Voice 1: Today's Spotlight is on suicide. Why do people decide to end their lives? Can we prevent suicide from happening?
声音1:今天重点聚焦节目的主题就是自杀 。为什么有人决定结束自己的生命?我们能阻止自杀事件发生吗?
Voice 2: The WHO reports that in the last forty–five years suicide rates have increased by sixty percent worldwide. Suicide is one of the three leading causes of death among people between fifteen and forty–five years old.
声音2:世界卫生组织的报告显示,过去45年,全球的自杀率飙升了60% 。自杀是15岁至45岁人群的三大死亡原因之一 。
Voice 1: People who decide to kill themselves usually suffer from depression or drug use. In fact, ninety percent of suicide victims suffer from one of these two problems. But not every person who carries out a suicide is depressed or is using harmful drugs. Suicide may result from other complex problems. For example a family crisis or individual crisis can make a person to want to kill himself. The death or separation of a family member or friend, job loss, and losing family honour could cause someone to think about suicide.
声音1:决定自杀的人通常饱受抑郁症或毒品的折磨 。实际上,有90%的自杀者饱受这两个问题的折磨 。但是并不是所有自杀的人都患有抑郁症或是服用了有害药物 。自杀也可能是由其他复杂问题引发的 。比如,家庭危机或个人危机可以使一个产生自杀的念头 。家庭成员或朋友的死亡或分离、失业以及失去家庭荣誉都可能诱发一个人的自杀想法 。一起自杀 。