日期:2016-12-29 10:08



It doesn't matter. So why am I working hard in order to get that BCG job.

都无关紧要 我为什么还要努力争取好工作?

Why did I work so hard in order to get into this place? If it doesn't matter, if I experience this ups and downs.

我为什么要拼命入读这所学校 如果这些都无关紧要 总要经历高低潮?

And the answer is that yes it won't make a difference to our wellbeing.

答案是 是的 它不会改变我们的幸福水平

But it also doesn't mean that we cannot increase our level of wellbeing.

但并不意味着 我们不能提升自己的幸福水平

Many people said the problem with general levels of happiness or unhappiness rather.

很多人说 一般的快乐或不快乐水平

The cause is people have too high expectations. And if we lower our expectations.

是由于人们有过高的期望 如果能降低期望

We lower our stress levels and we will enjoy life more. Ok, so I don't care if I don't get a B in the course.

降低压力水平 我们会更享受生活 我不在乎成绩是不是B

I'd be much happier if I don't care, if I lower my levels of expectation.

不在乎会让我更快乐 如果我降低期望水平

I don't care what I get into, what job I have, I just want to be happy.

我不在乎从事什么工作 只想快乐

And you'll probably be happy. Slightly happy if you lower your levels of expectations.

你可能会快乐 降低期望水平会略微快乐些

But not in the long term. And we'll talk about it next week.

但从长远来说行不通 下周我们会谈到这个问题

Not in the long term. The problem is not lower these high expectations.

长远来说行不通 问题不在于是否降低那些高的期望

That doesn't matter. The problem is right versus wrong expectations.

这一点不重要 问题在于正确和错误的期望

Not lower high expectations that won't make a difference to our levels of wellbeing.

而不是低的和高的期望 那不会影响我们的幸福水平

What will make a difference to our levels of wellbeing is if we have right vs. Wrong expectations.

能影响幸福水平的 是我们的期望是正确还是错误

It is wrong expectation to expect that getting into a certain place, getting a raise.

错误的期望认为进入某间公司 获得升职




