日期:2017-05-31 18:31



What are you doing in 2017 environment that's actually
gonna help you sell more homes, bring more awareness,
帮你卖更多的房子 提升你的认知
build your business, build your brand?
成就你的的事业 提升你的名气
What are those strategies, what are those implications?
做这些事需要什么策略 又有什么含义?
Jab, jab, jab, right hook, and the thank you economy are both
出击!出击!出击!不断前进, 同时也要庆幸你和经济
still very underutilized by the market.
People continue to put out content that is in high
percentage in their best interest and not in the value of the end user.
The number one shift that everybody has to do in this room
在座的各位 首先要做得最重要的改变就是理解
is understand the following statements and understand it
cold, not just shake your head when you hear the words coming out of my mouth.
先冷静的分析 而不是听到我的话就摇头否定
The quicker you understand in this room that you are a media
你理解地越快 你越有可能是一个多媒体
company-comma-real estate agent, real estate software provider, whatever you may be.
I know that I am a media company-comma-an agency CEO, a wine retailer
Once you make that shift everything changes.
一旦你做出改变 一切都变了
Not Netflix, not YouTube, not smartphones, not Facebook. Zero.
没有网飞公司(在线影片租赁网站)没有YouTube(最大的视频网站)没有智能手机 也没有脸书(最大的社交网站),这些都没有
If you are not digitally native you will die.
如果你不是数码达人 你将会被淘汰
And what I mean by that is not the will die that you'll go
directly out of business it's just the people that are going to take your business.
你将会破产 其他人会来取代你的位置
The world changes and the biggest part that I'm worried
世界在变化 我最担心的是
about is that the world is changing in a much bigger way that you and or I realize.
This is about a binary decision of are you understanding how important digital is or are you not?
And more importantly making your actions map your words. Thank you.
最重要的是 用你的行动来证明你说的话 谢谢大家
Thank you so much. Thank you.
非常感谢你们的到来 谢谢各位


Gary, you ruined my life. How so?
加里 你打破了我原本的生活 说来听听
Because I didn't do video until a year ago. Yes, and now?
一年以前 我没有做视频 是么 那现在呢
Putting out 35 a month—And it's your whole world.
一个月做出来35个 现在这是你生活的全部
and I look at you and I'm like this mother fucker better not
然后我看着你 我就想像这家伙一样
put another video out and I go online and you do, so I do.
不再出任何视频 可当我上网看到你做的时候,我也跟你一起又起视频来了
I love it.
Can I get a picture with you? Yeah, let's do it.
我能和你合个影么 当然可以 来吧
Awesome. You're the man. Thanks for the inspiration. Take care.
好极了 你很鼓舞人 请多保重
If I wanted to hire an army of people,
Yes. where would you, how would you start to do that?
然后呢 你会怎么做 你会怎么开始做这件事
First, you need to be educated so the first thing.
首先你要训练你自己 这是第一点
I got that. Five hours a day.
Do that because then when you list it or you put it
out on LinkedIn wherever you put it you'll know what you're looking for.
把它放到商务化人际关系网上或随便什么上面 你就会知道你到底需要什么
The problem that people make is they go I'm not going to hire
这个问题是因为我没有雇24岁的孩子来做这个 但是他们却没有其他办法
If you don't have any idea you don't know what to look for.
如果你没有任何想法 也不知道自己要什么
You don't know if you're getting ripped off, if it's effective or not.
你不知道你是否喝的烂醉 你的方法是否有效
Educate yourself and then very simply there's unlimited places to get people.
提升自己 然后很简单 你就有很多方法来雇佣别人
There's job listings for social media everywhere in the world.
Is that a Craigslist thing?
Yeah, I would literally put in social media job listings like
对 我将直接从社交媒体招聘信息中找事情做
on Google and you would find 400 things.
比如谷歌 你将找到很多个事情做
Okay. Alright? Thank you so much. You're welcome.
好的 很好 非常感谢你 不客气
Morning, hi.
早上好 你好
You have changed my life. Thank you.
你改变了我的人生 谢谢
Your content I've more than quadrupled my income.
My perspective on things, the way that I teach agents it all comes from you.
我看事物的观点 我教代理的方法 全部都是你教的
Thank you so much. I'm gonna cry. It's literally changed my life.
