Voice 1: In the early 1960's, the tension grew worse. For most people there was just bad feeling. But some people on both sides formed violent extremist groups. The Republican and Loyalist groups used violence against each other. The British government sent in soldiers to help keep the peace. But the soldiers represented British authority, so they too became targets. Republican groups especially saw the soldiers as enemies. The Provisional IRA was one such group. It sent terrorists into Great Britain to plant bombs. Many people were killed or injured by bombs in different cities in Great Britain.
声音1:上世纪60年代早期,这种紧张局势恶化 。对大部分人来说,只是感觉很糟 。但是双方有一些人成立了暴力极端组织 。拥护共和政体者和“亲英派”对对方使用暴力 。英国政府派士兵去维持秩序 。但是因为这些士兵代表的是英国政权,所以他们也成为了目标 。尤其是拥护共和政体者,他们把那些士兵看作是他们的敌人 。临时爱尔兰共和军就是其中一个组织 。他们让恐怖分子去大不列颠埋炸弹 。当时大不列颠各城市有很多人被炸弹炸死或是炸伤 。
Voice 2: After many years of talks, political leaders in Northern Ireland, Great Britain, and the Republic of Ireland signed a peace treaty. This happened on Good Friday, 1998. Then the Republican and the Loyalist groups decided to stop fighting. This process took many years. And there are still many problems that need solving.
声音2:在经过多年的谈判后,大不列颠和爱尔兰共和国的政治领导人在北爱尔兰签署了和平协议 。这份协议于1998年的耶稣受难日签署 。随后,拥护共和政体者和“亲英派”决定停止斗争 。这一进程历时数年 。直到现在仍有很多问题需要解决 。