Voice 1: Anita and Shaleb Ahuja are concerned. They live in a poor area of Delhi, India. The Ahujas help manage waste. In Delhi, plastic bags are a large problem. They collect in the streets. They block the pipes that empty the streets of rainwater. The Ahujas see that the amount of plastic waste increases each year. They say,
声音1:安妮塔·阿费加和莎勒布·阿费加非常担心 。他们生活在印度新德里的贫穷地区 。阿费加一家为处理废物提供帮助 。在新德里,塑料袋是个大问题 。他们在街道上收集塑料袋 。塑料袋阻塞了用于排放街上雨水的管道 。阿费加一家看到塑料袋的数量每年都在上升 。他们说:
Voice 3: "We were already involved in waste management. We were getting a lot of plastic waste. That is when we decided (to try and solve) this big problem."
声音3:“我们已经参与了废物处理 。塑料废物越来越多 。那时我们决定努力解决这个大问题 。”
Voice 2: Anita had an idea to reduce plastic waste. One day she met with a friend. Her friend was making a modern-looking handbag from cloth. She asked Anita to give her a piece of plastic. Anita's friend used the piece of plastic as part of her cloth bag. That is when Anita had her idea. She could use old plastic bags. She could make new hand-bags from old plastic!
声音2:安妮塔想出了一个减少塑料废物的办法 。有一天,她遇到了一位朋友 。她的朋友当时正在用布料制作看起来很时髦的手提包 。她让安妮塔给她一块塑料 。安妮塔的朋友把那块塑料放在了她用布料制作的包上 。那时安妮塔想到了这个主意 。她可以利用旧塑料袋 。她可以用旧塑料制作新的手提包!