非常感谢你 我禁不住要哭了 你简直是改变了我的人生
I'm so grateful for this opportunity.
Thank you so much. That means the world to me.
真的非常谢谢你 这对我来说就是我的整个世界
One, two, three. Here you go.
一 二 三 好了
Congratulations. Thank you so much. Thanks for all you do.
祝贺你 非常感谢你 谢谢你所做的一切
Can we do an excited face? Yes. Awesome. Awesome.
我们能做一个兴奋的表情么 当然 这是极好的 非常棒
Thanks so much. Nice meeting you.
非常感谢你 很高兴见到你
Yes, take care of yourself. Nice to meet you.
好的 好好照顾自己 很高兴见到你
Are you losing belief or are you just wish it was happening faster?
Just wish it was that happening faster.
Well, you need to buck up and be more patient. Yeah?
那么你要先振作起来 要有点儿耐心 就这样?
Yeah, entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, not a tactic.
对 职业精神是一种生活方式 而不是一种口号
It's forever. There's ups, there's downs.
世事如此 人生起起落落
There's a quote I always say that entrepreneurship is like UFC, everybody loses.
我经常跟别人说一句话 职业精神就像格斗比赛 总会有人输
You're a young woman. You're gonna have many more at-bats.
你还年轻 你还会遇见更多更好的事情
Being hungry and wanting to win is very important but all that
渴望胜利非常重要 但是
ambition needs to be equally balanced with patience.
And patience is hard. More patience. More patience.
做事有耐心是一件困难的事 更多的耐心 对 更多的耐心
I'm so fucking excited right now. Thank you, man.
我今天真是太激动了 谢谢你 伙计
I can't even tell you. Thank you, brother.
我几乎说不出话来 谢谢你 兄弟
I'm getting married in a month.
You are? Congrats.
是么 恭喜恭喜
My fiancé is like you're probably more excited to meet GaryVee today than get married.
I'm like I'm not answering.
You're like, "I can't hear you honey."
你当时说 亲爱的你说什么?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. "I can't hear you."
对对对 我听不清你说什么
What's that? What's that?
你说什么? 喂?
Go ahead, I'm listening to your question.
So, how do you leave ego at the door?
所以说 你是怎样摒弃自负的?
I don't, I just—
我并没有 我只是
I know you had that Australian guy, right who gave you shit for undercutting his wine sales. Yes.
我知道你遇到了一个澳大利亚人 他让你降价出售他的红酒 对的
And he asked you to be on his show and then you went on his show.
他让你参加他的演出 然后你就去参加他的演出
No, no. He asked to be on my show and I put him—
不 不是 他想参加我的演出我同意了
Oh, he asked to be on your show? Oh shit.
哇 他说去参加你的演出? 天呐
I put him on my show. Even bigger. Right.
我让他参加我的演出 甚至更大的演出 对
Dude, negativity has no value. Absolutely.
小伙子 消极下去没有任何价值 当然
Ego is different than a grudge. Okay. Okay. Got it?
自负和妒忌不一样 好吧 真的明白了?
To me, a grudge is negative. To me, an ego is positive.
对我来说 嫉妒是一种消极心态 而自负是一种积极心态
Well fuck, look at Fat Joe now, right?
好了 看看现在的胖乔伊
Yeah. He's positive now.
是的 他现在很积极向上
He's on the show, right? I know. That was fun.
他即将参加演出对么 我知道 会很有意思
I said, you know what, I'm gonna eliminate all obstacles.
我就说 你会知道的 我将克服一切困难
Put all ego and pride aside and let me just try the non-ego route.
把所有的自负和骄傲放在一边 走一条没有自负的路
And see how this works and so far we're platinum on the
看看会怎么样 很快我们发行了一张白金唱片
single, going to double platinum. Yeah, yeah
然后翻倍 不错不错
Go with positivity, imagine that.
更加的积极向上 想象一下
It's a magical miracle pill that seems to be working. Yeah, it happens.
这是一种有魔力的奇药 好像还挺有效的嘛 对 很有效
My man. Gary. Thank you. Much love man.
哥们 加里 谢谢你 非常爱你
Thank you so much for everything.
Stay well, take care of yourself. Good luck to you.
要好好的 好好照顾自己 祝你好运
Cue the fire alarm. Let's do it.
