Voice 1: Mostly, Mechai tries to remove the stigma from condoms. He tries to take the mystery out of this object. And he often uses humour to get his message across.
声音1:米猜一直在努力消除人们对安全套的耻辱感 。他试图去掉安全套的神秘 。他通常会用幽默的方式让人们理解他的意思 。
Voice 3: "Sex sells. So does humour ... I wanted to take the seriousness and (shame) out of birth control and make it a clean fun thing. I wanted people to accept (condoms) the same way they do (cleaning) soap and toothpaste. Sometimes I shocked people, sometimes I made them laugh. The important thing was to make them think and react."
声音3:“性可以买卖 。幽默同样可以……我想去掉有关计划生育的严肃性和羞耻感,让它成为一件有趣的事 。我希望人们像接受清洁皂和牙膏一样接受安全套 。有时我令人们感到震惊,有时我让他们开怀大笑 。重要的是要让他们思考和做出回应 。”
Voice 2: Mechai encourages people to think and react through many different methods and projects. Mechai spreads his message through advertisements. The advertisements include t-shirts, special cartoon characters, and holiday greeting cards. These objects show pictures of condoms. They may also include a message encouraging people to use condoms.
声音2:米猜鼓励人们对众多不同的方法和计划进行思考和做出回应 。米猜通过广告来传达他的想法 。广告包括T恤、特殊的动画人物以及节日问候卡片 。这些物品都展示了安全套的图片 。广告中还包含鼓励人们使用安全套的信息 。