日期:2017-06-01 14:51



You talk about, everyone always talks about failing
and you talk about being scared of failing to who and I love that.
'Cause that really gets to the essence of it. Yeah, that's been—
And hairdressers have a lot of fear when they're getting into the job.
Got it. That was a big one.
明白了 这很重要
I'm in a funny place where I'm just not scared,
因为我不会感到害怕 我的处境很有趣
I'm just not worried about, I have this weird,
我就是不担心 这很奇怪
I could care less what anybody thinks and I genuinely care what everybody thinks.
我不在意个别人想什么 我只在意所有人的看法


You know, it's the kind of this really Ying and Yang and so
I just realized that so many of you are scared to fail because
我意识到大多数情况下 你害怕失败是因为
your dad's gonna make you feel bad about it.
I have empathy for that. That sucks.
我体验过这种感觉 糟糕透了
Or your husband is going to say I told you so.
或者你的丈夫会说 我早就告诉过你了吧
I'm very fascinated by negative energy within our ecosystem that is not cut out-able. Hmmm.
You can get rid of your acquaintance that's a dick face.
Right? But when your mom's the dick face, you're in trouble. Yeah.
对吧?到当你的妈妈也在乎你的失败时 那就糟糕了 对
And so I've been trying to have this conversation of who
are you scared to fail in front of and I gotta tell you in
谈话 我想告诉你的是
one-on-ones or meet-ups where the content has come from,
people are scared. You look up to your older sister
会让人害怕 你找到你的姐姐寻求建议
who's straight lined and her opinion matters to you.
她说话很直 她的观点对你很重要
But you're an artist and you want to do this.
但是你是个艺术家 你想和你的姐姐讨论这个话题
And if you fail, you don't want to fail in front of her.
如果你失败了 你却不想在她面前失败
Yeah. That's tough.
That's stopping a lot of us.
I don't have the answer to what you have to do about it
other than I do believe that communication solves all things.
But great, how do I push you to have that real talk with your mom?
但是 我又怎么能逼你去和你妈进行真正的交流呢?
Hard, so, yeah man. I love that.
这很困难伙计 我喜欢这个观点
It's a real one. Yeah.
因为这很现实 没错
But it's not so easy to unwind.
