Talked about a second psychology. He said second psychology is a psychology
That leaves the labs that draws on the research done in the labs that is important and meaningful,
However, doesn't only focus on that. It goes out to the outside world,
Interacts, gets its hand and mind dirty, does work outside and then applies its work
与外界互动 接触那些 肮脏 事物在外面工作 并吸取经验
And learns from the dirty experiences and brings it back to the lab
从 肮脏经验 中学习将得到的经验带回实验室
And so on and so on in an upward spiral. He called it the important second psychology,
诸如此类 就像一个上升的螺旋他称之为重要的另一种心理学
Which is what Alfred North Whitehead is also talking about. Now you may be sitting here
这也是Alfred North Whitehead所提倡的现在你们来到这里
And most of you aren't going to academia. And you are thinking to yourself,
Ok, fine. So university, academia must make itself with action. What does it have to do with me? How is this relevant to me?
好 学术界要结合实践做研究那与我有何关系?我们的联系在哪?
Not only is it relevant to you, it has everything to do with you. And here's why.
它不仅与你有联系 它与你息息相关下面就是原因
What the world needs, more than anything else, is practical idealists.
世界最需要的不是其他什么 就是务实的理想主义者