our communities on the planet.
So that’s why I’m doing what I’m doing.
