Researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists from Cambridge, Harvard and MIT.
顶尖科学家 研究人员 精神病专家和心理学家
Putting their minds and hearts for good intentions to bring about change failure.
沥尽心血 带着美好的意图 实施改变 但最终失败
Not only they have failed in bringing about positive change, they actually brought about negative change.
不仅没有实现正面的改变 实际上是带去了负面的改变
Remember? Alcoholism rates went up for the intervention group, compared to the control group.
还记得吗? 干预组的酗酒比例 和对照组相比是增加的
The control group that joined no intervention actually were more luckily to advance in their workplace 20, 30 years later.
未参与干预的对照组 更有可能在二三十年后获得升职
So change is difficult, but then we went over and said.
改变是困难的 但我们又说
Well, Marva Collins creates change. So it is possible.
Marva Collins实现了改变 所以改变是可能的
Programs by Martin Seligmen and Karen Reivich and numerous others succeeding in bringing about change.
Martin Seligmen和Karen Reivich 及大量学者都成功地实现改变
And the challenge then is, for us, if our goal is to become practical idealists.
困难在于 如果我们想成为实践理想主义者
Is to understand what it is that brings about change and then do it. Spread the word.
就要理解是什么带来改变然后去做 传播理念
Spread the word about the research. Even if the research doesn't always communicate good news.
传播研究的理念 即使研究并非总是传达好消息
It's about communicating what works, what is real, as opposed to our dreams .
它传达的是行之有效的方法 可为的方式而不是空洞的梦想
Our desires, our hopes, our wishes that's not enough.
渴望 希望 愿望 那远远不够
Good will, idealism, good intentions are not enough. We need to be grounded in research.
好的意愿 理想主义 好的意图是不够的 我们需要扎根于研究