日期:2016-12-08 10:08



Within very little time, the whole world will be made to feel better.

只需要很短的时间 整个世界都会感觉更加美好

This is the nature of an exponential function. So smiles and laughters are contagious.

这是指数函数的本质 笑和笑声是传染的

And to illustrate, I want to show you a quick video.

为了说明这一点 我会插播一段录像 (西班牙语)

Alright. I have to see this one more time.

很难不笑 不是吗? 我要再看一遍

Sorry. So the theme of the class today is babies.

报歉 今天讲座的主题是婴儿

We are going to see another one soon. So let's understand: what is the nature of exponential function.

一会还有另外一段 让我们先理解指数函数的本质

So that we can understand the power of one? I'm looking for someone to make a deal with me.

以便理解一的力量 我想找个人和我作个交易

Here is the deal: What I am going to do is ask you this is all voluntary.

交易是这样的 我要做的是要求你们 纯属自愿

You don't have to do it here's the deal. I am going to ask you to give me each day.

可以不做 交易是这样的 我要求你们每天给我......

Or rather I'm going to give you, whoever signs the deal with me.

还是我给你们吧 我给每个和我作交易的人

1000 dollars every single day for the next 30 days. And what you will give me in return is on the first day.

每天一千美元 连给30天 你们给我的是 第一天

One cent one penny; on the second day, two cents; third day, 4 cents...

一分钱 第二天 二分钱 第三天 四分钱




