How many time do you think you need to roll over the piece of paper for the piece of paper to reach the moon.
你们认为需要将纸折叠多少次 才能碰到月亮?
The moon, 240000 miles awaya from us. How many times do you need to fold the piece of paper.
月亮离我们24万英里 需要折纸多少次
So that you can reach the moon. 41 times.
才能碰到月亮 41次
So if you can have a piece of paper here, and you fold it 41 times by the end of the class.
如果你们有一张纸 再在下课之前折叠41次
You can reach the moon. I don't know why they make such a big deal out of.
你就能碰到月亮 我不理解人类登月
You Know the person landing on the moon. Seems quite simple to me.
有什么大不了的 在我看来很简单
And here is the point. We underestimate our capacity to affect change.
得出的结论是 我们低估影响改变的能力
Because we underestimate the growth of exponential function. We are influencing people and the world every minute of our lives.
因为我们低估了指数函数的增长 我们活着的每分钟都在影响世界和他人
The question though is in which direction are we going to do it. Are we going to be a force for change? Be deliberate.
问题是我们选择哪个方向 是成为推动改变的力量?深思熟虑?
Be practical idealists? Or just have the good intentions without the effort.
成为实践理想主义者? 还是只有好的意图但不付出
That's necessary to bring about a positive exponential function. The final project for this course.
必要的努力发挥正面指数函数的作用 这门课的最后一份作业
As you know is a presentation that you'll give whether it's for the (?) Students or the extension school students.
是由你们做一次报告 选修和专修学生都要做
You'll be giving a lecture to other people. And when we put together the class.
你们要准备一次讲座 我们在组织课堂时