火警报警 我们去看看
Let's do it. Oh, we're going video?
去看看 我们要录像么
Here we go, here we go. Everyone in?
我们走 还有人吗
Blowing up. Set the house on fire.
让火烧的更旺吧 把整个房子都点着
It's a weird life. Isn't it weird?
真是怪事 是不是很奇怪
It's weird but it's so flattering. Yeah.
是很奇怪 但是也很顺其自然了 是的
People are always like, "Oh, do you hate it?"
人们经常像说 哦 你讨厌这个么
I'm like, "Hate it? It's like the nicest thing ever."
我就会说 “讨厌它?它是我目前遇到过最美好的事了!”
People like you enough to be excited to take a picture with you.
人们非常的喜欢你 和你合影的时候都非常激动
It's the greatest.
All those grown men were like little girls.
They were, they were fawning all over you.
的确是 他们会一直围在你身边
I'm never seen something like that.
And I'm huge with 40-year-old dudes.
对于我来说 40岁的哥们太老了
Center marker's there.
Just waiting for the fucking alarm.
May I have your attention please,
may I have your attention please?
The San Francisco Fire Department has investigated the alarm and has declared it's a false.
旧金山火警未调查到火源 这次警报没有发生火灾
Please proceed with business as usual. Sure.
请各位继续正常的工作 就知道
Count to 10 for me.
That's the level you're gonna be speaking?
Yes. Okay. Probably around this level.
是的 差不多就这个音量吧
Right on this level. One more time.
就这个音量 请再试一次
Okay, great, thank you.
好的 很好 谢谢
I never say eight. Right, here we go.
我从没说过8 好了 我们开始吧
What advice do you have for a real estate agent who is just
now starting on social media?
What platforms, techniques or general approach would you recommend?
有什么平台 技术或者更大众化的途径 可以推荐的吗
My biggest advice right now for real estate agents jumping
into social media whether they're in the 101 phase or the
不论做了101期还是201期 请认真对待社交平台
This is a binary game, this is not about a tactic.
这是一个二次元游戏 没有什么策略
This is not about me saying use hashtags on Instagram or
Facebook Live matters or pay attention to Snapchat this is
you either understand that your customers' attention is in these spaces or you don't.
You either believe in the digital revolution or you don't.
It's a one and zero game and so I think my biggest advice would be get into it deep.
这是1和0的时代(二进制算法只有1和0) 所以我最大的建议就是好好研究它
Thanks so much Gary. That was awesome. Of course.
非常谢谢你 加里 这非常的棒 不客气
Hey, how are you?
嗨 你好么
Big day, obviously the Apple announcement. Been sitting on that for a little while.
繁忙的一天呀 显然是苹果发布会 上去坐一会儿
Here it is. wyneth GPaltrow and Will.i.am join Apple Reality Series "Planet of the Apps".
这就是了 格温妮丝·帕特洛和威廉参加了苹果实体系列“星球应用”
I love this. I love the whole way it is being positioned.
我喜欢这个 我喜欢它的全部
Why did they get linked and I don't.
Oh, wait a minute, be careful, there's a picture of me.
哦 等一下 这有我的一张照片
After season one it's going to be, "Hey do you watch GaryVee's show?" Yeah.
第一季完结以后 将会出现“你看加里的直播么?” 看呀
Super excited.
Obviously, spent the last six or seven years, eight years,
当然 通过最近六七八九年
nine years passing on opportunities to do
television shows and other shows so finally found the one
来做电视节目或其他的演出 最终发现一个道理
that I thought made sense for me.
Couple speeches, couple business opportunity meetings, an investor meeting.
合作演讲 商业合作会议和投资会议
You know, VaynerMedia, GaryVee, VaynerCapital just living my life.
你知道的 VaynerMedia GaryVee,VaynerCapital就是我的生活

  • hookn. 钩状物,勾拳,钩 v. 钩住,弯成(钩装),当妓女
  • fawningadj. 奉承的,乞怜的 动词fawn的现在分词形式
  • flatteringadj. 奉承的;谄媚的
  • estaten. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • magicaladj. 魔术的,有魔力的,神奇的
  • planetn. 行星
  • unlimitedadj. 无限的,不受控制的,无条件的
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • effectiveadj. 有效的,有影响的